one and done parents

  1. J

    Happy V Day!

    My partner is currently sitting on the floor with LO reading books and icing himself with a bag of frozen peas. I am relishing in making our family of three official!
  2. A

    Sometimes I get sad

    My husband and I had never wanted kids. It was a big part of our relationship. 3 years of friendship where we piggy backed off each other on why we don't want kids. 3 years in our relationship telling people we won't be having any. Then 8 months before our wedding I was late. It was January of...
  3. A

    My OBGYN laughed at me when I said I was OAD

    I had an appt with my OB last week because nothing down there has felt normal since I gave birth 6 months ago. Turns out I have a bunch of scar tissue that should get better with time/pelvic floor therapy/estrogen-heavy BC, so all's good there. BUT - my doctor asked me about multiples at the...
  4. A

    Reaffirms OAD to me

    Today in the office I overheard a lady who is due in 2 months with #3 (a girl) saying how rough it was when her 2 boys who constantly bickered and fought while being unwell (3.5 and 20 months) were off sick for 2 weeks while her husband was off on a trip, and her parents are away enjoying...
  5. L

    Lack of Play dates

    Hello. My son just turned 5 on the 20th. He’s in pre-k Monday-Friday from 9-1. He’s been at the same school for 3 years. Birthday parties don’t seem to be a big deal here. It’s a small school with small classes, but we’ve only been to 4 birthdays across 3 years. My son also doesn’t have play...
  6. M

    When did you send your only to preschool?

    Hi! My only is almost 2 and she's been in an in-home daycare for a year. We love it there. She loves her friends and the lady who runs it is an angel. When did you send your only to preschool or a daycare facility that is more like school/classroom based? My friend just posted on Instagram...
  7. J

    Grief at giving away baby stuff

    Hi Community! We just gave away all of the best of our gear from about 0 to 2 years. It couldn’t have gone to a better home; we gave it to the person who saved our sanity by being an amazing nanny and friend in the beginning of Covid lockdown. But I’m feeling an overwhelming grief at settling...
  8. D

    Made a new sub

    r/oneanddone1 I know cheesy name. Nobody has to join it if they don’t want to. I just wanted to make a sub and add active mods as a second option. I’ve already invited 2 people to be mods whom are in different time zones I plan to add at least 3-5 more. Oh and first order of buisness will be...
  9. M

    OAD because H and I are not a good parental partnership

    Growing up, I always said I never wanted kids. Fast forward many years to when I met my husband. We got married and had 1 kid. Now, we are both 36 and my son is 1.5 years old. I started taking lexapro to manage PPD 9 months ago. Mood is stabilized, but everyday seems grim because of the...
  10. T

    2 month old won’t nap during day

    My son turns 2 months old this Friday and he has been STRUGGLING with day time naps for almost two weeks. He won’t go down for more than 45 minutes at a time (if that). He then is either up and alert or crying. We allow him some self-soothing (which he was getting really good at for a while) and...
  11. B

    Waiting for the right time..

    Hey folks, after years of fence sitting my partner and I have decided the one and done life seems dreamy! We’re excited for this next chapter! However, the decision has come at a bit of a weird time. I’m 30(F) and we’re planning on doing a two week road trip in the summer. Knowing I’m one and...
  12. 9

    How much are y'all paying for babysitters/daycare per week ?

    I want to start going out regularly but how do u guys budget or set aside money ? Once u guys are out do u call often or tell them don't call. Particularly how much do u pay for a babysitter for one child at NIGHT . Like from 9-4. Do you have like a camera for them ?
  13. W

    Unfollowed OurSignedWorld

    I try to curate who I follow on social media so it doesn’t trigger my guilt as OAD by choice mother. I was following @oursignedworld who was proudly OAD. Now they are second guessing (one of the reasons is because their child is asking for a sibling). Which is fine, whatever. What is...
  14. R

    Guilt factoe

    I am a OAD mom. My daughter is 7 years now . Till she was 5 years , i never thought of a second child but then i started seeing all her frens getting siblings. We r a family of 3 and most ppl around us are a family of 4 or more. I was turning 40 when the thought of second baby came. I...
  15. D

    Baby #2 Posts

    Getting to the point where women I follow on social media that were pregnant close to the same time as me are starting to announce they are pregnant with baby #2. My first thought is “pshhhh…good luck with that. No thanks”. But then my 2nd thought is “wow, it must have been a lot easier for...
  16. G

    To the moms who’ve had a tubal

    I am 25(f). My husband is the same age. We have an almost 3 y/o son. We are vehemently OAD. We have no desire for anymore children and feel like our family is complete. That being said, I want to pull the trigger on a tubal because I am TIRED of birth control, but I am a little hesitant about...
  17. M

    What’s your worst part of being a one and done parent?

    For me, it’s having to entertain my child 24/7. She’s 4 so she’s only in preschool 4 hours a day, 3 days a week, and this week she’s been on spring break so it’s just been me and her all day, everyday. I only work on the weekends and her dad works during the week so I’ve always been at home with...
  18. T

    Family related work in school

    Hi , In a school class( grade 1) , my daughter’s school teacher asked them to make 3 columns and write names / draw father , mother , sibling ( Family ) My daughter wrote the parents names and drew them in the 2 columns and said 0 siblings in the third. I saw that work/ page and felt a bit...
  19. G

    Invalidated by having an only child

    Does anyone feel invalidated by parents of multiple children/society at large? Example: I have occasionally complained in conversation with my Mum about some of my friends who have multiple children (3), when they haven’t taken me seriously or supported me when I confided in them about a...
  20. J

    Do you have a village?

    Curious if those of us who are one and done have villages or not. Personally, I am a sahm who is with my son every single day 6 am to 8-9 pm. Dad gets off work around 6 pm and does help during the nights & weekends. Other than that we have no additional help. At first I thought we’d have 3...