
  1. L

    Lack of Play dates

    Hello. My son just turned 5 on the 20th. He’s in pre-k Monday-Friday from 9-1. He’s been at the same school for 3 years. Birthday parties don’t seem to be a big deal here. It’s a small school with small classes, but we’ve only been to 4 birthdays across 3 years. My son also doesn’t have play...
  2. M

    When did you send your only to preschool?

    Hi! My only is almost 2 and she's been in an in-home daycare for a year. We love it there. She loves her friends and the lady who runs it is an angel. When did you send your only to preschool or a daycare facility that is more like school/classroom based? My friend just posted on Instagram...
  3. M

    Daycare (pre-elementary school) time off - how many days does yours take?

    5 weeks for winter, Summer and spring vacation + 8 holidays + 4 teacher work/training days = 37 days. Excluding holidays that's nearly 6 weeks. Saw the daycare annual cost thread which included some discussion on days off so was curious. Our 6 mo to 3 year old daycare goes by the local public...
  4. B

    Waiting for the right time..

    Hey folks, after years of fence sitting my partner and I have decided the one and done life seems dreamy! We’re excited for this next chapter! However, the decision has come at a bit of a weird time. I’m 30(F) and we’re planning on doing a two week road trip in the summer. Knowing I’m one and...
  5. 9

    How much are y'all paying for babysitters/daycare per week ?

    I want to start going out regularly but how do u guys budget or set aside money ? Once u guys are out do u call often or tell them don't call. Particularly how much do u pay for a babysitter for one child at NIGHT . Like from 9-4. Do you have like a camera for them ?
  6. P

    I f**ed up!

    This is what has happened today - I was on my commute home from work and saw this lovely mum wearing her tiny baby with the same carrier I own, butt she was wearing her wrong. Baby was buried deep in her chest in warm clothes and the carrier was really low. Now I never ever do this so God...
  7. M

    What’s your worst part of being a one and done parent?

    For me, it’s having to entertain my child 24/7. She’s 4 so she’s only in preschool 4 hours a day, 3 days a week, and this week she’s been on spring break so it’s just been me and her all day, everyday. I only work on the weekends and her dad works during the week so I’ve always been at home with...
  8. B

    TTC#1 in 3 months

    Hi all! My fiancee and I have decided to move up our TTC timeline (YAY!) and will start trying in 3 months time! I've done my pre-pregnancy bloods and genetic carrier testing and I've been taking folic acid daily for 1 week now...I'm so excited I can hardly wait! Are there any...
  9. T

    Family related work in school

    Hi , In a school class( grade 1) , my daughter’s school teacher asked them to make 3 columns and write names / draw father , mother , sibling ( Family ) My daughter wrote the parents names and drew them in the 2 columns and said 0 siblings in the third. I saw that work/ page and felt a bit...
  10. G

    Invalidated by having an only child

    Does anyone feel invalidated by parents of multiple children/society at large? Example: I have occasionally complained in conversation with my Mum about some of my friends who have multiple children (3), when they haven’t taken me seriously or supported me when I confided in them about a...
  11. M

    What does sleep through the night mean and when?

    I used to think it means they can sleep uninterrupted for x hour, does not wake up, and wake up at Y. E.g 9-7 am straight. My LO is almost 2 and still wakes up every 3 hours for boob. Some parents coslesp and don’t even remember if kid woke up in between so I’d like to hear when your...
  12. X

    Overstimulated and drowning

    Rant warning sorry I don’t know how yall do it.. I’m so depressed I moved from Oregon to Arkansas, reasons we lived are -To be closer to my dad and stepmom -My partner got a job welding and they taught him how and he got paid for the classes and stuff -And cheaper place to live -hope to be...
  13. E

    1 year mark

    A lot of people say things get much easier after their baby turns one. My son will be one in a few weeks. What did you find became easier after your child turned one?? I'm looking for some reassurance here because my 11 month old is a lot right now lol. I would love to hear different thoughts...
  14. B

    Advice request from fellow dads of ones with O.D.D. and A.D.D

    -Quick background- Son(9y) has those diagnosis and very high functioning autism, his mom has primary custody, was separated from son for 6yrs because personal/legal/pandemic reasons, have lots of catching up to do, and I am a.d.d. so I understand lots of (but not all) a.d.d. issues. -the rest-...
  15. L

    Diablo 4

    Any dads playing Diablo 4 and maybe want to play together / hang out online. I have no idea how clans work tbh but though I'll ask here if anyone is interested. Edit: There seems to be a Daddit clan already! Think we shall join. Edit 2: Sent join request, but no response. I'm happy to be an...
  16. I

    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    Hey ladies!! are you worried you have GD? worried about your test and failing it and what its going to do to you? Have diabetes and not doing so hot keeping up on everything? lets be there for each other! Here is some info on diets that was given to me by my clinic. its been a great...
  17. T

    What's working in big tech (e.g. FAANG) as a parent like?

    Hey parents, so I've been thinking what kind of benefits or allowances are accessible to you as parents or caregivers while working in Big Tech companies (Facebook, Amazon, Google, etc.). Are they legal where you live or the company just offers them as perks? Are you comfortable working with...
  18. D

    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    We finally finished all of the initial testing for our RE. He said everything looked normal besides my husband's relatively low morphology level and my relatively low AMH level (1.7 at almost 33 years old). Basically, he told us it was pointless to do anything other than IVF. I only went in to...
  19. C

    What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

    Coming here to ask this as it’s as good place to get some others views without being instantly judged as an ass hole… I hope! So I have a 10 month old and last year I was accepted as a cannabis patient legally in the Uk which is still a new thing here and I have been put on due to low mood...
  20. V

    What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

    Me and my husband agreed to our OAD life when we were 6 months postpartum because I didn’t think I’d survive another PPD. But I had it solidified when my best friend had her baby 2 months ago. I held him and just went… “nope. I’m done. No more of this for me k thnx”