moderately granola moms

  1. F

    I’m struggling to know - what’s worth swapping?

    I feel like the more I learn the more it feels like I should swap everything. I am really new to this stuff, but more and more convinced that all this junk is SO awful. I’ve only swapped personal care items so far (my deodorant, menstrual care, lotions/body wash for baby). I have been...
  2. A

    Sunblock? Y/N? Decent brands?

    Looking for advice on sunblock!
  3. E

    Period cramps

    What do you all take if anything for menstrual cramps. I've always suffered from severe cramping but this is my first period in awhile and I'm so over it. I don't want to take tylenol e ery 4 hours but that's the only thing that will knock it out. (I can't take ibuprofen because it gives me...
  4. E

    Looking for new laundry detergent for sensitive skin and allergies?

    I’ve been using All Free & Clear for around 8 years and it’s been great, no issues. With the recent reports of detergents containing 1,4 Dioxane (as I’m sure we’ve all seen by now), All was one of those making the list. So I’m looking for suggestions! Wanting a detergent that is a tough cleaner...
  5. 3

    Am I ever going to sleep again?

    My LO turns 2 next week and is still up 1-2x a night...basically every three hours at the moment. We didn't do CIO, I just couldn't, but y'all, I am so freaking tired. My husband is great and generally jumps up to do the 3am shift so I don't have to, but for me it's still generally me falling...
  6. L

    No Screens Possible for Short Flight with 13 month old?

    Looking for any and all tips for flying with our will-be 13 month old. I’ve already done some searches and looked at older posts- but I’m hoping for fresh perspective on our unique situation. First flight is 1.5 hours, layover 1 hour, second flight 1 hour. So, not super long… (a lot of what I’m...
  7. S

    An updated list of all the most recommended low-plastic toddler cups and bottles

    Who would’ve known the pursuit of a high quality toddler cup with minimal plastic would be such a time suck! What I thought would be one day of research has turned into a long weekend and I’m still not completely sold on what to try first. Figured I’d compile this list here to help the next...
  8. A

    Floor bed frame

    We recently came into possession of an almost new twin mattress (long story), which is kinda perfect timing because my 3 year old is rapidly getting too big for his toddler bed. It did come with a frame as well, but I want to do a floor bed with him for a while before jumping to that (he is...
  9. N

    washing non-organic produce

    If you don’t / can’t buy organic produce (I’m thinking about EWG’s Dirty Dozen), how do you wash your produce? Tbh, sometimes it pains me to pay $7 for organic strawberries, when the regular strawberries are $3 (on sale). I bought organic strawberries today, but sometimes I don’t because of...
  10. T

    Maternity clothes

    I'm having a really hard time finding good maternity clothes. Sizing up in regular clothes doesn't work for me. I have a long torso and long arms. I'm only 27 weeks and my belly is already hanging out the bottom of "maternity shirts." I hate wearing leggings. I just bought some maternity long...
  11. J

    Another q on second (scheduled) c after emergency c with first

    You all were incredibly helpful with my first question on this so I’m coming back for more. Another thing I’ve heard is that babies are more tired after labor and/or emergency c vs scheduled c, and so they can be easier to care for … also that labor forces fluid from them while the c does not...
  12. P

    What Cheerios-like cereal are you feeding your baby?

    Whole Foods 365 Morning O’s had added cane sugar, so I went with a box of Cascadian Farm Purely O’s. Any others to check out? Thanks!
  13. D

    Organic cotton clothes for chunky babies?

    My 6 month old has grown out of all her 9-12 month footies. Everything I’ve tried for 12+ months is long and slim, I guess for fire safety reasons, and she is neither of long nor slim lol. We tried burts bees babies, magnetic me, Monica & Andy, Pehr. Any suggestions of other brands for...
  14. S

    IKEA carbon steel pan has PFAS?

    so this is confusing to me. i was looking into carbon steel pans, and saw that some people in the r/BuyItForLife group recommended IKEA (surprisingly!) but on the product listing under product details>materials and care, it has this message: "California AB 1200 Information This product...
  15. N

    Thrive Market

    Do y’all have thrive market and do you love or hate? I live in a rural area, so we don’t have many clean eating options. How’s the pricing, food options, anything else I need to know? I have heard it’s hard to cancel.
  16. M

    My 1y/o eating/biting anything and everything in sight

    Hi everyone, I'd love to hear your input and get some advice. My daughter is just about to turn one and 95% of her activity during the day is with her mouth. She chews and eats everything in sight. She has 7 teeth out already. We no longer look at books because she goes straight into chewing the...
  17. D

    Anyone else walk into a big box store and feel like they’re the only ones awake in some sort of toxic capitalist matrix?

    Sorry for the rant but… Sometimes I have to go to a Safeway super close by to grab something though it’s not my default place to shop. They recently reorganized the whole store, and I feel like we’ve just about reached the doomed society depicted in Wall-E or Idiocracy. The center aisles are...
  18. J

    Polarn O. Pyret snow gear sizing?

    I am currently shopping for snowsuit/pants/coats/gear for my toddler. We live in the US near the Canadian boarder so we get bitterly cold winters, and thus I am looking for very warm gear. I've read good things about Polarn O. Pyret (POP) and am searching second-hand sites for that brand...
  19. T

    Intro and questions re: Milk and Baby halter kangaroo top and general nursing wear

    Hi all! I'm a FTM, due Oct 14th and I've been lurking this sub for about a month now, and I think I've found my Reddit tribe (aka y'all). So thanks! I'm psyched to join you. So, I loved maternity clothes, and was super comfortable and looked decent my whole pregnancy. Now, onto the next phase...
  20. Y

    Helping toddlers with fear of bees/bugs in a productive way?

    Hey, not sure if this is the right community. My 3.5-year-old LOVES to play outside and has recently developed a fear of bees and other flying insects. I accept her fear and it's okay, but I don't want it to interfere with her being able to play outside happily. I've told her that outside is...