parenting teens

  1. G

    Difficult 17 year old

    My 17 year old has literally going to drive me insane. He has been hanging around some kids from school I can’t stand. School had always been awful. He literally hasn’t passed a math class since 5th grade. He has done summer school and been able to make up the credits with extra help from us and...
  2. S

    Freshman and bad grades

    Just checked our sons Google classroom and he has an F in Spanish, D in English, and a D in Math. He is dangerously close to dropping below a 2.0. He seems to be happy overall. We always ask how school is going and he says fine and never asks for any help. His teachers have never notified us...
  3. Y

    17 year olds & sex

    So my daughter is 17 and a senior in high school. She's had a few boyfriends but it never lasted long. She's a couple months into her first serious relationship. Her and I have had discussions about sex. She's been on birth control for a couple years due to her periods and recently just...
  4. K

    Son decided he hates his expensive Christmas gifts

    Hey everyone. I love Christmas and giving gifts. I spend a lot of effort picking out thoughtful gifts. This year, I bought my 17 year old son a full Norse outfit. I know he’s a history buff so I did my research and found what I thought was historically accurate stuff. I went overboard a...
  5. T

    Teen quit school- now what?

    Parents, please help. I have a 18 yr old who as soon as he turned 18 (a junior) , quit HS. I have an ex whom my kid lives with 50 % of the time(before turning 18) and my ex has no job and lives with his mother. He did nothing to encourage my son to stay in school and I was always the one on the...
  6. M

    Manipulative 12 yo with mental illnesses

    Sorry for the long post... My 12 yo daughter has been diagnosed with autism, OCD and anxiety disorder last summer. She has been suffering from sensory issues since she was a child, panic attacks, went through a lot of bullying in elementary school, self-harming herself, attempted suicide three...
  7. F

    My daughter failed 9th grade and I do not know what to do about it

    My daughter ended the year with 4 out of 6.5 required credits. She failed English and Science (two core classes). She has two options: 1 Go to summer school (for English only, science is not available). Load up on classes which could give her the opportunity to get caught up to her class by...
  8. N

    I need help with being consistent with chores

    Hey "RENTS" as my daughter refers to me and her step dad. I would love insight on what has worked in your home as far as some sort of chore plan that's stuck over the years. Man I've done it ALL individual list, weekly charts even set up a chore list with their greenlight debit card. But in all...
  9. K

    I am at my wits end with my daughter’s (16f) sleep schedule. Any advice, kind words and virtual hugs accepted

    Ever since the pandemic and the kids going to virtual school, my daughter (16f) has had an absolutely terrible sleep schedule. At its worst, she would go two days without sleeping. Sometimes she wouldn’t even go to bed til 11am or later. It’s gotten a little better since returning to in person...
  10. D

    Sanity check- s*xually active teen daughter

    I’m a divorced dad of a 14 YO daughter. A few weeks ago my kid came to me and asked for condoms. We had a chat, I advised against being sexually active too soon, we talked about being safe, and I gave her the condoms. I knew this was coming, as she has a long term serious boyfriend (as serious...
  11. K

    Teenage daughter(15) so angry

    I am venting a bit and also asking for some advice on how to discipline. My(38f) daughter(15f) is constantly giving me attitude over quite literally everything. If I buy her a smoothie at the drive thru I get the same amount of verbal aggression I get for asking her to come to dinner or do her...
  12. C

    Teen daughter lied about meeting a friend. Is actually planning to meet a boy she met online

    My 15 y.o confessed to me that she lied to me about plans she’s made to meet a female friend at a local mall. She came and spoke to me earlier today and “confessed” that she isn’t planning to meet a school friend, but rather a boy she meet online. It was apparently his suggestion that she come...
  13. G

    Why does my son hate me? Wants to live w aunt!

    I’m a single mom, my son and I were always best friends, he was always so thoughtful and sweet! Then he turned 14, and started becoming sullen and angry. He started refusing to do schoolwork and lying a lot, he started asking if he could live with my sister. After a big fight when I found out...
  14. L

    Getting it off my chest

    Dropping kid off at college in a couple days and everywhere I go I’m reminded of all the fun things I did with her as she grew up. At the grocery store now and noticing the model train up on the ceiling going round that we used to come and watch when she was 3. Don’t know if I’ll get out of here...
  15. G

    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    Hey All, I have a 16yr old son who's been calling me every weekend night for a sober ride home. I am wrestling with what to do here. Let me provide some background first. 1) He started using THC regularly when he was 15 and recently started drinking most weekends 2) We've had him in therapy...
  16. C

    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    My daughter is a straight A student, and does really well socially. But I am sick and tired of her sense of entitlement and irresponsible behavior at home. I admit that I have let things slide and get put of hand, but I am not convinced that all is lost. Today she was home for 6 hours by...
  17. M

    Teenager - punishment question

    My teenage DD is in punishment. The best is to take away what she likes most, of course. So, I’ve taken her electronics. As I have many times before. Question: With her own money, she purchased a Sherpa throw blanket that she absolutely loves (she wanted mine, but I told her that she could...
  18. S

    Teen retaliation

    My teen (17m) doesn’t like limits. Tonight, his limit for internet usage kicked in. He told me I had to change it or he would make my life miserable. I told him once he had finished his chores (namely walking our dog) and homework I would be willing to reconsider. He proceeded to flick the...
  19. R

    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    So our 13 year old has been buying and smoking weed despite us catching him a couple of times and talking with him about the risks, why we don’t want him doing it etc. He’s unsurprisingly lied about stopping and today we found out he was off to buy more. He’s now at home and I’m just stumped as...
  20. T

    16 y/o sleeps all day, seems depressed

    I'm (M 46y/o) at a loose end with my son ( M 16 y/o). His circadian rhythm is a mess. He burns the midnight oil and sleeps all day. I go into his room, and he's curled up in the fetal position, phone in face, watching endless tiktoks. He seems lonely and depressed. It's a hard pill to swallow...