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  1. C

    Holiday Interpretation

    @mekhappes There’s no ambiguity here. It’s 3-8pm. That’s the standard time for celebrating Halloween. Take the kid, get their costume on, take them trick or treating, and drop them off for the night. Simple as. Nothing’s happening before 3 or after 8. Nothing that a child at trick or treating...
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    Holiday Interpretation

    @vanhiep240594 Yeah when I was a kid it was more or less a normal day until it was time to put my costume on. Even at school, we were usually only allowed to wear costumes in the afternoon for the party, not all day.
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    Talking to my 6 y.o

    @goldenmindset Find a way to connect with her. Play a game like Battleship or Guess Who. Buy two copies of a book and send one to her so you can read it together. Talk about her toys like she wants to do. If you find she’s getting overly distracted or bored, just figure out a way to tactfully...
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    At what point do you stop giving coparent info?

    @katrina2017 Or - here’s a wild take - if dad wants to talk to son, HE can make the call rather than waiting for son to do it. “The phones go both ways” was used on me as a kid and it was the most bullshit excuse ever to not reach out. I would never ever ever teach my son to hound someone like...
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    If a parent misses a visit does he make up for it next the weekend?

    @huffnpuff His finances show he’s in the red before he pays his cc and me 🙄
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    If a parent misses a visit does he make up for it next the weekend?

    @lommakiter My ex cancels because LO is sick and now he’s suing me for 50/50 with him having primary soooooo yeah
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    Am I wrong?

    @rjschweikert My ex is so fuckin entitled it’s insane. Literally, LO’s first Christmas I bought him a build a bear with his name and birthdate on it. My ex saw it, picked it up, and went “I guess I can live with that”. Bitch, what?! This was MY gift. Get your own.
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    @grayson My ex’s mom tried this with LO’s speech last year. She figured a 15 month old child should be talking circles around her after spending 3 hours in her presence. It definitely pissed me off. If I’m honest it still does. But once I realized that was her goal, it made it a lot easier to...
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    Ex taking son to Disney for birthday

    @podlife Even if he did go all Dudley Dursley next year, it’s as simple as saying “hey, we were only able to do that because xyz (bonus, large tax refund, etc). If this is how you’re going to act when your next birthday isn’t to the same “calibre”, we just won’t go out of our way to do things...
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    Ex taking son to Disney for birthday

    @nightfire61 Moreover, if she’s offended because she is told that she doesn’t get to dictate how your ex spends her money and what gifts she gives your son, it’s not a great relationship. Especially when it’s not like the gift really affects you - or her - beyond letting him go on the trip? My...