formula feeders

  1. M

    My 4 week old daughter cried a lot and can’t be consoled. Don’t know if I should switch formula or not

    Background: I was going to combo feed but my baby ravenous hunger, impatient nature, and me not producing enough made me switch to formula feed exclusively. She literally tore my nipple inside out when she latched on and refused to let go the first day. When we switch med to formula feeding we...
  2. B

    7 week old miserable whenever awake

    Just to preface an going to call her Dr tmmr morning but it is very late here currently. I'm just trying to see some other opinions on what could be happening 😞. My LO was on enfamil yellow regular can but started having issues with arching and irritability so Dr recommended gentleease, we were...
  3. S

    5 week old spits up an hour later - a lot

    I have tried following all of the advice. Feed in an upright position, keep him upright for 30 mins, burp a couple times during feeding, etc. Sometimes during burping he spits up a little, no big deal. I try to avoid over feeding by giving him a pacifier in between bottles. However more times...
  4. J

    Challenges of formula transition

    FTD, 2 month old daughter. Wife never really produced enough and will be going back to work soon, so we’ve been maybe 70/30 formula to breast milk, and now that’s more like 90/10, will be 100/0 soon. Additionally, daughter recovered birth weight in a week, but since then doesn’t seem to gain...
  5. K

    Baby’s only -> kendamil goat->byheart back to baby’s only thinking about bubs supreme?

    TLDR:Our original concern with our first formula was severe constipation and yes constipation folks. Anyways we switched and had severe gas and reflux he never had before problems. Looking for something that won’t give us gas reflux or constipation. We started my baby originally on baby’s only...
  6. P

    If you can spare a few minutes please fill in my online survey on maternal mental health, infant feeding practices and weight trajectories. Thanks :)

    Hello Mums! We are final year students at the University of Liverpool and we are running a study looking at infant feeding practices, maternal mental health and weight gain. If your baby is aged between 6 to 12 months and was born at term gestation (37 weeks or over), please take 10 minutes to...
  7. M

    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    I was recently mom shamed for formula feeding and I just can't stop thinking about it, not sure if it's the hormones, but every time I go to prepare my LO's formula I think about the comment. Does anyone have any advice on how to get past this? My husband's friend had her baby a few months...
  8. U

    Help with new formula

    Hello, I'm in canada and my pediatrician just told me that the enfamil RTF for my newborn might be causing her the crazy gas and potentially acid reflux. He said it's time to try new formula and gave me a list of options, problem is I'm confused o which i w as I want her to still be able to...
  9. K

    I have some questions about this rtf formula I’m considering buying for when I come home from the hospital after birth

    So I’m on WIC and was told that the formula WIC will be approving is Gerber Gentle. I’m unsure what formula the hospital will be providing, but I’m thinking it will likely be something different from what I’ll get from WIC. Ideally I’d like to switch the baby to the WIC approved formula as...
  10. S

    How to measure for pitcher method?

    Hi! I’m new to formula feeding. I’ve been slowly decreasing BFing & pumping and supplementing with formula as needed. Im pretty much at the point where im tired of making bottles one at a time and I saw someone post about using the pitcher method. Is it as simple as 1 scoop to 2 oz? So if I...
  11. J

    (offer) enfamil coupons X-posted from Babyexchange

    EDIT: ALL GONE. HOPE YALL GET THEM SOON i had posted this over at baby exchange and figured i would have had them gone by now lol (maybe i'm impatient and want to help people out instantly xD) but yeah i got 3 left from this copy pasted post hey guys i got 7 of these $5 coupons for enfamil...
  12. R

    Mixing formula of different ages?

    Hello, we are combo-feeding our son which means that a box of formula lasts us at least 3-4 weeks. My son will soon turn 6 months and we can begin to give him "number 2" formula for 6 months+ babies. Now, I still have an unopened "number 1" formula that will probably last until he is 7 months...
  13. H

    Switching formula brand

    So my baby is 7 months old and he’s 75% breastmilk fed and 25 percent formula fed. I’m thinking on switching to only formula. He’s currently drinking enfamil gentleease but wanted to switch to kendamil organic. Can I switch the formula cold turkey or do I slowly transition it? Is it harmful to...
  14. C

    Seeking advice for difficult bottle feedings when awake

    Our baby just turned 8 weeks earlier this week and is EFF. Recently, in maybe the last week or 2 (or more, time has basically blended at this point), she's started to have really difficult feedings whenever she's awake for the feed. She'll exhibit her usual signs of hunger and once we present...
  15. L

    Kendamil Organic - changes that were made?

    What changes were made to Kendamil organic?? We have been using it for our LO. We noticed the changes in labeling and got concerned. Upon googling and searching Reddit we found some differences. We cross checked with the formula jars we have. We are in USA btw. Here are the changes we found...