fit pregnancy

  1. H

    Struggling with not working out in early pregnancy

    I’m exactly 8+0 today and I’m not doing well mentally with being so nauseous and exhausted. Before pregnancy, I was in the gym 6 days a week. Now, I’m lucky if I go on a walk after work. I struggled with severe nausea and vomiting but began unisom + vitamin b6 and that’s helped with vomiting...
  2. O

    Workouts during c section wait period?

    Anyone work out upper body with light weights before your 6 week c section follow up? My dr hasn’t gotten back to me with an answer and I’m just curious if there’s anything I can do while “recovering” aside from walking on the treadmill. I’m 3 weeks post c section and ready to get back into it...
  3. Y

    Final week of pregnancy: 5k trail run and rock climbing

    I’m super proud of the effort my wife has made to stay active during pregnancy. Not every week has been easy, but she has managed to do all she can when she can. Here she is finishing a half trail, half gravel 5k yesterday (5/10) with the baby due Sunday (5/13): The day before that (5/9) she...
  4. H

    Running and avoiding widening feet

    Hey all, First just want to say I really appreciate this community and currently is my only expecting moms forum I feel good about participating in. I’m at 11 w 1 d and I’m finally beginning to get some energy back to run and do longer workouts. (It’s like one good day, then one puke all day...
  5. S

    First 8 weeks I gained 9 lbs and then I lost 6 lbs in a few days after I started drinking more water. Don’t forget to drink a lot of water!

    Hi everyone! I was having an issue where my weight gain was off the chart high. I gained 9 lbs in the first 8 weeks. I ate a very spicy meal one day and chugged water like I have never done before. Guess what!? The next day I wasn’t as bloated and lost 3 lbs. I continued drinking a lot of water...
  6. S

    I need success stories, pls! (40 F)

    Hello! I am freshly 40 yo, obesity 1st degree (BMI 31), hypertensive. Since finding out Im preggo (also very fresh) I ditched all my bad habits (sedentarism, coke zero, processed crap) and started walking about 10k steps a day, a significant portion of that being brisk ~ 5 days a week, I eat...
  7. H

    When were you able to go back to your pre-pregnancy strength again after a c-section?

    I had an emergency c-section 3 weeks ago. Prior to delivery, I was working out at least 2-3x a week. I was also very active prior to being pregnant and lifted weights + did HIIT on weekdays 4-5x a week and ran on weekends. To those of you who also underwent surgery (cesarean section), how long...
  8. G

    For anyone in the 1st trimester worried that they’ll not going to be able to exercise at all in their pregnancy

    Here is the log of my biking - my LPD was March 4 and I’m due on Dec 9. My current goal is 100 miles per month through T2 and then 50 a month through T3. my biking log
  9. A

    Pregnancy fitness app that isn’t a pdf?

    Hi all, first time new Mom here and still very early in pregnancy! I’d love suggestions on some apps or subscriptions that have a solid prenatal routine. It doesn’t have to be free, I’m willing to pay for something efficient that still follows typical strength training routines but focuses more...
  10. R

    Breastfeeding bras for CrossFit/working out

    Hey! Does anyone here breastfeed & do CrossFit?! Or workout in general. I’m 7.5 week PP and looking to get back into working out - CrossFit specifically. (I will be going very slow) But the only bras I have are some of the multi pack nursing bras off Amazon. I can tighten the straps to...
  11. M

    Is this a stupid idea (running related Q)

    Im 12 weeks pregnant w/baby 2! My other babe is about to turn 1 yr in a couple weeks. Prior to my first pregnancy, I would run a couple times a week, 1-3 miles at a time. Occasionally would do 4-5 miles if I was consistent with running and pushing myself. Quit running altogether during 1st...
  12. K

    Ab separation

    Can anyone recommend an ab/core workout specific for diastasis recti/ab separation reduction or prevention? I’m 16+1 and already huge. Its all belly, i’m super active and have gained minimal scale weight but i’ve been in maternity pants since 8 weeks because although i could (and still can)...
  13. Q

    Karens at the gym told me I shouldn’t be working out because I’m pregnant

    This is the second time this has happened. I let the first time slide since I was just thinking it was one ignorant old lady. But some time passes, another woman asked if she can speak to me and she told me that she notices that I’m pregnant and I shouldn’t be here and I should be home in bed...
  14. L

    16w, pelvic bones hurt like I’ve been riding a bike?

    This is my second pregnancy- first was normal and I exercised up until the day I delivered. That was 2 years ago. Now pregnant with my second, and my crotch bones(? Like the bottom of my pelvis, between my legs, but the bone part) ache like I’ve been spending too much time on a bike (I haven’t...
  15. S

    Any bike commuting moms here?

    First time MBT at 25+0, daily bike commuter 20 miles a day with a pedal assist ebike. I’ve noticed ever since hitting 20 weeks that the increased blood volume is smacking me in the face, and I’m relying on the e-assist much more than before. Did any of you make it all the way through your...
  16. M

    Pre-workout supplements?

    Hi all! My daughter is 10 months and I just found out I was pregnant again. I had recently purchased Vital Performance pre-workout supplement, but I’m not certain it’s safe for pregnancy. (See ingredient list below) If anyone has taken it during pregnancy let me know! Do you all have any...
  17. J

    Postpartum workouts

    [ 24 yo/f ] I am really struggling accepting my body. I have been in a deep depression about my body and just stopped caring or really putting in effort to fix it because I knew it wouldn’t be immediate results. I haven’t been eating right or taking care of my body like I should. I’m asking for...
  18. S

    How do y’all do it??

    I’m 16 weeks. Before getting pregnant I was training for a half marathon. I worked out 4x a week and I stuck to my schedule religiously. Now I just don’t have the energy at all. People kept telling me that the 1st trimester I was going to be exhausted and the 2nd trimester I would get better...
  19. C

    What the f?! (A vent)

    I’m 30 years old, I’m physically fit, I workout 4-5 days a week doing a mix of cardio hiit and strength training. (All prep pregnancy). I’m now 17+2 weeks pregnant and Im sore taking my dog on a 2 mile walk! Im dying when my heart rate is only 132, my hips hurt. what the f?! Lol I know I know...
  20. C

    STM’s, did you actually “bounce back”?

    People keep telling me I will “bounce back” because I’m working out through pregnancy. But I just spoke with someone on my bump group who said she was lean/shredded prior to pregnancy, worked out through pregnancy and after and never ended up bouncing back. So second third whatever time parents...