parenting teens

  1. Z

    What do I do or say when teen has a big tantrum w f bombs and calls me names and says hurtful things bc he’s upset?

    He thought I was saying I’d tell my nutrition class that he wasn’t eating beans but I was just going to tell them you can’t force anyone to eat things. It was a misunderstanding but before I finished my sentence instantly he was throwing things saying he hates it here and wants to leave and...
  2. S

    How do I parent my introverted daughter?

    My 15 y/o daughter is VERY introverted. She comes off as unfriendly, aloof, and is very quiet. She has a couple friends who are wonderful girls, but does not spend much time with them. She rarely smiles, and has trouble making small talk (let alone full conversations) with family members like...
  3. N

    Entitled .. spoilt 16yr old

    Hiya .. parenting teens is hard ! .. worst part of being a parent .. I have a 26yr old who was he'll on legs .. I was on 1st name terms with the police .. she was running away and all sorts .. she did eventually change .. now is a hard working women who I'm proud of .. I couldn't go threw that...
  4. P

    Can’t stop missing the younger years

    I’m a 50 year old mother to one child, a 14 year old daughter. I love her and I’m glad she’s independent. She is individuating so hard! I am having a hard time letting go of the things that we used to do… like 4 years ago. Saying I love you when we say good night. She says that’s not her love...
  5. M

    Teenage son things random small talk is pointless between parent and kid

    EDIT: **Teenage son thinks random small talk is pointless between parent and kid.** The only thing he likes talking to me about is where am I going to have breakfast/lunch/dinner.I like to have small random talks about trivial things when we are driving.E.G. Today. "Why are you smiling and...
  6. S

    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    My son is 17 and is 6’2”. He’s tall and needs a lot of food to sustain. YET! The kid doesn’t take any responsibility for making sure he is fed, and I suffer from it. When he doesn’t eat, he’s an absolute pill and can be quite mean. When I’m able to identify this and feed him it can be a 10-15...
  7. K

    What would you do? I need advice on this situation with my 16/f daughter!

    Update!: After 8 days, the theater teacher hasn’t responded to my email or returned my three phone calls so I finally went over his head and went to the principal. Who said “of course you can come! We’d love to have you!” So PHEW!!!! Thank you for all your words of support and encouragement! I...
  8. W

    I dont know if this is too intense for this sub but my 13 year old just chased me around our home threatening me with a metal tennis racket

    It´s 2:00 in the morning here. I have a hospital stay tomorrow and needed to sleep. He is on a really bad schedule due to school holidays and kept busting in my room, banging on my door, putting things between the door and laughing. I calmly warned him once or twice he needed to stop or there...
  9. E

    Is our daughter (11F) eating enough?

    I’m worried about our daughter’s eating habits. Given how sensitive an issue this can be with young girls, I want to be careful about whether, and how, we approach this. The issue is getting her to eat enough. At home we cook balanced, moderately sized and usually very tasty meals. She will...
  10. C

    AITA - Dinner time

    I (f49) and hubby (m50) have three kids, 8,13,&15. When they were little, we had three semi balanced meals and two snacks everyday as part of the routine. As they got older, it all loosened into what now is me feeding the 8 year old breakfast before school, one big family breakfast that everyone...
  11. C

    Deep breath and here we go

    Ok, my son is 17 and an 11th grader. Always has been smart and is taking 3 AP classes this year. The problems that I have been having with him are more to do with getting his assignments in on time and actually DOING the assignments. He appears to procrastinate. So, buckle up because there...
  12. L

    Low HS grades - 18 year old

    My son is a good kid. He’s a good person. He has a teenage job and works hard there. He’s considered a good employee. His mom and I divorced when he was very little. By the time he was four we his mom and I lived apart. I have been as involved as possible and spoke to him on the phone every...
  13. N

    Does raising your teen trigger your trauma?

    Ok a little background I have 3 teens, we are a blended family. Z- 13 Shell- 14 and V-15 we have been together as a family for 9 years so they don't really remember a time without my partner. Well they do but the more time the lessen it holds true. I was raised in a pretty abusive environment...
  14. S

    Help with a 17 year old’s attitude?!

    I’m not his parent, but his older sister. I’m turning 22 in a couple weeks, so not a huge age difference between us. A quick rundown of the story is, our mom has severe mental illness and I was kicked out in high school and she later lost custody of him. He went to stay with his bio dad (not the...
  15. P

    He’s making me so mad

    Update - His therapist emailed last night telling me about her concerns. I tried to talk to him about it and he exploded. Once he calmed down my husband talked to him and it’s very obvious that the GF is in charge. Every comment started with “Maia said”. So, I’m done being the bad guy that he...
  16. J

    VENT I was just a bitch to my 16 year old daughter.

    I feel justified, but why do I also feel guilty for acting like such a bitch to her, when she… …did not give me a time she wanted me to drive her to her boyfriend’s house, but then woke me up from a nap at 6:41 insisting she said 6:30. …rushed the hell out of me while I was trying to wake...
  17. D

    My 17yo's been a keyboard warrior - using MY name...! - advice wanted

    Hi - I've never posted here before, I hope this is the right place for this post? But if anyone knows of a more appropriate one, just let me know? Title says it all, really - this came at me very much out of left field, and I'm just not sure how to react here. My 17-y-o DS has just confessed...
  18. S

    Is it really slut shaming?

    My 16 year old recently earned access to social media knowing we monitor it and have full access to his account. He met a girl on Instagram about 8 hours ago. Since they started talking they progressed to boyfriend girlfriend, full on I Love YoUs, but seemingly first the kid sent my son not...
  19. V

    Stinky teens

    How can they be freshly changed outta the shower and still have the tiniest smell of B.O.?
  20. C

    Anyone had experience discovering their teen is in a self-harm pact?

    My 13 y/o had been self-harming earlier in the year. We took him to a therapist who he basically lied to and said he didn’t do it anymore. His therapist said it might have been doing more harm than good because he refused to talk about ANYTHING during his sessions. So we took him out and I did...