
  1. D

    TWW fun ‘til Monday!

    So- I’m 42. Last year I met my amazing partner just as I was starting hormone treatment for solo IVF. (Yea, I know!! Loll) The FET didn’t work then but just about year later my guy and I have moved in together, and everything is going extremely well for us! We’ve talked about revisiting the...
  2. E

    Positive OAD Families in TV/Movies

    I loved the recent post about children's books featuring only children. I'm not 100% OAD myself but it's very likely for a variety of factors and as a teacher of young kids, I just appreciate seeing all kinds of families represented in fiction. Often when a family has an only child in TV or...
  3. J


    So I didn’t know this sub even was a thing until someone suggested I join. So my husband and I have an almost four year old. We always thought we would have two kids, but in the last almost four years we haven’t felt that “need” to have a second. We are super content with our little family...
  4. K

    The Penguins Journey: OAD families in nature

    Fellow OADers, I implore you to take inspiration from the Emperor Penguin! While reading a beautiful story called "The Penguin's Journey" to my toddler, I was proud and impressed to see the representation of OAD families in nature, and I had to share. If you don't know much about Penguins, I...
  5. E

    Family not being respectful (involuntarily)

    When I got pregnant, I promised myself that this little bean would never feel the anxiety and stress from me that I've felt from my family my whole life. I am one and done and try to do everything as well as possible for my son. I'm very close with my family. I see my parents and my sister...
  6. T

    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    I have a friend who has a baby near my age and this happened to them today and I’m posting this story with permission as she is also curious about the general consensus. Today my friend (We’ll call her J) was running some errands and while she was at the eye doctor another customer kept asking...
  7. D

    Help me grieve/get over this

    Yesterday my husband and I decided we would not be doing another round of ivf, meaning we would not be having another child. The decision was made with a lot of thought and logic - we are currently happy with the family we have, ivf may not be successful, and even if it was, I have difficult...
  8. M

    If you need to rinse or soak your dishes before putting them in your dishwasher, you’re doing it wrong

    There’s a pre-wash slot you need to fill.