parenting teens

  1. M

    18 Year Old Not Speaking to Dad, Should I?

    My kid, "C.", turned 18 in January is graduating high school in June. She is a good kid and salutatorian of her class. Her bio dad comes from a different culture, and has always been hard on her. I knew C. was gay when she was 9 years old, so it didn't suprise me when she came out to me at 13...
  2. A

    Dad flips out on teens asking to go to skatepark

    Me and my brother like to skate and we have a local park that's 8 minutes away via car and 40 minutes walking. We go there every other day but my dad is known to not be the best. He is a very angry person and can be an asshole if he feels like it. I think he vents his frustration from his work...
  3. M

    How to address cutting

    My daughter is 14 and recently started having severe bouts of depression. She’ll be fine one day and the next she’s in hysterics. I should also mention she struggles with an intellectual learning disability. She has a difficult time comprehending some things and she’s totally fine on others...
  4. C

    Cut from track team due to going away for Christmas vacation?

    My 17 year old son (high school senior) wanted to go skiing out west (he is an avid skier since he was a child). I booked us a vacation in Utah at a ski resort where he got to ski while off on Christmas break. We had an amazing winter vacation. Fast forward, my son tells me today that he was...
  5. N

    Consequences for lying, advice please

    How do I encourage my teen to not lie to me? I have a 14 year old boy. Overall he is a really great kid. He does well in school, he plays sports and he generally gets his chores done ( with reminders). However, he consistently lies about his Xbox/tv and sneaks on it. He has a TV in his room and...
  6. S

    Teenager using Pot regularly - how do I get him to stop?

    Over the last several months my son has developed anxiety and depression, began falling severely behind in his classes, lost interest in classes that he was previously very passionate about and twice expressed suicidal thoughts, the second time he tried to jump from an upper floor window and he...
  7. B

    It’s hard to forgive

    I’ve (27y/o) somewhat taken on the role of parenting this year since I am watching my sister’s (42 y/o) 3 kids, 5,8 & 14 y/o, while they do virtual school. I used to be the “cool” aunt, and I still somewhat am with the Littles, but the teenager has shook my world. It’s all a total mind fuck with...
  8. N

    Is there a way for kids to bypass the apple screen time restrictions?

    We have a 12 year old that has a time restriction on her phone. It’s for 2 or 3 hours but the kids on her phone for 8 hours a day. Is it possible that she’s bypassing the apple parental controls? She has no restrictions on Spotify or texts. Is it possible she’s just looking at...
  9. C

    Let’s do something!! {ideas}

    I have a 14(m) and 16(f) who won’t do anything or go anywhere. They don’t like each others company, wind each other up and generally just act up. I’m a single parent and have no money but everything I suggest to go and do they just won’t. Please send ideas on what we can do that doesn’t...
  10. C

    16 year old brother and school

    Hi! First time posting. I’m actually my brothers older sister (19) but my parents are pretty absent when it comes to him and school a lot of it falls on my plate. I need advice on what to do. He has been getting straight F’s in school since 5th grade, always has excuses as to why, never listens...
  11. T


    My boyfriend (35) and I (32) have 4 kids. M-13, F-11, M-9 and M-1. The 13 and 9 yr old are my biological kids from a previous relationship and that father is absent both physically and legally (there's a ppo protecting rhe 3 of us from him due to attempted murder.) 11 yr old is boyfriends from a...
  12. A

    When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

    Daughter is 15 and all her friends parents allow their boyfriends to come to their houses for sleepovers in the same room/ bed. I checked with other mum friends outside this particular group - also allow boyfriends to sleepover. Am I old fashioned or what - 15 seems a bit young to me to be...
  13. C

    I got Taylor Swift tickets for me and my 14 y.o. daughter and she doesn’t want me to go

    My (40f) daughter (14) has been dying to get Taylor Swift tickets for the last few months. A week before the concert my coworker got a special code that she could get 4 tickets, she bought 2 for herself and let me use her code to get two tickets. We are not sitting with my coworker. I was so...
  14. M

    My 12f cousin is posting sexual content on Snapchat, parents won’t let her go to school

    I’m 25(f). I have a younger female cousin who’s 12 years old. We’re pretty close. (she lives a few towns over). I follow her on Snapchat and tonight she posted a video of her in a hot tub wearing a skimpy bikini and doing a sexual tik tok dance. (Including sexual mouth licking movements…)...
  15. M

    Boy is willing to brave extreme cold

    Just to see his gf. 16yr old boys are nuts. It's -40c here (really damn cold). And he's trying to convince me he can take 2 busses and a train just to go to her house. This trip takes 1.5 hr. That doesn't take into account the waiting for late buses. Skin freezes in 5 to 10 min in this weather...
  16. M

    I’m trying to navigate teen years with my daughter

    My daughter is 15 years old and is in tenth grade. She has had a 16 year old boyfriend since before Christmas and the relationship has grown to where it’s about the only thing she cares about. The boy, whom I’ll refer to as J, has fallen hard for A, my daughter, and vise versa apparently. It has...
  17. J

    Calling Step-Grandparent by First Name

    I (22M) have had full legal guardianship of my 13 year old nephew for a bit over 2 years now, for reasons of abuse and neglect. My father (step in legal terms) has been in my life since I was 7 or 8, and therefore has been in my family longer than my 13 year old nephew. However, he refuses to...
  18. M

    Need advice about son who acts immature 24/7

    Hi all. I was hoping you could give me (mid-thirties dad of 4 kids, 2 of them teens) some ideas on how to handle my son’s unique personality. He just turned 15. He acts incredibly immature almost 24/7 and it always causes fights amongst all our kids (him and 3 daughters) or between him and us...
  19. S

    My teen is an E-Girl and it’s horrible

    My daughter is almost 17. Within the last year she has changed her look dramatically and now has been dressing like an “e-girl”. To be clear, I am not trying to control how she looks. I try to not make comments. But I am so embarrassed by it. She has ruined her looks and people we knew when she...
  20. H

    She's drain my desire to care

    Background: my daughters lived with their Dad for 5 years (age 10-15). I knew living with him was going to end very bad. But the court decided in his favor and off they went. About 2 years into it my daughter, we'll call her Lilly, stopped talking to me. She believed I was the reason her Dad...