formula feeders

  1. V

    Baby was fine w/Holle Stage 2, but not Stage 3 - anyone else?

    My 11 month old has used the Holle Stage 2 since he was about 8 months old, we loved it and his stomach was great on it. We tried to introduce him to Stage 3 several times after he turned 10 months old, and whenever we increase the ratio/amount of Stage 3 he has bad stomach issues. We’ve just...
  2. C

    Weaning sadness

    I apologize if this isn’t a good place to post this but I’m worried if I post in the breastfeeding sub ppl will try to offer advice for making it work and that’s not what I need. My daughter is three months and to say I gave breastfeeding my all is an understatement. She was a week late and...
  3. M

    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    Safe sleep seven - unless you can’t make milk? Are we that different? I understand the data that says EBF reduces SIDS. I get it. I don’t want to sleep with my baby but sometimes it’s that or no sleep for literally any of us. I have to sleep. I am the breadwinner. I pay our mortgage. And for...
  4. T

    Neosure for full-term, normal weight baby?

    Have any of you used NeoSure for a full-term, normal weight baby? I went against common parent wisdom and bought a case of NeoSure during the initial COVID hoarding mania in March. This was after getting result for my ultrasound that my second baby was measuring small again. With my first kid...
  5. A

    Why do Kendamil USA and Canada ingredients differ?

    I thought formula requirements in Canada and USA are the same since we get our formulas from USA. Kendamil claims only the packaging is changed so its english+french instead of just english (or maybe english+spanish for usa, dont remember) Also did anyone notice in the chart where it tells you...
  6. L

    Help me

    Help me Mammas, My little one is now 11 weeks. Full on formula. Her birth weight was 6 pound 3 ounces. And now she is 8 pound 7 ounces, she takes 2 oz in every 2-3 hours.Her weight gain is very slow that's why her ped suggested us to add more formula and oatmeal ( 1 tspn per ounce) in her...
  7. C

    Thinking about going full formula

    Hi all, im writing this close to tears, but i’m honestly over pumping. I was hoping to give my LO at least some breastmilk especially during RSV and flu season, but I got a bad cold last week myself and im literally yielding 0.5 oz each pump session (yes, both boobs) now. I’m taking all the...
  8. W

    Is it weird? Nipple size

    Our 9 week old girl is in Dr Brown size P nipples. She’s eating in a good time and shows no distress. Only issue is that at night she falls asleep during feeding, but I think that’s more a sleepy girly thing than a nipple issue. I thought it was odd she was still on the ‘preemie’ nipple, so we...
  9. K

    Dr Brown Level 4 Nipple Too Fast?

    My LO is 9 months and 1 week old. Around 5 months and 2 weeks, we switched him to level 3 nipples. So he’d been on them for more than 3 months. He’s been drinking water and eating solids pretty well. So I thought it might be time to upgrade to leve 4 nipples which are marked for 9 months+. Also...
  10. N

    6 months of free formula for babies under 14 days!

    Just saw this post on Instagram, this guy is a doctor and they are participating in a study that will give you 6 months of Bubs formula for free. You must be in the USA and baby under 6 months. Thought I would share because I know a lot of moms here could use the help and hey, free!!
  11. B


    We had our baby on Gentlease and had a lot of reflux issues, switched to Similac Sensitive 365 and everything got worse, reflux and digestion. A specialist even noticed blood and lots of mucus in her dirty diapers. I switched to Bubs goat formula and things seemed better but we were still having...
  12. L

    When did your baby sleep all night w/o feed?

    Hi - when did your baby sleep all night consistently without a feed? By “all night”, I mean at least 8-10 hours of sleep without waking up for a routine feed.
  13. W

    Formula opinion

    Baby is 3 weeks 2 days today. I’m still working on breastfeeding and pumping as I only get 1-2 oz per session and not enough to feed so we’ve supplementing with formula since day 1(even at the hospital). Initially in the first two weeks, we used powdered Enfamil DHA advanced. Her stools were...
  14. G

    MAM Nipple Flow Rates

    Does anyone know what the flow rate is for MAM bottles in mL per minute? In particular the size 0 nipple? We’ve been using Dr Brown’s Preemie nipple so far with our 2 month old, which are around 7mL per minute. Want to switch to an easier to clean and less leaky bottle that’s still good for...
  15. U

    Help. How did u know to switch formulas. My baby has unbearable, painful gas. Canada

    I know gas is normal but it's really bad, non stop farting, alot of discomfort. She's 4 weeks on enfamil rtf, how do I know it's not the formula? What signs to look for? I'm in ca ada and wpuld need suggestions for another RTF, but gentlease is out of the question as its sold out everwhere.
  16. M

    The new Philips avent nipples are terrible

    I ordered the new size 1 nipples and absolutely nothing comes out. I struggled for 2 days with my baby who went from drinking 4oz z feed to struggling flow an hour to drink 2oz. I tried the nipples myself and it was very hard to suck anything out. Is anyone else having the same issue? My LO is...
  17. D

    Do you follow the recommendations on the formula box?

    We are feeding our 5-week-old Aptamil, and on the box it says at the age of 5 weeks they should be eating 170 mL 5 times a day. This would mean about 5 hours between each feed, but he's hungry after 2 or 3 hours! I don't want to starve him for 2 hours just to follow what the box says... What he...
  18. J

    Is my 3 month old eating enough?

    LO just completed 3 months recently. She currently averages between 18-22 oz a day. Hasn’t ever exceeded 22 oz. She’s a great sleeper and is a happy baby overall. Her paediatrician was fine with her weight gain but I’m still a bit worried that she’s eating less for her age (Birth weight - 2.9...
  19. G

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    My son is a different baby during the night than he is during the day. At night he sleeps anywhere between 5-7 hours then feeds and goes straight back asleep for another 4 hours. He does this every single night after his bath and it’s amazing. He’s happy, I’m happy. But then during the day he...
  20. R

    I’m really struggling with guilt

    I made the decision long ago that breastfeeding isn’t for me, but the closer I get to my due date, the guiltier I feel. I cried for 2 days because of a comment my husband made about EFF not being “normal or natural”. He apologized after for his words and reaction. But he has been very attached...