should i have another baby?

  1. P

    Time to roll the dice?

    There’s a big heart vs mind problem in our home. We have one child (6yo) who we adore but Christmas felt so quiet. I imagine having another child puttering around and it brings joy to my heart. We are finally in a stable financial and emotional position to have another. On the other hand...
  2. P

    Am I just with the wrong one?

    I (29 F) have an 8 year old son from a previous relationship that really messed me up about kids already (getting left as soon as i found out i was pregnant and was left by the father, was together 5 years) I have been with my makeup/breakup boyfriend (32 M) for almost 3 years. Not sure if I...
  3. R

    Is there a significant difference between a 3-3.5 vs. 3.5-4 year age gap?

    My son is almost 2y3m and we have been starting to think more seriously about when to potentially try for another. I am more like 80% sure of wanting another while my husband says he’s 100% sure. Recently our son has been getting even more mischievous and pushing limits (usually just minor...
  4. R

    Exploring the idea of OAD

    Hi all — really happy to have found this sub! Just starting to explore the idea of OAD, not sure what I’m looking for with this post, I guess just sharing my story and seeing what people’s thoughts and comments are, and maybe some similar experiences? My husband and I have a wonderful, happy...
  5. L

    A matter of when not if…

    My (31f) wife (30f) gave birth to a beautiful little boy last summer. We used IVF to conceive as we are cis lesbians and have all the love but not all the parts. We absolutely adore our child and it affirms to me how much I wanted to be a mom and how much I love kids. As he approaches his 1st...
  6. A


    I’m honestly going back n forth on the decision I love my daughter so much I love the time we spend just me and her all day I’ve always wanted 2 but now that I have one and she’s 17m the more time passes the more I don’t want to mess up the way our life’s have been it’s really so nice to have...
  7. C

    Feeling nervous

    I feel this place will be supportive as I deal with a bit of hesitation as we approach trying again. DH (35) and I (37) have one son, just over 2. He is an amazing kid, so inquisitive and cheeky and loving, but also extremely high energy with a bit of a death wish. Typical boy I suspect. (But...