should i have another baby?

  1. D

    OAD, even with one remaining embryo?

    My hubby and I did IVF back in 2018 after trying to have a baby for 7 years. I was 38. Our first egg retrieval cycle led to 1 embryo. We had always thought we wanted at least 2 kids, so we decided to freeze that embryo and do another egg retrieval cycle right away given my age. Our first embryo...
  2. K

    Sudden change of heart

    My husband and I have an amazing two and a half year old, Beastie. Ever since he was born, I "knew" he would be my one and only. My husband was happy with that, especially considering my severe PPD-R, even though he's always wanted two. Over the last few months, I've been discussing with...
  3. T

    A bigger age gap can be a good thing

    My first is 4 months old and, so far, is a unicorn - sleeps beautifully, rarely cries, is perfectly healthy, and loves to smile. I’ve been super on the fence about adding a second. I love the idea of having more love in the family and giving him a sibling, as well as the chance of having a...
  4. G

    Why is this so hard…

    I was 44 when I gave birth to my first LO. I was lucky to conceive naturally only after trying for 6 months. I always wanted more but since I didn’t end up meeting my husband (44) until later in life, I wasn’t sure if I would have any at all. I had a lot of PP anxiety after the baby and it’s...
  5. C

    We have everything working smoothly now... should we rock the boat or be OAD?

    Our LO is 12 months old soon, and we are coming up to when we could, if we wanted, start trying again. (The 2 yr gap reccomended after a caesar). I turn 36 this year, so I wouldn't want to delay too long if that was the decision we made. My SO and I have perhaps slightly different reasons for...
  6. C

    Found out I’m pregnant again

    Throwaway account because I have family members whom I have not told. I have a 9 month old daughter and found out a few weeks ago I am expecting again. This is an unplanned pregnancy and I am considering terminating. We knew right away when our daughter was born that we wanted 2 children, but we...
  7. J

    1 or 2

    Hi everyone! We (30yr F, 37yr M) have a beautiful 9 month old girl and I was so sure I’d be one and done in the newborn phase, but I’m suddenly feeling differently about it. Sure, there are benefits to OAD and struggles to have 2 (like if one baby cries at night, doesn’t it wake up the other...
  8. J

    Should I have a 4th child?

    My husband (45) and I (40) have three kids ages 10, 6 and 2. IVF was needed for child 1 and 3 and we have left over frozen embryos (up to 3 viable ones, created when I was 28). I love being a mother. It’s the highlight of my life and all I’ve ever really wanted. (I’m also an attorney with a...
  9. C

    Logistical issues

    In trying to figure out if we should remain OAD or have another kid, I’m really struggling to imagine how we will logistically handle two kids without feeling super stressed out. If we did have another, our daughter would likely be between the ages of 3-4, so by the time a hypothetical second...
  10. M

    How do I stop feeling absolutely awful about not giving my child a sibling?P

    I am late thirties and my son is 6 months old and I found my pregnancy to be horrendous. My labour was quite traumatic and ended in an emergency c section. And I have found being a mother very hard thus far. I have always known I wasn’t a fan of babies, that being said I am truly obsessed with...
  11. C

    Decision taking over my life

    I hope this is okay to post I just don’t know where else to go with it and I think everyone around me is probably sick of hearing it. I have a fantastic little girl she is three and she is the centre of my universe I couldn’t be prouder she is a clever happy little thing and her playschool she...
  12. M

    Sadly coming to the conclusion that the feeling that a second would break me isn't subsiding and kiddo is going on 4.5

    (Edit- sorry for the accidental spam. Didn’t mean to post this 4x. Phone said error so thought it didn’t go through) He’s started to have challenging behavior frequently, like arguing with us about everything… he even exploded “I h*te you!” after being mad that he tripped the other day. It’s...
  13. J

    Are my concerns not worth choosing not to have another, and will I regret it?

    Edit: if my title double negative makes no sense, I think I agree with you, sorry. I posted in oneanddone, and I think it very much firmly pushed me into the one and done camp. If interested, However it would be nice to hear some differing perspectives to help navigate these feelings. Our...
  14. H

    I don’t think I can have a second without my village

    In my soul I want a second child so badly. My son is almost 2, and the terrible twos are definitely tough but I know they won’t last. But in my mind I just can’t seem to logically justify having a second without family support. My parents live in another state, 3 hour plane ride away. Right...
  15. T

    Having another in a blended family

    Hello. I'm leaning towards having another. My partner is more on the fence. I tell him if he says no, I'll respect that choice but he doesn't feel ready to say no (or yes for that matter). We have one child together through IVF - he's 1 yr old. He is really sweet and just is an easy kid. I...
  16. S

    Tubal ligation reversal

    I gave birth to my son in October. He was my third c-section and my second emergency c-section. My husband and I had briefly talked about having a tubal if I had to have another c-section, but hadn't made a complete decision. Well, as we were sitting in the operating room after having been run...
  17. R

    Always thought I was one and done…. Now my kiddo is 6, I’m 38, and there’s some wonder…

    First of all I’m premenopausal and haven’t had a period in a long time sooooo it might not even be possible… which is probably why the idea even came back to me. I love being a mom. I had an easy pregnancy and birth, loved having a baby, AND I struggled with being super overwhelmed when I had...
  18. N

    8 months into 2nd kid

    I posted this a while back (old account, but it was me) and I just thought I'd give an update. We are now 8 months into 2 kids! Almost 3.5 year old boy and 8 month old girl. The best parts: We are more relaxed and able to enjoy the...
  19. B

    Was 100% OAD. Now confused. 37(f) w/ 6+ age gap. What would you do?

    I feel really confused about whether to have another kid or not and looking for some advice/feedback on what to do. I’m 37 (f) married to a 41(m) and we have a 5 y.o daughter. Never planned to have two- in fact I was strongly one and done, but the idea to have another hit me like a ton of bricks...
  20. C

    Could someone decide for me 🙃

    Please help. I’m 33, almost 34. I have a 19 month old beautiful daughter. My husband wants a second child but I think I’m OAD for the following reasons: My pregnancy was awful - vomiting 5-6 times a day for first 6 months, then an undiscovered blood clot in my lung that was misdiagnosed, could...