
  1. J

    How do u do it?

    My 34m wife 35f wants a separation after nearly 12 years together. I won't pretend things were perfect but I love her very much. She says we can live together for now and deal with the actual divorce later. I have tried turning pain into motivation. I have been holding out hope if she saw me...
  2. S

    Schedule and clothes

    My coparent and I have 2 boys 14 with ADHD and 11 with ODD. We have been separated for 7 years now and just this past March he moved to the city where we live. This is the first time we are in the same city. Up until then we lived between 2-10 hours apart and I have done A-Z including making...
  3. S

    Suggestions on 50/50 schedules. Dad purposely got fired to start a food business

    I’m 30-year-old female separated from 30-year-old male husband. We have a 2 1/2 year-old. Dad quit well purposely got fired from his 9-5 career. His reasoning for not wanting to work that job was was because he was exhausted of working a 9-5 and being unhappy. We initially and have been doing...
  4. S

    5 yr old threatened to move to dad’s place

    I was being annoyed about him not touching his lunch that I packed for school (again). And he said I was being mean. I raised my voice and said ‘what?’ . He was silent and I mentioned that he’s not touching his Halloween candy until he starts eating his lunch. He calmly said ‘if you are going to...
  5. S

    Is Pre K the Custodial Parent's Decision and Is it better than Pre School?

    We have been invited to an open house for Pre K. Our 4yr old is already in a Montessori preschool that she loves and does well with. My co-parent has adjusted our daughter's childcare 5 times in less than a year (usually for financial reasons, in my opinion stingily) Most recently, my co...
  6. N

    Please send me advice before I shave SDs Head

    Follow up from r/Co parenting I posted last year. My step daughter still has lice. I love her to death, but I cannot keep dealing with this. It has been over 2 straight years that this 7 year old has had lice. It literally started when she started school, and her mom has not done anything for...
  7. A

    Thoughts on my ex leaving our 5 year old at home while she goes to the bus stop for her other kids?

    Hey all thanks for replying. Here is the exact text exchange: Me: M just said he was scared this morning because you took the kids to the bus stop and let him stay home and it was 30 minutes late Her: Indeed Me: Okay I'm assuming R or someone is home at the time right lol Her: It's hard for...
  8. Y

    Co parent wants 4 of July

    4th of July is coming up and I will have my son with me, his father gets him every other Friday to Monday. He texts me asking if he can have him for the 4th of July & Idk what to tell him.. I've made plans knowing this was a day I had him..I just told him I had some plans for him already that...
  9. R

    Choice of Clothing

    How much say do I have over how my ex dresses our daughter? I was doing laundry last night for my 11 year old daughter and she had these black panties with a V cut in the back and Straps that make a criss cross pattern in the V cut out. I wasn't happy about it, but my current wife also saw them...
  10. N

    Choosing School District

    Hi Everyone,Looking for advice on the following:I coparent with my ex. We have 50/50 legal and physical custody. Right now neither one of us is the "residential parent". I live in one city and the father lives in another. Our kiddo will start kindergarten in Sept 2025. Conversations around...
  11. S

    Step parenting is a bitch, where do I go from here?

    I am 41 and my g/f is 45. She had 3 children before we got together, they are now 19, 15, and 11. We have been together for almost 10 years now. She has joint custody with their father and they see him weekly. My issue is that I have always followed my gf's lead when it comes to the children...
  12. G

    Talking to my 6 y.o

    I have a good relationship with my child when I have her, but throughout the year I have to use FaceTime to talk to her when she is at her moms. I usually FaceTime once a week, but lately I’m frustrated that she will get distracted wanting to play and she won’t want to talk about anything...
  13. J

    Coparent taking $ from child’s account

    About six weeks ago X withdrew, then replaced a large sum ($2000+) in our child’s joint savings account. X messaged and said it was a bank error. Three days ago, I noticed that child’s account was again missing $, this time drained by half. This second withdrawal happened two weeks ago. All...
  14. A

    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    My (28f) ex (37m) has a girlfriend (idkf) who has been with him since he has had visitation of my daughter (5f), which is about 3.5 years. In the last 8-9 months I feel she has been significantly overstepping, and I need to know if I’m being unreasonable. For context, my ex has the right of...
  15. S

    Are we being unreasonable?

    Recently my ex has been literally blowing up my phone 50 text a day. Three to four phone calls. Three in a row if I don’t answer. It’s becoming insane. My oldest has a phone and he can contact her via her phone whenever he wants. It seems like it’s directly to attack me. I’ve asked him to send a...
  16. M

    Can’t help but laugh

    So my children’s father is notorious for not ever having anything that fits our children..barely ever takes them shopping whatever I get it dads don’t love that kind of stuff typically. I try to not let it bother me even if it bothers our kids because it’s not my house. Well recently I took our...
  17. J

    AM I THE A.H

    Am I the A.H. If when trying to co-parent I'm always willing to compromise for the sake of the children. But the other only wants to compromise when it looks good on their behalf to others/when it's convenient for them. I just don't reply sometimes when they do that or do I let their actions...
  18. J

    If a parent misses a visit does he make up for it next the weekend?

    TLDR: ex won’t make up for missed visits, is this reasonable? My ex sees my daughter every other weekend. He won’t see her for any extra days (including holidays)..he wants to stick to the schedule and only the schedule which is every second weekend. When my ex cancels a weekend with her...
  19. G


    My child’s father hadn’t seen our 4YO son for 3 weeks due to him having the D&V bug, then and ear infection and then another sickness bug! Today he finally saw him and on returning him home (while new GF was in far with her window rolled down despite it snowing) he said our son didn’t eat, I...
  20. R

    My racist father/co-parent undermines every attempt I make to parent my nephew/legal ward (12)

    Last year, I gained full legal custody of my nephew along with my father. Prior to that, my stepmother was his sole legal guardian since he was three, but unfortunately, she passed two years ago. I have been an active part o his life for as long, I would buy him clothes/food/school supplies, I...