should i have another baby?

  1. M

    Podcast about only children

    Hi parents of onlies! I'm an only myself and just wanted to share a podcast called One of One on the only child experience in case it's helpful for you to get a sense of what it's like to be an only: Spotify Apple
  2. W

    Factors that helped you decide?

    36 y.o. married female with an 18 month old son. Husband is 42. Son was an IVF baby. We have 1 embryo in storage. I would like to use it. Husband is pretty much OAD. What factors came into play when making your decision to only have 1 child? Or is there anyone in this group that actually ended...
  3. W

    Would you have another one or count your blessings?

    Hi everyone, I'm struggling with having to make a decision,,, I've had 2 prior C-Sections and chose to have a repeat c section over a vbac I regret it now since I didn't realize it could increase the risk of placenta accreta Not only do I have uterine surgeries as a risk factor but I need to...
  4. P

    A plan for figuring it out

    Our little family of three had an idyllic Saturday morning. We went on a big bike ride (my son, 2, on the back) to a massive park. We brought sandwiches. We played and ate. I had a break and watched SO play with my son. Then we switched. We came home laughing and singing silly songs while...
  5. J

    4th or am i nuts?

    Should I go for a 4th? I am not even sure which sub I should be posting on… Trying for a Baby? Parenting in Bulk? Should I have another? Mods, please delete if this is not the appropriate sub. I am 35 with 3 kids ages 2,3 and 5. 2 boys, and the oldest is a girl. My husband (47) and I were...
  6. D

    I’m not sure if I truly want another. Some days I’m content with one and other times I want one

    My daughter is 16 months and I love being a mom but the tantrums really just are a lot. I can’t imagine going through the whole newborn stage… again. She was colic and it was horrid. She’s the best baby now, sleeps 11-12 hours a night with no issues unless teething, and is just happy. I feel...
  7. K

    Should I have another?

    Hi all, I’ve been surfing on this page for a bit reading other posts about going from 1-2. Im hoping some experienced parents here can help. Sorry if this is a long post, I have so many questions in my head and no one to ask in real life haha! Some background- I’m 28, hubs is 36, our toddler is...
  8. L

    Anyone want more kids but OAD was ultimately the right choice?

    Reposting here as the mods over at r/oneanddone didn’t like my post 😅 My husband and I always assumed we’d have more than one kid. And still love the idea of having two kids. However my gut is telling me that being OAD is ultimately the right choice for us. We both have to work. It isn’t an...
  9. A

    Still on the fence

    I've always wanted 2 kids but when we have our first, it made me realize that having a kid isn't a walk in the park. It isn't just about the hugs and the snuggles. You also have to deal with proper nutrition, discipline, etc. I grew up in a household/culture where having a nanny is pretty much...
  10. C

    One or two (finances, real estate, health)?

    35F with 36M husband and almost 15 month old son. We rent a 2BR apartment in an NJ suburb close to where I work as a teacher. Husband is a senior software engineer who is currently laid off for the 3rd time in 3 years (yay startups). We are hoping he can land another remote position, as working...
  11. E

    Older siblings of Reddit - what was / is it like for you to have a younger sibling?

    I am leaning towards having a second child because I would like my son to experience the positives of having a sibling (having shared memories, being able to look out for each other as children and as adults, etc.) However, I am also aware that there are downsides to having siblings (less...
  12. S

    I don't know if I can bear to lose another baby

    My husband and decided before we got married that we wanted two chidlren. It took us a long time to conceive our little girl (over 3 years), and during pregnancy my placenta stopped working properly and she was born prematurely by emergency c-section at 33 weeks, then spent 5 weeks in ICU. I...
  13. S

    Older parents (39F&and43M) thinking about having a second child

    We are a very solid couple who welcomed our son in 2021. We are now thinking about adding another; I am more in favor and my husband is more reticent, but I keep going back & forth in my head about it, and time is running out since I don't want to get pregnant well into my 40's (assuming I even...
  14. K

    Scared ttc for high-risk pregnancy, why can't I move on with gratitude for my one?

    tl; happy with one but on the fence with medically complex anatomy. help/support welcome! Hi all, I am 37f with a 42m spouse and a 5yo daughter who is the light of our lives and I am REALLY struggling with trying to decide if we want to try for another, if we do it has to be through a FET IVF...
  15. L

    Age gap; 3 or 4 years?

    Looking for experiences and thoughts on 3 or 4 year age gaps. Would you have waited? Gotten pregnant earlier? Pros and cons?
  16. S

    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    I was thinking about the thread asking only children (like myself!) about their childhoods and feelings on being an only - here's my answer - and saw someone in another thread saying they were a third child and felt it was detrimental. As someone without siblings, I always wonder about the...
  17. B

    Can’t decide if I want another

    Hello, Long story short my sister is pregnant with her first and it thrust me into a baby fever— I have a 3 year old girl, my hubby wants another baby really badly. I honestly had a good pregnancy, my 3 year old is in preschool M-F, and I have Great family support, my parents babysit, my...
  18. O

    Second baby?

    I’m turning 34 and my husband is turning 37. I thought I didn’t want kids due to trauma and I was not ready. I have a 3 month old now and my husband wanted kids. I’m now so in love with my baby and would like a sibling for my child. Cons - I had about 2 months of mild hyperemis with puking...
  19. C

    Should we have a third?

    We have been agonizing over this question for months and I would love to hear your thoughts. My husband (32M) and I (35F) have a 3.5 year old and a 14 month old, both boys. We love them to peices and I am so grateful to have them in our lives. When my husband and I were first married, we were...
  20. W

    Sandwich era. Finances and other things

    I (38F) am 95% OAD. I’m one of 3 and have great relationships with my siblings which is the only thing that doesn’t make me 100% OAD at this moment but I’m sure I’ll end up there. My parents migrated to the US when I was about 7 y/o. Growing up we struggled financially, grew up poor, didn’t...