
  1. S

    Preschool Graduation at 9:30am

    My youngest goes to a full time daycare/preschool and will be “graduating” in a few weeks. The calendar says graduation will be after 4pm. Apparently I missed a one-liner in last month’s newsletter that the graduation is now 9:30. I just learned about the time switch today. I’m a teacher. Our...
  2. J

    The world is not made for single parents

    It's frustrating to feel like I'm doing everything I possibly can be and still failing. My son is 15, he made it into drum line for his school marching band. Im very excited for him and proud of him, he's been playing drums for years and this was his goal. My problem lies in summer band...
  3. H


    So my husband and I had a visit with my family in law yesterday (outside, masked), and there were just some things that really made me feel like either I wasn’t doing a good job or I didn’t know my babe best. But I’ve decided “f**k that! I know my kid best. Yes sometimes it takes 30-60 mins to...
  4. S

    Well, the moment I’ve been dreading happened yesterday

    The thing that’s been giving me nightmares, the announcement that I just KNEW was coming but couldn’t seem to emotionally prepare myself for no matter how hard I tried. My sister in law (who is almost 7 years younger than me) and her brand new husband (who is 10 years younger) announced their...
  5. G

    I’ve had a fever every day for 8 days and I’m so pissed off.

    I have been rotting in bed like a pasty Victorian child since last Sunday. It’s been 8 days of fevers, chills, postpartum levels of sweating, coughing up goo, headaches and the worst farts imaginable. My dogs won’t even stay in the room with me. My spouse has been giving side hugs like we are...
  6. K

    2 & a half years w no baby

    me (21f) & my fiancé (21m) have been together for 2 & a half years been having unprotected sex since the day we met . we’ve been trying on and off for a little over a year now I have no idea what it’s taking us so long to conceive. I had an transvaginal ultrasound last year and I have no cysts...
  7. V

    Disappointed that I couldn’t handle the pain of giving birth unmedicated

    I really wanted an unmedicated birth, but I always said if I really needed it I would get an epidural. I made it to 7 cm and the contractions were back to back. There was no laboring tub and I couldn’t use the shower to reduce pain because they had me strapped to monitors and an iv. (Baby’s...
  8. U

    I don’t even know anymore

    My husband and I have been TTC for 14 months with no success. I don’t have many people in my life to vent to about TTC so I end up going to my mom. As hard as my poor mom tries to understand, she just cannot. She conceived all three of her kids on the first try, never had any problems with...
  9. H

    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    I wanted to write this because I''m finally starting to crack. When I first went off birth control 2.5 years agoI I knew I would have trouble getting pregnant. A lifetime of PCOS predicted it. I remember being told that I was overplanning, stressing too much, too anxious. I wasn't. If we had...
  10. M


    I AM SO MOTHERFCKING DONE WITH FCKING PACK N PLAYS. FCK PACK N PLAYS. WHY THE FCK DO THEY MAKE IT SO GOD DAMN HARD. F*CK YOU PACK N PLAY. That it is all. Edit; Thank you all for sharing your stories and struggles AND for the laughs. And advice too! I knew I couldn’t be the only one that this...
  11. A

    He refused to admit he wanted to eat the mac n cheese

    So I started eating as if it was my own meal and I was in a hurry and lo and behold, it only took three determined bites before the four year old interupted me, "Alright, alright, I'll eat it!" Hand it to him silently.
  12. D

    This subreddit needs a wiki

    Needed to take a break from work, took a shot at it. :) 1) Will my child forget me at daycare? – No, they won’t. They won’t form a stronger bond with a daycare worker than they have with you, their parent. Do I still get called by daycare worker names, teacher names, day camp counselor names...
  13. T

    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    Ughhhh I knew this whole TTC thing was going to be tough but man this is TOUGH. I have irregular cycles about half the time, which can range anywhere from 35 to 55 days so I’ve got that going for me which is great. The 55 day-ers I’m pretty sure are totally anovulatory. Eye roll. When I’m...
  14. R

    I knew the baby shower would be bad, but I never could have anticipated this ..

    So yesterday was my friend’s baby shower for her fourth baby. Another friend of ours thought because it was her last baby we should do a little get together. It was a surprise tea party with just 8 of us there. I had mentally braced myself because I knew the majority of the ladies had little...
  15. K

    My husband didn’t know our son’s full birth date

    “I’m TeRrIbLe WiTh DaTeS.” Editing to add context: We were at a birthday party for a friend's kid and my husband was signing a waiver for our son to play on the play space. It's not son's birthday, which is in December. Husband was making a very blank expression on the year and looked at me. I...
  16. W

    Work call 9:00 pm it’s Friday night

    Do you answer? I did I was actually napping after dinner though, awesome thunderstorm sleep, we don’t have the kids this week, they are with my parents. This could have been a text or email to answer. Nothing emergency. I thought something was seriously wrong. She called my work, then my...
  17. M

    Frustrated that husband isn’t taking TTC seriously

    We’ve been trying to conceive for about a year now with 4 early losses between 4-7 weeks. My husband (34M) has gotten his SA results (other than morphology) and it is quite bad. His sperm concentration (15 mil/ml) and motility (40%) are both low and rapid progressive motility is extremely low...
  18. A

    New job mom guilt

    I have a 14 month old daughter and work in healthcare. I am the primary financial earner in my household by a large margin. My husband and I are currently both working M-F office hours and our daughter is in full time daycare. I had always done shift work before this, but when we relocated and I...
  19. A

    I can’t stop drinking soda

    I had pretty much eliminated soda from my diet when I got pregnant. I drank mostly sparkling water. Water now sounds disgusting and makes me gag and I crave coke and Dr Pepper every day. I really worry about feeding my baby only junk and sugar but I am having such a hard time getting in any...
  20. D

    My Testimony- 3kids3Moms

    Hello, I’m a single father(27) of 3 kids and I have a really hard time talking about my story so I figured maybe I could type something out and post it here since I do want to talk about it, or let someone read it, but I prefer to do it anonymously. My story is a trip, but here it goes. On my...