
  1. D

    Daycare is NOT associated with behavior problems in 10,000+ children across 5 countries

    There is been significant debate on this sub about daycare and it’s effects on children’s externalizing behaviors (I.e. disruptive behaviors, behavior problems, etc). A new study out in Child Development shows that the number of hours that a child spends in center-based daycares is not related...
  2. B

    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    Hello friends! I wanted to spread the word about Universal Childcare and how a handful of parents from /r/workingmoms have decided enough is enough. We're in the beginning stages of banding together to fight for real change. Are you interested in joining the cause? Do you know someone that...
  3. O

    Symptomatic bacterial strep throat in toddler: antibiotics?

    What's the current thought on this? General recommendations online are to treat with antibiotics to prevent complications. But antibiotics cause complications. Would it be reasonable, e.g., to wait a couple of days after onset to see if condition improves? (N.B. that I understand that Reddit is...
  4. E

    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    I hope this isn’t a stupid place to ask this question.. Is there any evidence of patterns for sibling gender (biological sex at birth)? E.g. likelihood of having a boy after a girl, girl after boy, two of the same, and any further patterns with more than two siblings? Note: I put sibling gender...
  5. R

    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    Hi. Looking for opinions. We never co slept with our 3 year old son and I deeply regret this decision. A couple of times we did take naps together on vacations and it was absolutely wonderful. I am thinking of starting a small tradition where, say, every Thursday night we would all sleep...
  6. D

    Should I switch to front facing auto chair?

    My baby is 13mo. Big part of his leg is out of the rear facing. auto chair. Should I switch? He’s 11kg (24 pounds) and 75 cm (2’5’’). In my country he fits both criteria, for rear and front facing. We will go on a 8h drive for the holidays and I’m wondering what is safest...
  7. C

    Interpretation of digital thermometer readings

    Can anyone link me to an authoritative source on how to interpret armpit readings from a digital thermometer? Our digital thermometer always measures low - it gives readings of 36ish C (oral) for my husband and I when well, and 35ish C (armpit) for baby when he's well. Normal human body...
  8. B

    Bivalent COVID vaccine for 9 month old who had COVID at 7 months?

    I’m trying to figure out what the right thing to do is. Do I get my son his bivalent vaccine for COVID? He will start daycare in March when he turns one year old. We all just had COVID in October when he was 7 months. My mother is weary about me getting him the shot. Before we had COVID, I felt...
  9. E

    Is a floor bed not recommended for an infant b/c of the mattress?

    I tried finding an answer w. the AAP but I’m having no such luck. I’m wondering if the reason montessori floor beds aren’t recommended for a child younger than 1/2 is b/c of the mattress. Because I can’t think of any other reason, aside from them flipping but they’re close to the floor so that...
  10. S

    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    Question: how to tell a small child their grandma that they were really close with died. Child is already stressing about family members dying due to prior loss. Background: We live in a three generational home. My parents (up till recently), me and my husband,our 5yo and a 7 day old newborn...
  11. T

    8 Month onld only getting 1, 2 hour nap, at daycare per day. Any studies if that is enough?

    The daycare our LO is in, "promoted" her to the next room. On the weekends, she'll take 2 naps, easy. The daycare says they'll put her down for a nap if she looks like she needs one, but it's noisy in the room with the other infants, so she just watches them instead. She only gets a chance to...
  12. 7

    Why is Everyone Sick all the Time?

    Hi ya'll! I first made this post here on the ECE Professionals subreddit, and someone in the comments mentioned people here might like to read it. I used to be an ECE teacher before leaving due to some health complications from immune issues. I’ve been learning a lot as I figure more out about...
  13. Q

    Mastitis - both sides

    Hi, I have a mastitis since 48 hours now which feels terrible, as it is in both sides. The breasts and nipples hurt a lot, but I cannot feel any large cloggings and the breasts are quite soft. However, some parts are red and I have high temperature. My gynecologist determined the CRP value...
  14. B

    4 month sleep regression vs something else

    I have a 4.5 month old. At a bit over 3 months, we went through a super unsettled sleep phase where he was up every 30-50 minutes, after a while he settled down and we noticed some definite changes in his sleep plus we helped him learn to settle himself. He’s great at falling asleep and often we...
  15. J

    looking for a vitamin D drop recommendation?

    Looking for a vitamin D drop to buy! Preferably something on Amazon
  16. R

    Exclusively breastfeeding vs Pumping?

    Hi everyone! I’m a first time new mom with a 2.5 week old baby. I’m so happy to have her home and healthy as I myself had quite the fertility journey, and she had a very short NICU stay after her birth. I’m currently pretty much pumping exclusively as my baby isn’t the best at breastfeeding -...
  17. D

    How unlucky was I?

    I hope I can explain my question clearly! I had a pretty shitty labour, delivery and (incomplete) recovery. It has made me completely rethink my desire for more children, but I’m not yet ready to mentally close the door on that. One thing that is really bothering me, and that might help me...
  18. M

    Had an endodontic procedure very early in first pregnancy, looking for reassurance (X-rays, local anesthesia w/ epi, sodium hypo, etc.)

    Hello all! I recently became pregnant for the first time. I conceived on the 13th, so that puts me at about 1 month pregnant? I already had a temporary filling from a few months ago for a tooth that needed a root canal. The pain came back, so I scheduled the procedure. Today, instead of having...
  19. O

    Is toddler skateboarding too risky?

    I looked online and several website reference the AAP, and in particular a brief article published in Pediatrics in 2002. The article is attributed to a committee comprising maybe a dozen doctors. A brief search reveals a handful of other articles on skateboards and scooters; due to time...
  20. I

    4 month Sleep Regression Research

    Hi y’all, We seem to have hit the notorious 4 month sleep regression phase. Everything I’ve read about this seems to say: Babies are now sleeping in more mature patterns (lighter sleep phases, waking to check their surroundings, etc.) That they’ll get confused if they fall asleep elsewhere...