
  1. H

    I’m [23F] about to be a single mom of 2

    I’m going through a divorce and somedays I feel like I’m stuck in a rut. Today is one of those days and I’m feeling a little extra miserable. I’m not done with school yet, currently a SAHM with no income of my own, and have a 3 y/o w/ autism and a 2 y/o. I just get so anxious when I think...
  2. F

    Stuck in a bad spot

    I know this sort of sounds like a first world problem, but I don’t know what to do. My daughter is turning 16 this year. We had discussed the original plan of taking some friends out to a nice dinner. I could swing that with some help from her dad. Apparently my ex brought up a Sweet 16 to her...
  3. N

    Just pulled my daughter out of ballet lessons and feel so bad about it

    Very grateful theres are rant flare right now! Thanks to all who read this. So my daughter G started ballet about a month or two back and she has LOVED it! At the moment we are in lockdown (New Zealand) so its been taken online. Now, as a PC enthusiast (PC Master Race!!) I've been watching the...
  4. C

    How do I build a Faraday cage around the bathroom?

    The adult human male in my house that I claim my taxes with stated that he was going to bed early so he could get up early. I woke him up at 7:30, none too gently, to make sure he was awake. It’s been a year of this shit, where he gets “time blind because of his ADHD” and stays up until 3am...
  5. N

    Is an inconsistent father worth being in a kids life?

    My ex and I have now been split over two months. He hasn’t asked to talk to them or contact them and has seen them a total of 5 times. He cheated on me and our 8 year old knows about it. She refers to him as an imposter and because of the lack of him wanting to be in their lives they have made...
  6. T

    Homework Revolt (it’s me, I’m revolting, not my kid)

    My daughter just started PreK. She’s 4. This week they started sending her home with “homework.” Make a tree out of crap you find around house kind of stuff. Which we all know is homework for me, not her. Here’s the thing. First, I’m fervently anti homework. There is no indication that...
  7. P

    It’s 1:39am and I’m awake because I have pink eye brewing

    Is it a remnant of the bacterial infection my son had two weeks ago? Is it viral due to the tail end of the cold I’m kicking that my son brought home last week that laid him up for approximately 24 hours that has had me on my death bed for 4 days? Should I just go for the leftover antibiotic...
  8. J

    Single parents - the forgotten heroes

    I really wish there was more pandemic assistance in place for single parents. We’ve really been left out here on our own and I don’t think it’s been talked about enough. Between the loss of all control over our own schedules due to unexpected closings and protocols, constant exposure to our...
  9. C

    I’m so tired of my 1 y.o. Being sick.

    My one year old has had a cold for 10 days. And it’s not getting any better. He hasn’t been able to go to daycare (pretty sure that’s where he got it) and we’ve just kept him at home with the exception of walks. I’m losing my mind. My husband and I have switched off who stays at home from work...
  10. M

    Didn’t get the promotion

    I’m with a non profit start up. Everything in my department has been built from the ground up by me. E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. The money would have been life changing for me and my children. It it would have been double the pay I’m making now. The other candidates have no work in this field but do...
  11. J

    So frustrated with my coparent

    My coparent is so frustrating. We are going through a custody battle, and she is so unreasonable with agreeing to a schedule. We have been 50/50 since we broke up, but sometime a few months ago, the mom decided she can't go more than 2 days without seeing the kid. So none of the standard 50/50...
  12. G

    Frustration at Math as a parent of a Trans student

    This is mostly a vent post. For those of you who haven't followed me: tl:dr is that Mother (now ex wife) decided one drunken day to try to arrange a kidnapping assault (i would argue murder). cops laughed it off. I self reported CPS, and they took it seriously. For two years I have been a...
  13. E

    When Mama has work from home deadlines, kiddo crying, what should Daddy do?

    A) yell at whining 4 year old back “well I don’t like you either” B) make pregnant wife lift kid in and out of bath C make a dinner kid doesn’t want and yell at her D) focus on his work E) let kid cry outside office door in garage while mama on her rare deadline Or all the above?! Winner...
  14. D

    Ex hasn’t seen our 8 year old in months. He won’t even pick up his calls.. what can I say to my kid that will lessen this heartache he feels?

    I just would like some advice on what to do when one parent abandons the child after 7.5 years, without even saying goodbye? I just can’t keep giving my son hope if there is none. Dad quit his job and lost his house so I can’t even find him in person to confront him about the situation. I know...
  15. I

    My Ex is demanding to see our son after 2 months of no contact

    My child’s father is demanding through email to see his son now after not communicating with me to see h for 2 months. Here is some insight, we were engaged, while I was pregnant he got so enraged one day and assaulted me while I was pregnant, threw things in my face while pregnant but I still...
  16. B

    Two miscarriages and really long cycles - Losing hope

    I’m so frustrated. I’m 35F, been trying for a baby since last year. I got pregnant twice - First time last fall after we just decided we wanted to start trying (literally first cycle). At the 8 weeks ultrasound I was told that the baby hadn’t grown past 6w, so I had to get a D&C. In February I...
  17. M

    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    Update: they’re saying I don’t get a bonus because I was out over 90 days. I was out 98. This policy was never communicated to me during all the conversations I had with HR about leave. I do understand the logic of not receiving bonus pay during unpaid time off. It negatively affects me so of...
  18. G

    I feel like giving up

    I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I have been a single parent for 3 years now. I have a 2 year old and a 7 year old. The terrible twos are killing me. The 7 year old is acting out too. Yesterday he said he was playing “ blues clues” and put about 8 or 9 hot sauce hand prints on various...
  19. K

    I finally went to psychiatrist and I feel like total shit

    After initial hello, hello and basic q she asked me in a cold manner do I think I'm capable to take care of my three kids and then I got report from her where she quoted me out of context and when I read this I felt like total shit. I'm taking care of them for a whole year alone. I expected a...
  20. M

    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    This was last night. I picked him up from his father’s family on Monday morning after he was quarantined there for two weeks. (He was sick and so were the other family members.) We have a small apartment, but I have a huge office. I have his Xbox set up in one of the office rooms that I use...