waiting for baby

  1. G

    Does anyone else have a BBB List? The "Before Baby Bucket List"?

    My husband and I are going to start trying in September and we've agreed not to discuss too much baby stuff before then (which is so so hard for me) and just enjoy the summer while crossing off items on our BBB list. We didn't really get to do much college stuff because we married right out of...
  2. R

    The Dishwasher Saga

    I've been working on what I thought was the easiest item on my TTC todo list this weekend - installing a dishwasher. Holy hell, Mission Dishwasher has turned into a full-on 2 person full-time operation. We don't currently have a dishwasher, and we don't have a perfect spot for one or a hookup...
  3. C

    How do you know you want a child?

    I already know about the r/fencesitter community — but I’m interested to hear from people here who have decided YES but are still waiting to try. It’s something I’ve been grappling with but we do have a timeline in place now and as we get closer I’m feeling my feet get cold. I thought people...
  4. I

    DAE window shop for baby clothes?

    Does anyone else window shop online for baby clothes? Just pretending at this point, I guess. We know we want to wait until birth to find out baby's sex so my registries have newborn and 0-3 month gender neutral stuff saved on them for now. But sometimes, at least when seasons change and new...
  5. F

    Can’t believe I’ve stumbled across this community ❤️

    My husband (33M) and I (30F) got married just over a year ago and we’ve been desperate to start trying for a family, but I sadly wasn’t in a permanent job last year and was working agency (I’m a nurse). Started my full time NHS job in August but as per NHS maternity pay rules I have to be...
  6. M

    Preconception appointment and IUD “removal”

    Hi everyone - I have mentioned that I was having my preconception appointment and getting my IUD removed today in recent Daily Chat threads, but decided to make a dedicated post. I’ve read posts and comments from others that their preconception appointments weren’t too helpful and mostly just...
  7. V

    Advice on Financial Goals before TTC

    Hello all- I’m feeling particularly down about waiting today since my husband and I looked at our budget last night and there’s SO much to save it feels like we will never be financially ready for a baby. For some context: We’re both 30, working decent jobs (but I work at a nonprofit soooo...
  8. W

    Tips to negotiate (future) maternity leave in UK?

    I worked for ‘company A’ for 11 months, and left for ‘company B’ where I have been working for almost 2 years. ‘Company A’ has reached out to me again and asked if I want to re-join them, working in their UK office. I’ve been through the interviews and been offered the role (!!) I’m very...
  9. J

    Can anyone else relate?

    Hi! I am 28(f) and my husband is 31(m). We have been together for 9 years in June. We have been married since April 2021. For longer than I can remember I’ve wanted to be a mother, but timing was not right at the beginning of our marriage due to job transitions, etc… Our goal is to begin TTC...
  10. Z

    Waiting is hard, I want to be a young mom..

    Before I get the typical hate comments I did when I posted this almost 3 years ago, I'm going to clarify that I'm not going to TTC now. I don't have the financial or emotional stability for a child. I'm just venting. Now that that's over and done with... I'm 19 years old with a 20 year old...
  11. H

    5 years into WTT, I’m done waiting

    Husband and I have been married for 5 years. I’m 30, he’s 28. I was clear about wanting to have kids in a few years when we have settled down more, and have more money. The whole 9 yards. We make pretty good money now, enough to have a few bucks in savings. I’ve traded in my unreliable undergrad...
  12. C

    Took my BBT too early. Any tips?

    I accidentally went to sleep TOO early last night which means I woke up at 5am this morning (since I’d already slept for 8ish hours) instead of 7am like I usually do. Since I woke up at 5am and I really had to pee I just took my temp (98.06) and peed and then got into bed, hoping k could fall...
  13. J

    Baby fever is so strong b/c it's the 1 thing I know I can do right

    TLDR at bottom. I've been realizing this lately. My baby fever comes at times when I dont have a lot going on or when I'm super stressed/feeling like a failure. I know I can be a good mom. I've babysat, I've worked at a daycare for 8-11 1-2 yr olds, I have 3 siblings, I've had younger...
  14. P

    Are any of y’all considering moving out of the country?

    I’m in the US. While no country is perfect, I feel like there are others that have it a bit better (and safer). I was thinking my parents home countries of Argentina and the DR. My bf brought up Sweden and Switzerland. Are y’all considering moving?
  15. Y

    I did the math..

    (This is more of a rant/thinking out loud than anything) When I'm bored I tend to overthink. Ive been feelin the baby fever lately so I decided to figure some things out. We are pretty comfortable by ourselves at ~$32k a year right now. A baby would add about $12k a year, I think. If we wanted...
  16. V

    Never thought I’d say this.

    I’m 30 in exactly two months and I thought by this point I’d want it more than ever but I’m not sure anymore. Ever since I can remember I have wanted to be a mum. You could’ve asked me at 5 what I want to be when I grow up and that’s what I’d say. The thought of ever being a mum & being...
  17. N

    Stuff I now worry about in "trying" mode

    While waiting to try, I had a specific set of things I worried about - timing baby's horoscope, saving money, how to talk to my SO to set expectations - and I got a lot of support from this group thinking through it. Now that I'm officially in trying mode (no more birth control, no more...
  18. W

    I just feel sick

    This feels like the 2016 election all over again. I’m afraid of not being able to access the healthcare I need. What if I eventually have a daughter? What will be left for her? I’m just spiraling y’all. Politico article with draft opinion that will overturn Roe v Wade
  19. N

    What vitamins to take while waiting?

    My husband (33) and I (29) are planning to try in 2-3 years because we’d like to save up a solid buffer fund and have my husband increase his income so that I can afford to stay home and we’d also like to go on more vacations and live it up a bit. That said, even though I’ve never been pregnant...
  20. C

    He changed his mind and I cried myself to sleep just to wake up more upset

    You’re the only people I feel would understand what I’m going through right now. The past year we’ve been NTNP but really not trying as we avoided possible O days. Last month I had a scare cause I miscounted my cycle days. I allowed myself to get excited. It didn’t happen and I was depressed. He...