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  1. C

    Disappointed that I couldn’t handle the pain of giving birth unmedicated

    @voice_itw I felt so much more in control after I got my epidural, which I opted for a few hours after I had been assessed at 7 cm. My contractions were also pretty much back-to-back and I couldn’t relax. But after the epidural I was able to get some rest and push productively, and enjoy the...
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    Everytime she latches it feels like razor blades coming out of my nipples

    @lsltylrs01 I’m sorry to say that mine hurt for several weeks. Probably week 6 or 7 it got a lot better and now at week almost-10 it’s painless.
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    How long are your 2-3 month olds sleeping at night?

    @saphlin With the Merlin Sleep Suit we get an initial ~6 hour stretch and then a 3-4 hour stretch after that.
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    First pregnancy : Am I the only one that has periods of doubt and fear that I'll miss my pre-child life?

    @lumpyspaceprincess I know I will miss my child-free life, and that’s okay. That life will fade into the past. Just like how I miss first grade, and summer camp, and college, and living alone just after landing my first big-girl job…they were wonderful stepping stones that will always have a...
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    Comments about baby’s weight

    @angelbaby777 Lol I love this comment.