
  1. M

    Need to know if I’m wrong

    I feel like I’m loosing my mind a little here & am so happy I found this thread to be able to speak freely. Me, my kids, my kids father, his wife & their children all moved out of the state we were living in to a new one. My ex has a habit & by habit I mean extreme need to control everyone &...
  2. R

    Sharing Photos with CoParent

    I got to spend Halloween night with my daughter this year and we had a blast. Her dad had her last week and through the weekend so they got to do Halloween events together. He chose to buy her a costume which was a slap in my face since he knew I had been working hard on her costume. I invited...
  3. Q

    Father took job 2.5 hours away starting next week

    We have final orders and father gets every other weekend with our 3 year old. And just 2 days every other week. 2 weekends ago he took her 2.5 hours away to stay with his friend. He just informed me that he is moving there and moving in with his friend and will be working there. Starting next...
  4. T

    Splitting household and childcare responsibilities

    My ex-partner (27m) broke up with me (27f) back in late June, we have three young kids (5y,3y,9m) and still live together. We rent, he’s worked while I stayed at home with our littles for the past 1.5years. We moved across the country 3x, for his job in (GA)2019-2020, then I moved back home(CA)...
  5. S

    E-learning is hurting relationship with child, while Dad still gets to be the “fun” parent

    7 year old lives primarily with me (mom), and has every other weekend at her Dad’s. Due to COVID, I was able to move to working remotely to supervise my child’s e-learning, and it was important to me that she had an organized and consistent place she could call her own for remote schooling, plus...
  6. A

    My children's father and court

    So me and my kids father have been to court already, 50/50 joint legal custody. Only thing is I was given primary household for school, my son starts kindergarten next week and he has decided to file for a change of order to have my son moved to the school by his house since his other son (who...
  7. D

    Dealing with early stages of separation

    My ex and I still live under the same roof as the divorce finalizes. We have a 3 1/2 month old together, and she does not work, while I work 8 hours a day. I'm dealing with the guilt of not being able to spend more time with my son. I've been feeling guilty about being at work, and feel bad...
  8. B

    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    Ex didn’t get custody he wanted in divorce but insists on asking/starting arguments about it every time we talk My ex was never an involved parent (our son is 7) and when it came to divorce he acted as if he should get more time just because “it’s what’s fair” to him. I drew up the divorce...
  9. C

    Conversation about being more involved?

    Good day y'all. I'm kind of stuck on a subject regarding my sons father and dont know how to bring it up. Back story, we get along great and rarely have disagreements. But he lives 400 miles away in another state, when I was pregnant I arranged with my job to transfer there but he adamantly said...
  10. V

    Toy ownership

    I posted this in r/parenting as well, but thought there might be a more concentrated audience here. I (32M) have two children, a soon-to-be 5 y/o Daughter and a 7 m/o Son. Daughter is from a previous marriage and lives half a week with mom and the other half with me. Son is from my current...
  11. J


    So my EX-H and I share two daughters, ages 9 and 7. We each have two other children with our partners. When my son (my third) was born in 2018, it was about that time we could go back to court to amend our custody arrangement. I had a few problems with the one we picked when we got divorced and...
  12. D

    Coparenting schedule difficulties HELP!

    My(27f) ex(28m) and I have been doing a 50/50 split very well for the past couple years and have managed to do it all without daycare for our now 5&6 year old children, but at the start of the school year, both children will be in school. Sounds nice, right? It would be, except his job goes...
  13. B

    I'ts the first time he has been told no.....hes 30

    Hi i'm a ftp and very long time lurker but today my ex flipped the evil switch in me and instead of unleashing my inner she devil on him i decided you all could laugh, get angry or sympathies with me or at me instead. Bit of back story: My ex and i share a boy aged five, we have been separated...
  14. T

    Am I overreacting

    Me and BD are in the middle of court where he filed for visitation (along with his mom filing for grandparent visitation) and he has mental health issues and issues with smoking weed and other drugs. As an initial agreement I said they could have 6 hours on every Saturday with our 2.5 y/o. We...
  15. L

    He told her to shut the f* up

    Daughter came home from her day with her dad today and immediately told me that he told her to shut the f*** up while they were in the car with his gf and his best friend. She ate a piece of candy before her sandwich and he asked her “why would you do that? that’s retarded..” — she responded...
  16. A

    Is my ex being reasonable with her demands of meeting anyone I’d have around our kids before they’d meet them?

    Hi so my ex and I share custody of our three children who are 3, 2, and 1. We have equal split custody. I have friends with kids and a woman I’ve been seeing for a couple of months who I would love to very slowly introduce in the future. Here’s the thing, my ex wants to meet and have meetings...
  17. J

    New baby announcement - hurt feelings

    My ex has just sent me a text during his custody of our child. “Hello X, my wife and I are expecting our first child together soon. Im just letting you know as we’ve just told DC, we’ll let you know of the due date closer to the month. Thanks.” I’m quite the understanding person but I can’t...
  18. T

    Breach of custody contract

    Divorced in September. Got stuck with a shitty lawyer and ended up getting f***. In the custody of my children. Ex has on multiple occasions had the kids call me 20 minutes before pickup, was told the kids don’t want to come over because they have plans going on but she would be happy to bring...
  19. C

    Step Mum gave my son prescription drugs that were not his..

    To cut a long story short, myself and my ex husband have been divorced since 2013, we share a child together, a soon to be 12 year old boy whose awaiting testing for ADHD and Autism. For the 6 weeks holiday he went and spent 3 weeks with his Dad and his family (his Wife, and their 4 children...
  20. L

    Dad abandoned us in hospital

    Day 10 single parenting a 2.5 yr old with severe never ending "gastro" He's still vomiting and dihorrea. Hospital were hopeless and werent even sure if it was gastro after 3 days. He got it in his dads care but his dad refuses to answer any questions tells me to "piss off" for asking anything...