
  1. S

    Mamas, what's the longest you'd be apart from your 0-2 y.o.?

    My boss wants me to attend a training course for work, but it'd be 2 weeks away from home. The thought of leaving my 14 m.o. for that long makes me really anxious. Still breastfeeding AM/PM. Before I gather the courage to tell her I don't want to go, I thought I'd check with the Reddit...
  2. M

    Hot take: I don't like alphabet learning materials using giraffe for "G"

    It only makes the J sound after special circumstances and J is just a few letters after further confusing things. It's like using centipede instead of cat. Anytime I see giraffe representing G I'm just thinking that they should have gone with goat. Sorry if this sounds incoherent, I haven't...
  3. S

    Are you OAD because you're scared of childbirth? C-sec to VBAC

    Hubby and I have a gorgeous 21 month old son. He is a dream. I'm oad (for various reasons), but I want to discuss one of those reasons today because i think its a big one in my subconscious. Hubby wants another baby but i dont. Atleast that's how i feel now. My first birth was an emergency c...
  4. D

    Can you relate?

    Hi dads, I'm a single 23m whose never been in a relationship before and have developed some novel feelings over the past few months. I'm not sure exactly when it started but I have two striking experiences. A few months ago I went to a zoo with my mom and sister and I got more joy out of...
  5. L

    When you see parents of multiples favour one over others..

    My DS is 4 and recently broke his leg so we are having a lot more "at home" time than previous. My neighbours are the types who were desperate for multiple because "it's cruel to just have one". My OAD is autistic and non verbal so I know it would be immensely unfair to divide attention he so...
  6. W

    Factors that contributed to your OAD decision

    36 y.o. married female with an 18 month old son. Husband is 42. Son was an IVF baby. We have 1 embryo in storage. I would like to use it. Husband is pretty much OAD. What factors came into play when making your decision to only have 1 child? Or is there anyone in this group that actually ended...
  7. S

    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    I posted this a while back in the /daddit sub. The responses were eye opening about just how hard going from 1 to 2 really is. Multiple dads said the change is exponentially more difficult and more then 2x as hard. Every once in a while I read the responses again and think “yeah, I can’t do 2”...
  8. I

    Siblings are not what they’re cracked up to be

    Just came across a blog post about what only children don’t like about being an only child, so it made me think what would be said about the reciprocal - the cons of having siblings. For context, I’m the youngest of 4. My 2 oldest siblings are half siblings from my moms side that I did not...
  9. W

    No free time, no social life. No more. Wife disagrees

    Title sums it up but desperately feeling the wrath of having to have a second stack up against me. My wife and I have one boy who’s is now just over 1 year old. We love him, but he takes all of our time and effort. Besides working, it’s our only time away from him. My wife definitely wants two...
  10. E

    Who here has a mediocre relationship with their sibling(s)?

    Posting this under a throwaway because I would feel kind of bad if my sibling somehow figured out my main and saw this thread. Anyway, sometimes when I see something about only children who say they always longed for a sibling, I feel a bit defensive or guilty (from the perspective of the...
  11. M

    I’m scared of my husband going back to work on Monday

    We just had our first (and only) 7 weeks ago. I can’t imagine doing this while already having a child. I am firmly one and done. I am miserable. I feel like I’m not doing any of this right, and I’m terrified of my husband going back to work- I can hardly function with both of us taking shifts...
  12. T

    Non-Cheesy, Fun, Getting to Know Games for Parents of my Kiddo's B-Day?

    Our little one is turning 2 and I invited the birthday up to her preschool class and our handful of local friends. There's now about 30 people (kids + parents) coming, many of who don't know each other. Does anyone have recs for a non-cheesy game to get parents to get to know one another? I...
  13. A

    Our O&D journey

    Though I'm an only myself, I'd originally planned on having two, as did my wife, who isn't an only. Our first was very much planned, but though theoretically there were no complications during pregnancy, it was an awful time - morning sickness was so bad that my wife couldn't bear the smell of...
  14. S

    Period of P.U.R.P.L.E Crying

    Hello fellow Dads! My wife is in the early stages of pregnancy -- hasn't passed the first trimester, but we did have the first ultrasound and can confirm the heart is beating (160bpm) -- but this being our first child I want to do everything I can to support her after the baby is born. I was...
  15. N

    My baby is 3 months old, how much harder does it get??

    We are also going to be homeschooling 😬 I don’t know what kids and babies are like at l so this is all new and we are learning as we go
  16. S

    Podcasts for road trip with 8-10 y/o kids?

    We're taking 3 lengthy road trips soon, looking for some podcasts recommendations for us to listen to in the car. No little kid stories please. Bonus points if its educational. We might consider some audiobooks- however we're not yet ready for Harry Potter yet.
  17. B

    "He should be doing X after Y months."

    When my sister had her baby a few years ago, I remember her having everything down to a science. She would estimate when they baby should be crawling, babbling, etc. I always thought it kind of spoiled the surprise and took away some of the magic. It felt similar to watching someone follow a...
  18. C

    She just turned 4…

    & I swear I just look at her and think dang - where the heck did this enjoyable thing come from?! I feel the past 4 years I have been unable to connect easily and E N J O Y her because the tantrums were NUTS and so constant. I’m so happy to be at this point and stage but I also feel sad kind of...
  19. M

    Genetic Testing anxiety

    I’m 7w+1 and 38 y/o (will be 39 when I deliver). Went for my first ultrasound 2 days ago and everything looked great (and ruled out an ectopic which was a HUGE relief). Scheduled my NIPT in 2 weeks (will be 9w) and second trimester ultrasound including nuchal translucency scan in 5 weeks (will...
  20. A

    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    We get a lot of questions about hot tubs and their safety while TTC. I am not a doctor, but I sure have read a bunch on the topic. We also get questions about saunas, jacuzzis, hot yoga, fevers, hot baths or showers, and I’m going to attempt to get to the nitty gritty so you can make the best...