moderately granola moms

  1. B

    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    TL;DR: How do you balance making a registry and letting people buy you nice things, with trying to be environmentally/economically sustainable in preparing for baby? Hi y’all - I’m expecting my first baby in February and just started making a registry. Until this week, I only had a diaper fund...
  2. M

    Thoughts on cod liver oil supplement for baby?

    I’m interested in giving my 6 month old cod liver oil. I’ve read that it’s very nutritious and has benefits of providing vitamin A and D. Are there any moms out there with opinions on this or people who have used it?
  3. E

    Haakaa breast pump

    I’ve seen a LOT of good things said online about the Haakaa breast pump. It’s a non electric silicone little suction pump, available on Amazon and there’s “off brand” available as well. I want to love it so bad but I just don’t. It sucks half my boob in and leaves the non nipple area SO RED I...
  4. E

    Camping with an infant?

    I posted this a while back on r/camping and got some very negative comments with little useful advice. So I’m trying again here in hopes it’ll be more helpful... With our first kid we didn’t camp until he was two. Now we have a new baby and definitely want to camp with him. He will be 6 months...
  5. C

    Piccalio Kitchen Helper Towers/Alternative Towers Ideas

    Hi Moms! I am considering buying the Piccalio Brand Mini Chef Foldable Helper Tower but I want your thoughts since it is pricey at $229 (at least today 2/2/24). Has anyone ever seen this brand on sale on the website? I like that this specific one by Piccalio folds and that it is made of real...
  6. 3

    Freaking out about canning

    I know this sounds crazy, but I've always been a little intimidated by canning, but my garden has just gone nuts this year, and my fridge can't handle any more jars, so I jumped in making 13 pints of pickles, multiple versions of peach butter, and blueberry butter. It was A LOT of work. I was...
  7. M

    partial night weaning 13.5 month old (x-post)

    My daughter is 13.5 months. She was EBF up until about 6 weeks ago when we started introducing cows milk. She is now on almost straight cows milk at daycare and nurses when we are together (morning, evening, weekends). I am in no rush to stop that but need help with nighttime. I nurse her to...
  8. F

    Winter gloves for 3YO’s non-snowy forest school?

    My daughter goes to an outdoors school in a local park. It doesn’t snow where we live but we do get frost and freezing temps. When I dropped her off this morning it was 37 degrees (F) and the only gloves we have are knit that get soaked and cold almost instantly. Any recs for cold weather...
  9. J

    Solo nap help

    Hi all! I’m hoping you may have some gentle approaches to my nap issue. I’m not interested in nap training/CIO solutions if I can avoid it. So my 15 m/o will only nap on me. I rock her to sleep and when she fails asleep I attempt to transfer her. I used to be able to transfer but haven’t been...
  10. D

    Anyone use cloth baby wipes?

    Baby is 3 months old and I find myself picky about wipes and the ones I’d prefer are always a bit more expensive. Was considering cloth wipes esp while he’s stil EBF. How is it cleaning them? Do you prefer them? Better for butt rashes?
  11. P

    A How To for my DIY Finnish Baby Box

    @billyjames expressed an interest in knowing how I constructed my DIY Finnish Baby Box so I thought I would share it with all of you. It was impossible to find any info online about how to construct your own, and the ones that you can order online range from $70-$450. I'm not sure how much of a...
  12. T

    Those who do Santa Lite... tell me your ways

    Edit: thank you all so much for your ideas and input!! It’s a great place to start, and has given me lots to think about My oldest is 2.5, and it’s his first year being aware of Santa. I had Santa as a kid but for many reasons I was ambivalent and unsure about what I would do for my own. I...
  13. A

    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    I have 2 daughters, 5 and 2. The 5 year old goes to pre-K 3 days a week and has ongoing swim lessons once a week (just started a few months ago). The 2 year old is on a waiting list for part-time daycare. I don’t have a ton of friends with similarly aged children, but the few that I do know...