
  1. C

    Just overwhelmed. Send help

    I love being a mom to my baby boy but I really would love to not have as many responsibilities that entails with the single parent title. Like how do y’all get time to clean your house? I try with my son and he destroys a different area. Note: he’s only gonna be 2 in September. I have no...
  2. I

    “Why didn’t you remind me?” -My Husband

    My husband is taking our son to his 18 month appt tomorrow. I made the appointment 4 months ago. It’s been in our shared calendar since. He had to take a half day off, then my mom is out of town and he decided he would like to take the whole day off instead of have someone else come. Then we...
  3. T

    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    I'm physically and emotionally numb at this point. I thought my 1st kid was bad when she'd only lay down for 45 minutes at a time, startle and then have to be soothed and put back down for an entire night (for roughly months 2-4). My wife and I did shifts then and made it until sleep training...
  4. B

    Postpartum with number two has hit different

    I'm returning from parental leave with my second and reflecting on how different postpartum has felt this time. With #1, I was clearly grieving my past life and way more anxious and frustrated with my baby for every single crying episode. I beat myself up about my struggles with breastfeeding...
  5. L

    Toddler screams and cries at daycare for an hour before passing out from exhaustion

    Hi everyone! Not looking for advice, just feeling sad and needed to get it off my chest. I have 14-month old twins, “T” (f) and “D” (m). I am very fortunate that I work part-time and am home with the kids part-time. I went back to work when the kids were about 4 months. In our area, daycare...
  6. A

    Getting overwhelmed (long post sorry)

    So much has been happening with my little one. I have not complained or vented to anyone and I think I just need to write it all out because I feel like I am about to burst (sorry for the long post, i will put a tldr at the bottom). When my daughter was first born she was checked over and said...
  7. P

    My Son's Grandmother want to be apart of his life after her son Physically abused me

    I'm going to give you a little bit of context then I will get to the story. If you don't want to read context just go to the second paragraph. TLDR below. TW: PHYSICAL ABUSE I (26f) had my son (7f) when I was 19 years old in 2015. I love my baby boy to death and he is the most sweetest, gentle...
  8. A

    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    FTM here. Has anyone else attended pregnancy courses, read books and thought "Okay, simple, feed them every 2-3 hours, breastfeeding is natural, burp, let them sleep, change diapers when needed, do tummy time, show black/white cards and that's it. I got this " And then the reality hits - baby is...
  9. T

    I’m a single working mom of 2 and all I’ve been feeling lately is rage and sadness

    Long post warning I am a single mom of two beautiful girls 5 and 14 months. I love them to death and I love being their mom. My 5 year old (L) is so sweet, kind, intelligent and creative. My 14 mo (G) is strong willed, sassy, sweet and loving. But G is so much more clingy and constantly up my...
  10. S

    I can’t handle bedtime anymore

    My son is 3 and it takes almost 3 hours to get him to sleep. Every. Single. Night. I’ve tried a long list of “suggestions” and none seem to work. We cut screens at 5:30-6:00. Dinner and playtime then around 7:00 we start getting ready for bed. Same routine as always, start to finish. By 8 he is...