moderately granola moms

  1. P

    Tired of disposable overnight diapers for my (daytime) potty trained 2.5 y old. Thinking of switching to cloth diapers and need advice

    Heyo! I’m happy to report that we’ve successfully potty trained during COVID but are still using pull ups at night and naps and the occasional car ride. I’m getting down to my last few diapers and don’t want to buy more! I’m tired of throwing them into the trash and causing so much waste. I’m...
  2. D


    Hello I mostly just need someone to tell me it's gonna be ok... was w my 6 month old in the woods harvesting elderberry today and we came home and were both covered in ticks, tiny tiny ticks, I got them all off her and did a once over w lint roller too, think I got myself also, a little stressed...
  3. D

    Clean Makeup Recs?

    Hi! FTM to an awesome chunky 6 week old boy and now that I’m feeling more myself and 80% recovered from my C Section I’m trying to not look so haggard and would like to put some semblance of a face on when I leave the house. Most of the stuff I use I’m reading is toxic or not great on EWG and...
  4. B

    The new Titanium Always Pan Pro. Do we think it’s truly coating-free and safe?

    I’ve been looking to swap out my cookware with a greener option. Stainless steel seems a bit intimidating and I have an electric stovetop so cast iron may scratch it. I just saw the new Titanium Always Pan Pro was launched and wondered if anyone has purchased it or done any digging on the claims...
  5. G

    Floor bed for 4 month old: twin mattress?

    Hi all, I'm a FTM of a 3.5 month old who is rapidly out growing her bassinet. DH and I want to forgo the crib and try a Montessori floor bed for her, and like the idea of getting a twin. This would give us the option to cosleep/nurse to sleep as needed, but the hope is LO will mostly be sleeping...
  6. R

    What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

    What are you getting your kids for Christmas? My third is due right around Christmas so I’m trying to get everything ready super early! I have a 5 year old, a 2.5 year old, and possibly a baby by Christmas or maybe right after 😅 On my list for them so far is beautifully illustrated, gentle...
  7. A

    Breastfeeding makes some women sad. We need to talk about it
  8. P

    Glass bottles keep cracking

    Update: thanks everyone for the all the advice! I did not expect this many responses. I got some really helpful info and no matter what bottles we use I’ll be careful about warming them more slowly. I’ve been warming the bottles today and haven’t had any crack, so I’m thinking it might be a...
  9. C

    Baby flipped to transverse at 39 weeks and now OB wants to schedule c-section without trying ECV

    I went in for a BPP scan yesterday at 39 weeks and realized during the ultrasound that he’s turned from head-down to transverse. I’ve been prepping and planning my whole pregnancy for a natural, unmedicated birth, but now it seems like all of my plans may be going out the window. My OB seemed so...
  10. K

    Any fellow D-MER (dysphoric milk ejection reflex) sufferers?

    I have a six week old baby and have been experiencing dysphoric milk ejection reflex, basically feeling feelings of dread, depression, self-loathing while breastfeeding. It only lasts a few minutes, but it's not fun, especially when you have a newborn who is nursing throughout the day. Does...
  11. 1

    In case anyone needs it: this is the official permission post for parents living in places with sub-freezing weather to relax on screen time and food

    If there’s anyone who’s in the midwestern or eastern U.S., and it’s going to be dangerously cold all week, and you’re beating yourself up about creating wholesome, enriching experiences while you’re all trapped in the house: you can cut yourself some slack. It’s okay. Screens and junk food...
  12. C

    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    I literally refreshed the page and it's gone? I knew they were having issues but damn.
  13. J

    Baby rash/eczema

    Hi I am in desperate need for help. My 14 month old has developed really dry eyes and dry skin. The dry skin is on his face, right foot and small tiny patches on his legs (around 4 patches in total) i live in the UK where unfortunately my gp has prescribed steroids without asking any questions...
  14. C

    Best Hygiene Products for Newborns

    FTM currently at 36 weeks and getting things ready for baby. I see that dermatologists recommend Cerave products for baby soap/shampoo, etc. Now I am seeing that it may have a bunch of potentially harmful chemicals. Also, my MIL recommended that I wash all baby clothes in Dreft and I learned...
  15. S

    "butts aren't shaped like triangles" any toddler underwear shaped like Tiny Undies?

    I want to buy underwear for my toddlers that are shaped like Tiny Undies brand underwear instead of the v-shape of regular mass-produced underwear. Boxes vs triangles. I also buy the same for myself and there are brands that sell on amazon that make box-shaped briefs for women too. But I can't...
  16. A

    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    Hello! My 4 year old has expressed interest in ballet, primarily just playing pretend and reading the Angelina Ballerina books. Part of me wants to enroll her in ballet, but a bigger part of me wants no part of ~dance~. There are a few reasons for this, and they are: 1) Expense. We really...
  17. S

    I’m a few months behind on vaccines and visits and I feel embarrassed to go back to the doctor…

    I’m moderately granola. An area I struggled with is vaccines but at the end of the day, I want my children fully vaccinated. I was back and forth and now I ultimately am fully on board with getting my 9 month old vaccinated. I guess im an ex-anti-vaxer even though I never really considered...
  18. S

    Lunch ideas needed!

    Here's a fun conundrum: my 3 year old is doing a forest school program this summer, and he will need a lunch and snacks that he can carry himself in a backpack. They recommend high protein foods (because they'll be out hiking all day) but we can't use his big insulated lunchbox/bentgo due to...
  19. O

    Starting daycare soon and need advice on how to transition older infant to bottles/cups for breastmilk!

    My son is 8.5 months old and I have pushed my hardest to stay home, but I am finally out of leave. He starts daycare next month and with that I am preparing him to drink breastmilk via not my breasts (lol). Since I thought I had more time, I never introduced him to bottles and I know babies...
  20. C

    Favorite Safe Road Trip Toys/Activities for Toddlers!

    What are your favorite SAFE road trip toys for toddlers? Idk if I’m going crazy, but so many online idea lists don’t exactly seem to have safety in mind. Most of the recommended items have small pieces/marketed for age 3+ (isn’t that preschool and not toddler?) or are from questionable...