should i have another baby?

  1. B

    Can’t decide if I want another

    Hello, Long story short my sister is pregnant with her first and it thrust me into a baby fever— I have a 3 year old girl, my hubby wants another baby really badly. I honestly had a good pregnancy, my 3 year old is in preschool M-F, and I have Great family support, my parents babysit, my...
  2. O

    Second baby?

    I’m turning 34 and my husband is turning 37. I thought I didn’t want kids due to trauma and I was not ready. I have a 3 month old now and my husband wanted kids. I’m now so in love with my baby and would like a sibling for my child. Cons - I had about 2 months of mild hyperemis with puking...
  3. C

    Should we have a third?

    We have been agonizing over this question for months and I would love to hear your thoughts. My husband (32M) and I (35F) have a 3.5 year old and a 14 month old, both boys. We love them to peices and I am so grateful to have them in our lives. When my husband and I were first married, we were...
  4. W

    Sandwich era. Finances and other things

    I (38F) am 95% OAD. I’m one of 3 and have great relationships with my siblings which is the only thing that doesn’t make me 100% OAD at this moment but I’m sure I’ll end up there. My parents migrated to the US when I was about 7 y/o. Growing up we struggled financially, grew up poor, didn’t...
  5. J

    I’m so lost. Please help.

    I was so sure I was one and done. My son is perfect, and we even managed to get a house in a crazy expensive market. My family feels complete. But I think about having another 24/7. I almost can’t think of anything else to the point it’s dehabilitating. My husband I are doing ok, but another...
  6. K

    I feel like a failure as a parent for not being ready for second kid

    It’s completely irrational but my son is nearly 4 and he’s just always been such a tough kid that despite always thinking I’d have 2 or 3 kids I’m just not ready to have another and honestly am not 100% sure I could do it again. I see people who had kids at the same time or even after me that...
  7. M

    Will my only be too lonely?

    My husband (28) and I (26) have one beautiful 2.5 y.o. boy. I'm considering having another. My husband says he will go with my decision, but is happy with just one. My big predicament is whether my son will be happy without other children around. He has no cousins and will not for many years...
  8. 2

    Torn on being one and down

    My husband and I got pregnant unexpectedly a month after we got married. Although I had a pretty healthy pregnancy, I hated being pregnant. Birth was extremely difficult, I labored on and off for a week and had a c section. Recovery was super hard on me. I don’t like feeling immobile or self...
  9. C

    I can’t shake the feeling

    …of having a third. I realize no one can make this decision except for me and my husband but here I am posting anyway. Life right now is so “neat” and easy with 2 kids. They play together, there’s an 1:1 child parent ratio, we “have one of each”, things just feel perfect & fun. However...
  10. E

    To have or not to have?

    UPDATE: He decided against having a I’m sad BUT I get to have my tummy tuck. Also, I stayed true to my word and did not try and sway him to saying “Yes” he decided on his own and said he likes our life now and already considers my kids his own and would like to just enjoy life with me...
  11. S

    Is it just hormones??

    Late bloomer (F, 40) with a younger spouse (M, 35). Got pregnant at 38. LO is 10 months old now. I never thought I wanted even one, but after a lot of therapy, I learned that I actually just feared replicating my not-so-safe childhood. (Being an only child made that worse FWIW.) I wanted a...
  12. P

    Starting to contemplate a second

    Sunday we (me 35F, husband 42M, daughter 3F) went to the an indoor playground. Husband had an interaction with a little boy who was probably 12-15 months old. After the little boy walked away, husband turned to me and said “Maybe we should have another one.” Since that moment I cannot stop...
  13. R

    Reconsidering being OAD but need advice on how to bring it up to SO

    Before my ambition for a bigger family is shot down, yes l did just have a baby. Hear me out. I have come to the conclusion that while my first experience giving birth was "traumatic"(an unplanned C-section l hadn't prepared for) it honestly wasn't bad recovery wise. Long story short if l talk...
  14. T

    Should we have #2 at 40M/37F with a 7 year old?

    Hi all, Long time lurker and currently going through indecision about being OAD. We are currently 40M and 37F and initially wanted 2 kids. We had our daughter 7 years ago. We then decided to be OAD due to multiple reasons: Our relationship went downhill due to the stress of a newborn. My...
  15. H

    Reasons for having another child?

    This post isn’t about me deciding whether I want to have a second child but I’d like to know what other people’s reasons for doing so are. I’ve googled this and get answers like “it’s easier the second time because you know what you’re doing”, “labour might be easier” and “you get to pick out...
  16. G

    Regretting decisions made re: pregnancy

    TW: abortion, mental illness, covid I have a 4yo daughter. My husband had always wanted more, and so did I, ideally 2-3 years apart. I had a difficult birth and PPD/PPA very bad that went untreated due to my inept healthcare providers. It took about two years to feel normal after her birth, and...
  17. J

    Is it madness to have another baby at 42-43?

    What does everyone think? Do you have any positive experience to share? All perspectives welcome. Both very fit and healthy for our ages, we have one little boy together (7) I’m not bothered about the age gap at all.. but Ive heard late 40s are vastly different, plus there are risks in...
  18. A

    Should we have our first « ours » baby?

    My GF (30F) and I (33F) are a blended family. I have 2 boys (5M, 5M) and she has 2 kids (5M and 4F). We have been together for almost 4 years, the kids were really young when we got together, her 4F was 8 weeks old and my 4M was 9 months old. We basically have raised our kids together. When we...
  19. C

    Me: Two and done; Wife: Feels the need for three

    TLDR: The Title So my wife and I now have two children. The oldest is a boy who is nearly 3 y/o and our second born is a girl who is 1.5 y/o. We first had the discussion for one and likely two and she brought up three and I said no, before she was first pregnant with our first, to which she...
  20. J

    Can’t decide

    Facts about me: 1. Turning 37 this year so need to decide sooner rather than later 2. Will need a c sec. First c sec was traumatic and slow recovery 3. High sleeps needs individual 4. Not the most patient person Current baby: 1. 13 months 2. Strong willed 3. Not the most adaptable 4. Not...