How long are your 2-3 month olds sleeping at night?

@saphlin My LO is 3 months old. She goes to bed between 7/8 and I will dream feed when I go to bed at 10:30. She usually will wake up around 3 then around 5/6 and be up for the day at 7! Some nights are worse and she wakes up every 2 hours but I don't want to talk about those lol.
@saphlin Little older than the age range you’ve specified but just to add extra perspective, my LO is 4 months old and his sleep has been getting progressively worse since the newborn stage.

I don’t doubt we’re in sleep regression now, but since around 8-10 weeks his sleep has declined and he no longer does the 5 hour stretch we were blessed with. An average night for us is x2 2.5 hour blocks then awake every 45 mins to an hour.

We follow wake windows / sleepy cues etc religiously - he’s just a shit sleeper! 😆
@saphlin LO is 3 months and after some messed up sleep nights he's finally doing 3-4 stretches waking up for feeds at midnight, 3am and 5/6am before waking up at 7am for the day. I'm hoping at some point he'll drop the early morning feed but also hoping we can continue to have predictability.
@saphlin 7.5 weeks over here! Our LO will do a 2.5 - 3 hour stretch and then 1.75 - 2 hours thereafter. Once she did a little over 4 hours it was amazing but hasn’t happened again!
@saphlin At 11 weeks, we are still getting mostly 3-4 hr stretches, with the occasional 5. Some nights she just doesn't settle back down after the first chunk of sleep either
@saphlin My lo is 3.5 months and she’s doing 7-8 h stretch right now. Usually she eats a lot before she goes down. She just ate 7.8 oz tonight usually she only eats 3-4oz during day time.
@saphlin 9 weeks and 5-7 hours at night. In the evening he breastfeeds a lot and at 10 pm he gets a bottle with formula to top up so he is completely tanked up for the night. The he goes to bed at 23 pm and wakes at 5-6 am and snoozes/eats for some hours in bed.
@saphlin About 4-5 hours for our 3 month old. He has fomo though, and doesn't want to go to sleep. He might go longer if his diapers didn't get so wet. Need to look into overnight diapers.
@saphlin My first son did not sleep longer than 2-3 hours until I could no longer handle the sleep deprivation and sleep trained him at 7 months. My second son started sleeping 4-6 hours at a time on his own at around 4 weeks. By 7 weeks he was doing 6-8 hour stretches. He regressed around 12 weeks, at which point I started following the moms on call schedule. Some do not prefer their methods/schedules but by 12 weeks my son was sleeping 12 hours on his own. Again, I realize it’s not for everyone but sleep is very important to me. I don’t handle the uncertainty of baby sleep well at all. I crave structure and routine, and my kids have always thrived this way as well. While I do think some babies inherently sleep better than others, I did implement healthier sleep habits from the very beginning with my second and he is a MUCH better sleeper lol. Is it the result of things I’ve done, is he just a better sleeper or maybe a combo of both? I’ll never know 😜
@saphlin My 3 month old started doing 6-7 hour stretches around 4 weeks old. Now he’s up to about 8-9 hours. Last night was the first time he slept 8pm till 6am and I was floored. But every few days he has a night where he’ll wake up at 1, 4 and 7 ish so it really varies
@saphlin my 3m LO sleeps 8-10 hours nightly with 3 1-2 hour naps during the day. She doesn’t sleep with anything but a blanket (supervised naps with me, i get as many cuddles in as i can) and at night she sleeps in her bassinet in her magic merlin sleep suit. :)

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