
  1. C

    What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

    Coming here to ask this as it’s as good place to get some others views without being instantly judged as an ass hole… I hope! So I have a 10 month old and last year I was accepted as a cannabis patient legally in the Uk which is still a new thing here and I have been put on due to low mood...
  2. V

    What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

    Me and my husband agreed to our OAD life when we were 6 months postpartum because I didn’t think I’d survive another PPD. But I had it solidified when my best friend had her baby 2 months ago. I held him and just went… “nope. I’m done. No more of this for me k thnx”
  3. N

    Do twins count as one and done?

    Originally we wanted several kids, but when we started trying we got pregnant with twins. I had a kind of traumatic birth; pregnancy was so hard, they were late, I had an emergency c section, and some pretty severe post partum anxiety to boot. Then our doc told us that it was extremely likely...
  4. H

    Having "the talk" (a.k.a. I'm pro-OAD, partner wants more)

    Title says it all. On a burner acct. I'm looking for advice on how to have an empathetic and supportive conversation with my partner as we look to make a "final" decision on family building. The details: me: 42M, spouse: 39W child: 2 y/o M, IVF still a few embryos frozen @ about $1500/year...
  5. J

    OAD by choice - when did you/your S.O. get a vasectomy?

    My husband and I are 99.99% sure that we would like to be OAD with our 3 month old daughter. I had an extremely painful pregnancy (had to use a wheelchair for anything more than 5 minutes of walking at the end) and a little bit of a traumatic birth. Despite having an IUD, I am horrified at the...
  6. S

    Unicorn baby solidified OAD

    I watched my niece (2.5 y/o) and I quickly remembered why I am OAD. It was sooo chaotic and hard watching both of them. My baby is seriously a unicorn baby. People tell me all of the time how I have the easiest baby ever, and I agree (he’s 7 months). He sleeps well, is generally happy, goes days...
  7. M

    Trip Report: First international trip (Canada to Portugal) with our 5-year-old only

    I posted here a few weeks ago asking for advice about taking our first international trip with our 5-year-old son (Jack). I thought I'd post a follow-up because international travel is a common topic among OAD families. To simplify some things, I have highlighted in bold text things we learned...
  8. B

    About to start an all night 12 hour drive w a 6 week old and 2.5 year old. Appreciate some positive vibes fellow fathers

    MADE IT! Thanks for the love and support! Here’s to hoping they sleep. Happy holidays! Edit to add 6 week old peed all over her clothes and we haven’t left yet. This is fine :)
  9. M

    Fun Swears (Safe for Work)

    I say thank-you like a saint and swear like a sailor... modifications are needed with kids :) Alright Dads lets hear your fun modifications to swears when your around the kiddos, Sh*t = Poppy-do Holy Sh*t = shiitake mushrooms F*ck = Duck F*cking A*shole = Silly Duck Jesus = J,C God Dam...
  10. J

    Gun violence

    I’ve searched the sub for this topic and I’m actually surprised it hasn’t been discussed. My husband and I have a 5 month old and we are seriously considering being OAD. However, I’m scared that something will happen to him and we’ll be childless. We’re in the U.S. so it feels like he could be...
  11. L

    Hi y’all, is anyone one and done due to health? I’m falling apart postpartum

    Osteitis condensans illi. Postpartum complications Got a rare condition oci it’s the porosity and density of the illiac bone that makes ur lower back and hips ache and no pills help cuz it’s not inflammatory. If ur experiencing lowe back and or hips pain go get mri done! It’s super rare that...
  12. J

    Turf for a 1 and 3 year old? Q

    Hi Community - I’ve come to you in dire times (miscarriage etc) and always received wonderful, sane advice. Here I am again. This one’s a little out there but very mom neurotic mom relevant … I have a 1 and 3 year old. We recently spend a lot of money turning our backyard into a kid friendly...
  13. L

    I have all this knowledge of what I’d do different but I’m only having one kid

    I am OAD by choice. My son is almost three now and I’ve been responsible for most of the childcare. As he gets bigger and I face new challenges, I can’t help but think “If I did this over, I would do x y z to make this easier.” For example, we are potty training. And my son REFUSES to sit on...
  14. J

    AMH and AFC? Are they correlated? + hysteroscopy Q

    Hi all! I got the result from my bloodwork for AMH, and I am meant to go in after my period starts to have an antral follicle count (AFC) and a hysteroscopy. I am just wondering/curious if anyone knows from their own treatment — are AMH and AFC correlated? Would a “good” AMH for one’s age be...
  15. O

    Family traditions with an only?

    We have a sweet 6mo baby boy, and want to start thinking ahead by planning fun family traditions (although we know he won't really be aware of or involved in them for quite a few years still). We are interested both in traditions that are holiday-related, at least in the sense that they take...
  16. B

    Child Care is Expensive, or Why I Bought My Mother-In-Law a Car

    It’s a sad state of affairs when it’s cheaper to buy my MIL a new car while she watches my son 3 days a week and he goes to child care twice a week, rather than sending him to child care for 5. My wife and I have been going back and forth on this since she was pregnant, my MIL is going to watch...
  17. D

    F.D.A. (US) Approve Treatment for Postpartum Depression

    Postpartum depression comes up here a fair amount here. Good news on that front, the F.D.A. has just approved a treatment. Article says it starts working in 3ish days, and is only taken for a couple weeks. My wife is a maternal mental health counselor, lots of excitement among her peers about...
  18. R

    OAD decision timeline

    I have an 8 week old and my husband and I always felt we’d be OAD. We still feel this way, however given it took us a long time to decide to have one, we’ve discussed setting up a final decision timeline so we have some space outside of this newborn/baby phase to pull the plug (aka schedule his...
  19. L

    Guilty for thinking this way?

    Hi, We have a 6 yo. We aren’t planning on another at the moment but I would say we’re 70% sure our only will stay an only. Anyway, I said this to a friend and she said I’m insensitive & selfish and that she wouldn’t even think about the following before having another kid ( she’s pregnant...
  20. D

    Baby Girl Names Ideas

    Hi Reddit Fam! I recently learned I'm gona be a dad for the second time. My first born's name starts with an L and I was curious if y'all had some amazing names for girls that start with L. That is aside from the typical Lauren, Lisa, Loraine, Lisandra, and Luciana. The wife and I always...