
  1. N

    Radon in an older home

    Hi all, I am living in a finished basement apartment with my toddler and infant while we remodel our upstairs living areas over the next couple years. TLDR is I don’t know how dangerous it actually is to have young kids exposed to any given level of radon for any amount of time, and I don’t...
  2. C

    What are your favorite resources on cultivating creativity in 2-4 year olds?

    What are your favorite resources on cultivating creativity in 2-4 year olds? I've heard of creating invitations to play and process art... I'd love to learn more about the former (like how to do it well), and other things we could do as parents. I'm interested in creativity in the broadest...
  3. E

    4m/o exposed to covid-need breastmilk help

    My in laws exposed my 4 month old to covid today without telling me anyone was sick. I had a very low breastmilk supply and stopped pumping at 3 months PP. Bc breastmilk has more nutrients and antibodies, I saved some of my milk before I stopped. I have a few bags frozen in the freezer but not a...
  4. F

    What to do when best is impossible (Emily Oster)

    I know Emily Oster is controversial here. I don’t necessarily agree with all of her takes nor do I think (unfortunately) she’s necessarily great at assessing the state of the field on every topic she writes on, and I don’t always agree with how she presents the data she does share. However - I...
  5. M

    Cross-post: EMF safety in baby's room

    Cross-posted to nostupidquestions because. I'm a paranoid mom (with diagnosed OCD!), so please bear with me. I purchased an EMF and v/m meter and measured the wall my baby's crib is against. It measured 2.17 uT at its highest. There's Wi-Fi enabled pool equipment on the other side of thee wall...
  6. R

    Challenging my doctor’s potentially old school advice on solid food for baby

    I’m looking for sources which I can reference in discussion with my family doctor about my 6.5 month old eating solids. Background: at my sons 6 month check up we discussed starting solids. I’d started slowly at 5.5 months (when he showed signs of readiness) with a mostly BLW based approach...
  7. L

    Unvaccinated Nanny

    Wife and I were going out to get our Covid vaccine today and the nanny mentioned she never had a vaccine and never had covid. I was surprised because we used an agency which is supposed to screen for that but obviously didn't. I asked her why she never got vaccinated and she said she just...
  8. J

    HepB Vaccine for Newborn

    Hello, our baby is being delivered via scheduled c-section on Thursday at 37w1d due to placenta complications. I am filling out the pre-paperwork and have agreed to Vitamin K, eye ointment, but the HepB vaccine is giving me pause. Let me be clear, my baby WILL get the HepB vaccine. However, at 3...
  9. C

    Updated Guidance for Covid bivalent eligibility for under 5 with Q&A

  10. C

    Spam me with your *aspirational* parenting habits for your 3-5 year old

    I love checklists :). Please spam me with your *aspirational* parenting habits for your 3-5 year old. They can be daily, several times a week, monthly, etc. I acknowledge that everyone's parenting style and children are different, and the habits will change over time. Also, I have read...
  11. J

    High Blood Lead Level - Capillary Test

    At our 12 month pediatrician’s appointment our baby had a heel-prick capillary blood draw test to check for lead and tested 5.5 μg/dL (3.5 μg/dL is threshold for follow-up). We were naturally really worried; our house was recently renovated but built in 1970 and I immediately went about doing...
  12. B

    Ads and instructions for the Fisher Price Newborn Rock n Play Sleeper

    When this recalled product comes up I see a LOT of misinformation about it. I think everyone needs to watch this ad, look closely at the design and listen to the audio. It really speaks for itself on why it is unsafe. Even when “used properly.” Watch the ad for a Fisher Price Newborn Rock n...
  13. P

    3 y/o biting himself

    Hi all, over the last month or so our almost 3 year old has been biting himself during tantrums. When he first did it, mom and I reacted by changing the context of the situation, picking him up and telling him not to hurt himself, caressing and behaving calmly, so I think he learned that the...
  14. A

    What evidence is there that repeated COVID infections won’t negatively impact a child’s health over time?

    I’m a new parent and lean incredibly cautious with my five month old primarily because I do still feel like COVID is a novel virus and I don’t yet know or understand the longterm ramifications of repeated, annual infection on children. The below thread on this subreddit and the accompanying...
  15. G

    Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

    Today I came across yet another person saying something I use for my baby is bad because it has some ingredients they can’t pronounce (today it was sunscreen). Am I the only one who thinks that’s a trash argument? Like, I don’t speak Russian, so I can’t pronounce Russian words. Does that make...
  16. T

    Should I wait for the updated covid vaccine for my 8 month old?

    I’m thinking about getting my 8 month old vaccinated next week with the first dose of the current covid vaccine. However, I heard that there’s a new vaccine coming out in September or October that will target the Omicron XBB sub variants…should I wait for that one since it’s the most up to date...
  17. A

    Lead poisoning

    My toddler just got his blood lead levels tested. I know that the CDC reference value is 3.5 μg/dL. I believe (?) that 5 μg/dL would put a child in the top 2.5% for lead. Is there data for what lead levels look like for the average child? I know there is no safe level of lead, but if a random...
  18. C

    Thoughts on infant formula prep study

    I was just curious what everyone thought of this study and the response from the Infant Nutrition Counsel about the preparation of powdered infant formula needing 70°C and then cooled before given to baby.
  19. F

    Should I pull toddler out of daycare?

    This is a cross post from r/toddlers. But I’d like some advice from this subreddit from a science perspective. My 2.5 toddler just started part time preschool for the first time. She is there mostly for socialization as I am still on maternity leave with my second who is 6 months (will be...
  20. S

    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    Hi all, After much back and forth, my husband is finally on board to give our almost 9 month old daughter the pfizer covid vaccine. However, he is still sending me studies on myocarditis and has deep concerns with respect to the spike protein and exposure to it through the vaccine. From my...