fit pregnancy

  1. P


    So I’m 9.5 weeks. Did you guys do any sort of educational course online for how to safely lift? Still training normal and practice exhale with exertion. Doing mamastefit of course and was wondering if I needed more (also planning on doing birth ed course) I was tracking macros before aiming for...
  2. T

    Adult gymnastics!

    I am 17 weeks pregnant and joined my local adult gymnastics team!! C R A Z Y. It's actually gymnastrada, so I'm very happy to have the opportunity to focus primarily on floor work and strength building and not bar work or rings. YET. Now, before anyone starts warning me - one of my coaches...
  3. T

    Newly pregnant! Question(s) about nutrition, switching from low carb, new macros, etc

    Hello all! I have been looking for answers about prenatal nutrition and adjusting macros, and was hoping someone here can answer my specific questions or provide some personal experience. ;) I am newly pregnant- just a couple of weeks! We conceived through IVF so I've been preparing my body...
  4. R

    Does coughing in third trimester compromise abs? Caught a summer cold and feel so dejected.

    I’m currently 33weeks pregnant and honestly, I have nothing to complain about - I am so aware I have been really lucky and had a great pregnancy, but, I have a really vain worry that I’ve destroyed all the hard work I had put into preserving my abs by catching a summer cold. I have seen a...
  5. P

    SPD and exercise

    Hey ladies I'm desperate to find some ways of maintaining something of a fitness routine. I'm 22 w 2 d and 37 years old with baby 6, 2 to make it this far. Before this pregnancy I was trail running 10k 1 to 2 times per week, working out including lifting, kalestetics, etc daily, and hiking 5-10k...
  6. A

    Some More Scholarly Resources on Fitness and Pregnancy

    Hey, fit and pregnant mamas! This is actually my first post on here, but I've been a member of this sub since a month or two before I became pregnant with my second child (I'm now 15 weeks along, hooray for being through the first trimester!). You all inspire me and motivate me on a daily...
  7. J

    24W - Feeling SO Defeated with Decline in Running. Tips?

    Hello Everyone! I am 24 weeks and having the hardest time with running. I ran regularly before. It started with my pace being way down. Now its pain in my lower abdomen (round ligament, I suspect) and feet, and tightness in my calves. I'd say the abdomen pain is worst. I am wearing compression...
  8. J

    Protein Intake

    What have your medical professionals / registered dieticians suggested? I am surprised that my RD has suggested what feels like a pretty low amount of protein. She said during pregnancy, I want to be doing “maintenance” for my existing muscle mass which is like 0.8g-1g protein / kg body weight...
  9. T

    Pre-Pregnancy strengthening exercises? (x-post from /r/xxfitness)

    Are there any exercises / muscles that are recommended to be worked on before getting pregnant? I'm thinking like you want your abdominal muscles / core to be strong maybe. I'm doing StrongLifts so I'm not doing anything for my abs/core directly. Is there a core exercise that is safer, and / or...
  10. T

    Anticipating the nauseous stage

    Some background: I strength train 5 days a week and do yoga (usually yin yoga) 6-7 days a week. Now I’m 5 weeks 2 days along, and am quite winded from simple workouts and have scaled back. However for some reason I am anticipating on being pretty sick for the rest of the 1st trimester. I don’t...
  11. E

    Still hiking at 32 weeks!

    I'm a lot slower, need more snacks and water, and take a ridiculous number of potty breaks in the woods, but we're still going strong! Hiking has been my main form of activity this pregnancy and rime in nature has definitely helped me stay sane. I just got back from 6 days in Iceland with some...
  12. P

    USA Track & Field Mama's!!

    USA gold medalist track athlete Nia Ali interview
  13. J

    27 week update

    Hi! I just wanted to share what my fitness experience has been so far, in case it helps anyone else along their journey! Prior to pregnancy I would consider myself somewhere between fit and very fit. I ran half marathons, did yoga 3-5 times per week, weight training at orange theory fitness...
  14. M

    34 G/H cup Bra Recommendations

    I hope it’s ok I post here, I’m not pregnant anymore but post partum and I’m finally getting back to running (woohoo!) and training for a 5k the problem is I was a 34F pre pregnancy and I could get away with wearing a 36DDD. Wasn’t amazing but it was ok. I’m breastfeeding and even at 9m PP I’m a...
  15. 1

    Mountain biking + jumps/drops in early pregnancy

    Hi! About two days before I found out I was pregnant last week (I'm currently only 4 + 4 so super early) I signed up for a one-day mountain bike clinic focusing on jumps and drops. All of the riding will be in the bike park. It's next Friday, when I'll be only 5 weeks and a few days. I would...
  16. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    So, when I was pregnant, I worried constantly about fitness levels, weight gain, and how my body would recover after giving birth. It's not like I was a serious athlete before my pregnancy, but I was running very consistently, rock climbing and preparing for a triathlon. All that changed when I...
  17. R

    Doc Says Don’t Go Over 140?

    Had my first OBGYN appointment and my doc said the whole stay-under-140 business. I asked why and the response was that there is a switch point where oxygen is stolen from the placenta to fuel mom. I’ve did some light searching and can’t find a research article that says this. Has anyone seen a...
  18. T

    After baby workouts

    I’m due in 10 weeks and although I know I won’t be working out soon after the baby comes, I’m just thinking ahead to when I’ll be able to when I go back to work full time, have a baby, etc. I don’t want to give up going to the gym completely as it is one thing I’ve held onto for a VERY long...
  19. A

    Did my shoe size really just go up :'(

    I'm a runner ("formally" a marathoner though I hope to do more post baby) so obviously I'm obsessed w running shoes (saucony loyal) and have like, 5 pairs of run shoes I regularly wear right now. WELL, TWO PAIRS FEEL A BIT TIGHT AS OF YESTERDAY. So what does this mean for me? Will I need to...
  20. O

    Best workout for labor prep

    For those of you who have gone through labor before, what type of exercise do you think benefits labor the most? I’m currently 16w and while I love my Pilates, I know that I need something a little more cardio focused to truly prep for labor. I’ve started to shift my mindset to pushing through...