“Didn’t you see them do that last time?!”


New member
Guys, it’s only 8AM and I’m over it 🙃

I get up, get my daughter up, and as I’m throwing her poopy diaper out back, she starts getting into a bag of recyclables that my husband left on the floor by the back door. So, I grabbed the bag and stuck it outside.

Move on, let my dogs in, fed them, began to wash my daughters milk cup and high chair tray, paused to open the door to let my dogs back out and my grandmother in (she watches my daughter while I work… I have to let the dogs out when she first gets here or else they will run all over and scratch up the hardwoods. This particularly annoys my husband), finished washing the dishes, got my daughters milk, cooked my daughters breakfast, sat down and logged into work while my grandmother began to feed my daughter, got back up to let the dogs out (so they don’t hover around my daughters high chair like sharks while she eats… again, this particularly annoys my husband).

My grandmother went to let the dogs in and they wouldn’t come to the door. Immediately, I knew they must be getting into the bag of recyclables that I set outside. Go check, and sure enough, they were. My husband is out of the bedroom at this point getting ready to walk out the door, and says “DiDnT u SeE thEm dO tHaT lAsT tImE???” (AKA why would you set it outside when you knew they’d get into it).

No fucking shit. Yes, I saw them get into the trash that was left outside last time. But, the dogs getting into it was the last thing on my mind, as I sat it outside to keep my daughter out of it, while I simultaneously had the rest of the household to run!!

His response to that? “WeLl WhY dIdNt u JusT lEaVe iT iNsIde”


Shew, the nerve.

Meanwhile, all he has to do is get up and get himself dressed for work. LOL.

Anyway, I’m not looking for anything here other than solidarity 😂.
@jmendez1240 My husband can be this dumb sometimes too 😂 like dude, you’ve been laying in bed since I got up and started getting everything ready for me to go to work. If you have something to say, think twice!! It’s too early to irritate me 🤣
@tsheehan Oh, I DID. And walked around behind him mustering “well didn’t you see them do it last time” “well why didn’t you leave it inside” “THE NERVE”

…. Did I mention I’m ALSO 8 months pregnant? 😵‍💫
@jmendez1240 Huh they just don’t get our workload sometimes it’s baffling. I’ve got a similar arrangement to yours and the other day we had a common appointment to get to in the morning. I was basically doing the same things you were doing in your post, except I’ve got two kids and no dogs. My husband had just been playing video games and eating his breakfast before having to leave home and told me: oh great I have another 30 min left before we leave. I asked him to go dress up our eldest who’s 18 months old. He replied oh not right now I’m chilling now.
Wow like your day is so stressful already. Yikes.
Eventually he did get up and dress him but not without asking me where every single piece of clothing is stored (the same old closet) and putting us 10 min behind schedule (cuz he couldn’t find his own hoodie). Classic morning. Deep breaths. « Why do you look angry ? » lol
@heavenshands Haha yes true. I find that if I glare into my partners eyes while calling him a fuckity cunting arsehole in my head, but not saying it out loud, that feels good.
@jmendez1240 Oh yes, solidarity! haha

A bag of dirty nappies was left outside and my husband found it. He calls out in an annoyed tone, "Jooooo!" (My nickname is Jo) I look up to see him pointing at the bag. I just stared at him and said, "Instead of reprimanding me with a stupid Joooooo why don't you decide to help me out thinking that I intended to put it in the bin but got waylaid as I looked after our son all day and still tried to do most of the regular chores." Shut him up real quick and after about ten minutes of resuming what we were doing, he came back inside to apologise.
@sofialo09 I appreciate the concern! We have an arrangement that works for us. This was more of a light-hearted “look what annoying thing my husband said this morning” type of post. He’s an amazing husband and father, just sometimes says things before looking at the bigger picture lol!! 😂
@sofialo09 Huh? Where did I say I don’t get enough sleep? Again, thanks for your concern, but I get 8+ hours of sleep every night.

Sorry that I wanted to vent without my life being in absolute shambles… lol
@allgoodthings Thanks for the concern, but we have an arrangement that works for us 🙂

This was more of a light-hearted “ugh, annoying husband interaction” type of post. He’s an amazing husband and father, outside of the few comments that tend to come out of his mouth before he thinks 🤣