
  1. C

    Do you let your kid skip family activities for stuff the other parent wants to do with them during your time?

    An upcoming weekend is one of maybe three weekends this year when my son (Kid 1) has no soccer games. It’s my scheduled time and SO and I planned to go skiing with all the kids (3) including paying for tickets. It turns out Kid 1 has a basketball game. This is a team his other parent signed him...
  2. W

    Clothing for kids with 2 homes

    Holy smokes this is a long post, sorry! Looking for advice on how to navigate a gap in priority in clothes expense, and what items should be duplicated at each home and which shouldn't. I have two 13.5 yo daughters (twins) and 2 grade school aged boys that split their time 50/50 between (my...
  3. H

    I’m Concerned About My Exes New Girlfriends Intentions

    My ex just started seeing this girl, we’ll call her Cici. She isn’t close to meeting our son (2.5) yet, ex says he wants to wait at least 6 months and have me meet her first which I appreciate and respect- however I feel like some information he shared with me about her is slightly concerning...
  4. T

    At what point do you stop giving coparent info?

    Looking for advice. My ex is stationed in North Carolina while we live in Texas. We have one 8 year old who I basically have full custody of since his father lives in a different state and in the military. My son has his own cell phone where he calls, texts, etc his dad. There are days that go...
  5. T

    Am I wrong?

    My ex has had limited visits w our sons (2.5y/o and 2 mo old). Previously he has only been allowed around them w me present. Lately he has been making more strides to be consistent and so I’ve allowed him to take our oldest for a couple hours of the day. (I have concerns about substance abuse...
  6. S

    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    We have two sons together and have been coparenting for 8 years. We got together as teenagers and were together for 8 years. We married, had babies, the whole bit. We just didn’t workout in the end. We’ve always been close but his last girlfriend changed that. They were a mess. They were...
  7. D

    My son tells me he doesn’t want to see his dad anymore and idk what to do

    I (29F) have a son who is 10 with my ex (29M). Me and his dad split up 2 years ago from him cheating and he has been with the girl he had cheated on me with ever since. They live together and my son is constantly telling me how he doesn’t want to go over there. He tells me how his girlfriend...
  8. V

    Co parenting / introducing to partner

    What is a good timeline for introducing child to a significant other and or letting the other parent know? My specific situation is the following and I'm thinking that it may not have been the best. As a guy i started dating this girl and let her know I had 2 kids. Kids are 2&3 years old. She...
  9. R

    My 15 yr old son chooses

    We told our son 3 months ago (well I led the convo) that we are divorcing. He took it hard and I still bring it up and he’s short with me. I’m renting a nice place 4 miles away and got his room together etc. he has no interest in going over to my place. So, I’ve been just staying in the family...
  10. M

    I’m THIS close to giving up on coparenting

    In the grand scheme of things we coparent really well on the issues that directly affect our child, but I am so easily triggered when he acts like super dad who does it all. How do y’all let the anger and resentment not ruin your day?
  11. A

    When your kids notice the other coparent not being fair, how do you respond?

    Expanding on the title. I'm co-parenting with someone who is controlling, manipulative, and hellbent on 'winning' at all costs. What does she want to win? I have no idea. I wish there we're awards for coparenting, but there are not. Anyway, It's starting to become so noticeable that my oldest...
  12. J

    Need 2nd opinion

    I would like a outside perspective of my actions. I am on a 3 week vacation with my 7 year old son in a South Asian country …visiting my parents. My X’s parents are 2 hours away from my parents place and she wanted me to drop off my son with her parents for 3 days. Even though it’s my...
  13. L

    Am l wronge for wanting everyother weekend and holiday with my daughters

    I'm 30f with 2 daughters 9f and 3f. I'm No longer with the youngest dad,and is in another relationship with someone who have kids also. The thing is i work 2 weekends out the month and off 2 weekends.I agreed for the dad to get one of those weekends i get one. We happen to work both weekends so...
  14. T

    "Coparent" is not informing me of anything

    We had a temporary custody hearing last week and we were granted 50/50 joint legal and physical custody of our children (3 & 5 y/o). She was withholding them before the hearing and tried to get sole custody of them during the hearing (for who know why?). Regardless of her intentions, joint 50/50...
  15. C

    Advice needed

    I’ve been coparenting 50/50, joint everything with my ex husband since late 2013. Our 2 kids are now 12 (f) and 10 (m). Divorce was amicable, no child support, equal split of decision making and time. He remarried in early 2015 and she has 3 children (now 15f, 13f and 11m). We’ve had our share...
  16. O

    My toddler keeps getting poorly

    A little context, me and my daughters dad broke up when she was around 10 months old because he threatened us both with a k***e whilst drunk and also whilst I was nursing. I rang the police, he snatched my phone threw it and took her from me and left through the night. I’m still super...
  17. W

    Need help putting presents under the tree from Santa this year? Check out /r/stressfreexmas for assistance! Mod approved post

    Need help buying Christmas presents for your kids this year? Come visit r/StressFreeXmas. We all know that Covid has hit everyone hard this year, on top of the existing day to day economic stresses. We want to ensure kids get at least one present under the tree this year, and we are committed...
  18. J

    Typical custody arrangement for 1.5 year old (U.K.)

    So me and my ex had a coparenting agreement, going to court in the U.K. is not the norm so we had a verbal agreement. He’s decided he doesn’t like this and is now pushing for 50/50. I’m not happy about this I believe our child need stability and I’m the only parent he’s ever really known. His...
  19. S

    Baby daddy is living w/his gf & her kid & they use the N word

    ugh. so my baby daddy is moving in with his gf and her kid. when my son is over there, he hates it. they gang up on him & dad doesn’t do anything. but today, & this is something i kinda heard before (but they weren’t living together) when i picked my son up today (hes 8) we were talking about...
  20. V

    I want to do what’s best for my daughter but am I going at it all wrong ? Long story btw

    So just a back story for context. I am 23 f and my ex 24 m , we have two daughters together. V. Which is turning 6 and R. That is turning 3. He is an independent contractor , so he works for himself , he doesn’t answer to a “boss” or “manager”. When we first split we had always argued because I...