formula feeders

  1. U

    Help. How did u know to switch formulas. My baby has unbearable, painful gas. Canada

    I know gas is normal but it's really bad, non stop farting, alot of discomfort. She's 4 weeks on enfamil rtf, how do I know it's not the formula? What signs to look for? I'm in ca ada and wpuld need suggestions for another RTF, but gentlease is out of the question as its sold out everwhere.
  2. M

    The new Philips avent nipples are terrible

    I ordered the new size 1 nipples and absolutely nothing comes out. I struggled for 2 days with my baby who went from drinking 4oz z feed to struggling flow an hour to drink 2oz. I tried the nipples myself and it was very hard to suck anything out. Is anyone else having the same issue? My LO is...
  3. D

    Do you follow the recommendations on the formula box?

    We are feeding our 5-week-old Aptamil, and on the box it says at the age of 5 weeks they should be eating 170 mL 5 times a day. This would mean about 5 hours between each feed, but he's hungry after 2 or 3 hours! I don't want to starve him for 2 hours just to follow what the box says... What he...
  4. J

    Is my 3 month old eating enough?

    LO just completed 3 months recently. She currently averages between 18-22 oz a day. Hasn’t ever exceeded 22 oz. She’s a great sleeper and is a happy baby overall. Her paediatrician was fine with her weight gain but I’m still a bit worried that she’s eating less for her age (Birth weight - 2.9...
  5. G

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    My son is a different baby during the night than he is during the day. At night he sleeps anywhere between 5-7 hours then feeds and goes straight back asleep for another 4 hours. He does this every single night after his bath and it’s amazing. He’s happy, I’m happy. But then during the day he...
  6. R

    I’m really struggling with guilt

    I made the decision long ago that breastfeeding isn’t for me, but the closer I get to my due date, the guiltier I feel. I cried for 2 days because of a comment my husband made about EFF not being “normal or natural”. He apologized after for his words and reaction. But he has been very attached...
  7. M

    Switching formula

    I want to switch from Enfamil to Kendamil Organic, b/c LO has been super gassy, lots of spit up and colicky. I’ve tried Enfamil Neruo, Gentlease, Similac and Similac sensitive and have had no luck. I was recommended Kendamil by a friend of mine, but I just switched him back to Enfamil Neruo b/c...
  8. D

    Baby is constantly constipated

    LO is 3 months old next week and poops every 3 days the problem is on the third day he doesn’t want to eat and then the cycle repeats. We’ve tried massages, prune juice, using probiotics, he gets a warm bath every night. It’s very concerning to us to the point where we want to switch off of...
  9. T

    Can anyone share a happy story of formula feeding from Day 1?

    My baby is due next week and originally I was going to give BF a try but between physical and mental health issues I might want to just start with formula. I know fed is best! I would tell a friend this, but I’m feeling guilt.
  10. W

    My baby is 3.5 months old and will not feed. I’m losing my mind

    Since birth he has been a fussy drinker. He wouldn’t latch and I have flat nipples. We tried shields, saw 2 lactation consultants, had his lip tie and tong tie released, but still ended up bottle feeding. Fine I’m cool with that. But the volumes he drinks have always been incredibly low. He...
  11. R

    UK formula feeders - formula recommendations for gassy baby?

    I have a 2.5 week EFF baby who has started to really struggle with trapped wind in the past few days (both ends) and it’s really upsetting seeing him be uncomfortable. We are currently using cow and gate powder and a Tommy Tippee prep machine, which I know does make formula quite bubbly. The...
  12. L

    3 months baby drinking 4 oz in 6 mins, am I doing anything wrong?

    My baby just turned 3 months and was snacking the whole day on Philip avent anti colic nipple 2 (1m+), just couldnt follow the scheduled feeding - ate 2 oz every 1 or 2 hrs, max 3 oz at one go. I changed to nipple 3 (3m+), she gulped down 4 oz in 6 mins total. First 2 oz in 3 mins, Burp break...
  13. B

    I did a comparison of all the big brand name formula prices...and the imported stuff are actually cheaper?

    Table is sorted by cheapest cost per fl oz of prepared formula on top Edit: Added US store brands. Those are cheaper than the imported stuff. Name Made in weight in oz weight in gram price how many grams for 1 fl oz (or 30ml) of prepared formula how many fl oz per order cost per fl oz cost...
  14. P

    Crazy to travel India with 2.5 months old baby?

    Hi I just want to know if I’m crazy to travel to India which is my native with a 2.5 month old baby? I delivery baby on July 13 and had health issues. Very tired, vomiting diarrhea stiff neck back back I don’t know how my milk supply got very low. Exclusive Formula feeding my LO It’s killing me...
  15. A

    HiPP stage 1 vs stage 2?

    I'm very confused on the difference. Everywhere online it says stage 2 has more iron in it, which I understand is very similar to every other formula designed for babies 6-12months. But why do the ingredients vary so much? Why not just add extra iron? My baby is just 6 months so I could stick...
  16. F

    3 week old’s feedings taking 1.5-2 hours

    FTM with an EFF 3 week old, currently having about 20 oz per day, anywhere from 1-4 oz per feeding. I think he’s gaining weight okay, although we don’t have any pedi appointments between 1 week and 5 weeks to really check (beyond our semi-accurate measurements at home). The thing is, he takes...
  17. S

    Silent reflux, reduced intake and BM, clicking sound when bottle feeding

    My LO (14 weeks now) has been having silent reflux problems since he was about 10 weeks or so. He started struggling with his bottles, crying and pushing it away. Total intake fell to about half his usual per day. He was originally thriving on Enfamil Gentlease but since then we’ve changed...
  18. R

    Is my baby getting enough?

    My 1 week old is getting an average of 45 mL of formula every 3 hours. Yesterday the total was 295 mL or about 10 oz. All the sources I can find say 1-2 oz a feed every 3 hours, so this seems fine. However the only guidelines I can find say by the end of the first month he should have 3-4 oz...
  19. C

    Looking for a formula travel bag

    We do quite a bit of traveling with our kiddo these days and lately have been using just an old reusable shopping bag and a cooler/lunch kit when we're out on the go for the day or overnight. I've been looking at a couple of bigger lunch kits/cooler bags and think they'd make a good way to get...
  20. S

    Need affirmation

    I’m a 20 y/o single mom to a 3 month old. Breastfeeding was going so well and I was so happy, as this is what I knew I wanted. Very long story short, delivery was terrible and left me with lots of issues. I had to start taking tramadol or I could not begin to take care of him like he needed. His...