
  1. S

    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    ETA UPDATE: Which is primarily to say thank you so much to everyone for taking the time to read & engage with this post. For those of you not familiar with exclusive pumping, many of us found our way to this form of feeding after nursing didn’t succeed- often times quite emotionally. Only to say...
  2. T

    5.5 month old used to sleep through the night, now waking constantly

    From 6 weeks old my baby slept from 9 pm-4 am and then 4 am-7:30/8. Two weeks ago she started to wake as soon as we laid her down and then every 1-2 hours when we finally managed to get her to sleep. She is EBF and latches only, she sleeps in a packnplay in our room, and uses a pacifier. She...
  3. G

    Possums Sleep - Science Based?

    I regularly see Possums Sleep recommended as a science-based infant sleep approach, rooted in research. Data on its effectiveness appears to be mixed. This study (157 mother infant pairs), for example, found that while breastfeeding rates increased in the group exposed to the Possums sleep...
  4. R

    “Rules” for room sharing

    What are the “rules” for leaving baby to sleep alone if you’re room sharing? On my 3rd baby but I’ve always wondered. I room share… 1 year with my first and 6 months with my second. 3rd is now a newborn and is room sharing but he sleeps alone sometimes, is that bad? For example, generally he...
  5. R

    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    I've noticed that people on this sub are often talking past each other because of terminology. Try Googling "Cry it out". Here are quotes from the first 5 hits, with my emphasis added... 1. The goal of the CIO method is to let baby fuss and cry on her own until she eventually wears herself out...
  6. M

    Recommendations on Complementary Food Introduction Among Pediatric Practitioners

    Key Points Question Is it appropriate for pediatric practitioners to recommend waiting several days between the introduction of new foods considering the current emphasis on incorporating a wide variety of foods during infancy to prevent food allergy development? Findings In this survey...
  7. R

    (UK) Government quality ratings for daycare (0-2.5 yrs) are almost uncorrelated with scientific quality measures

    I recently ran across this: Mathers et al, 2012. Improving Quality in the Early Years: A Comparison of Perspectives and Measures. More generally, only one component of the Ofsted score had a significant correlation with the ITERS-R score at the 5% level, and that correlation was 0.12. Even...
  8. L

    Are obnoxious colourful plastic toys really that bad?

    I hear a lot of talk about the benefits of wooden toys and the general Montessori play philosophy. In fact many people comment about plastic toys, often die to having lights or making sounds, can be over stimulating to babies. What does the research say about all these toys? Are plastic...
  9. D

    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    I thought this sub might be interested in something I found just now. I was interested to know if there was a correlation between fetal activity in the womb and baby/toddler activity. For instance, if a baby kicks all the time in the womb, are they a little hellion bouncing off the walls later...
  10. J

    Mother’s affection at 8 months predicts emotional distress in adulthood

    Mother’s affection at 8 months predicts emotional distress in adulthood Results that stand out to me: “At the 8-month assessment, 10% of the sample (N=46) were characterised by a low level of mother’s affection towards the infant, 85% (N=409) were characterised as having a normal amount of...
  11. A

    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    According to the attached study, cash register receipts (aka thermal paper receipts) are some of the biggest exposures humans have to BPA chemicals, specifically in forms that are disruptive to health. I'm horrified, because grandpa (who acts as our daycare) would let our daughter play with...
  12. K

    Science on parent care vs. Day care

    TL;DR: what is the science (if any) on the advantages/disadvantages of children between 1 and 2 y/o staying home with parent versus being in a daycare centre? My son is 15 months. For the first year, his mom/my wife was off work taking care of him. She went back to work after a year, and I...
  13. C

    Infant Probiotics: B. Lactis or L. Reuteri?

    Overwhelmed by options for probiotics. I had my daughter on Gerber “gentle” probiotics with Vitamin D. The strain in them is b lactis. I went to buy them again and see a different type, the “soothe” ones, popping up more and that uses the strain l reuteri. “Gentle” says that’s b.lactis is the...
  14. E

    Hep B vaccine

    Can anyone help me understand why is Hep B given right at hospital, versus other vaccines are done at 2,4,6 months? I’ve looked through all the CDC stuff and nothing explains why that timing (except worried about silent carriers, etc). Why isn’t it also given at 2 months, etc? I’d think giving...
  15. J

    Ambient noise and other low movement videos around babies?

    We try not to watch a lot of "real" TV (I.e., sports, sitcoms, etc. with lots of sounds and movement) but we do enjoy having ambient soundscape videos (such as a video of a crackling fireplace or a woods scene with light music) and actual-play streams of D&D (so, a scene of a bunch of people...
  16. C

    ParentData is expanding and hiring a writer

    Thought that y’all might be interested that ParentData - Emily Oster’s platform - is hiring a writer. “We are looking for a new writer to join us under the ParentData umbrella, writing in a related space (think: infertility, relationships, menopause, teenagers, handling your 20s, etc.…). We...
  17. P

    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    Important disclaimer: we won’t turn FF before 2-2.5 (will do everything to make it to 2.5) no matter what. My son is currently 22 months. We travel by car pretty regularly. Our parents live 2 and 4 hours away, we do a lot in the city an hour away, and we vacation at a cabin 6 hours away several...
  18. I

    Breastmilk amount per bottle

    Looking for research please! My in laws are driving me up a wall. My baby is exclusively breastfed, I pump when I’m at work and nurse on demand when I’m home. When I’m at work (out of the house for 9 hours/ day) baby consumes a 4oz bottle every 2-3.5 hours and averages about 12oz total when I’m...
  19. D

    Daycare vs. Income Effects on Child Behavior: Weighing the Evidence

    One way to compare the effects of income vs. daycare on children’s behavior is to look at the effect sizes of both inputs. The effect size is how much of an effect the specific input variable has on the output variable. It is a little tricky to do this though because you need to look at...
  20. C

    Toddler seems acutely upset by getting ‘in trouble’

    For behavioral discipline, we use ‘time-in’s’ with our nearly 4 y/o. This looks like going to a book nook corner, calming down, being mindful, and discussing whatever had just happened. At daycare, they do time outs. I feel like lately, when I say we are going to do a time-in, he gets nearly...