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  1. C

    How long are your weight sessions?

    @craigbrickhill Yeah I get pretty tired and out of breath by the 30 minute mark so I wasn’t sure I could really do anymore, for now at least!
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    How long are your weight sessions?

    @nazerbruhiljc I don’t really rest in between, and do a lot of super setting (for everything except deadlift). I like the intensity for sure! Thanks for sharing! I have dumbells and banda at home as well (I exclusively workout at home but we have a rack in the garage) and rely on those when I...
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    What’s the best option for baby wearing after a c-section?

    @snoweh My Happy Baby didn’t bother me at all post csection, I just wore it higher than my scar (which is naturally comfortable anyways with a little baby, and I have a short torso)
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    How long are your weight sessions?

    I had to take off some time during the IVF process, and the meds were kicking my butt anyway so I had already scaled back. Aside from horrible nausea, I’m able to get back to working out daily again (7 weeks). I’m running 4x a week and lifting 3x. I went back to a simpler template so I could...
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    Car seat configuration 3-wide

    @rgw00 Ok this was all my line of thinking so it sounds like what I was thinking would work for some time!
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @halo235689 I lift weights 3x a week, and walk for an hour as well on those days. And I run 3-4 times a week on the other days (for an hour). It’s shifted around a bit lately because of illness and the holidays, but that’s my basic routine. Disclaimer - I work out at home. I lift weights in...
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    Car seat configuration 3-wide

    @sabstame That’s a good point I didn’t consider, buckling the middle seat before the infant seat is in its base. My oldest can and does climb into his seat himself, just can’t buckle himself (and I’d want to check it anyways). We will trying this if the other arrangement doesn’t work and I can...
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    Car seat configuration 3-wide

    @justapewfiller Could your oldest buckle himself? That’s what I’m most worried about - having to reach/climb back there to buckle him, unless I go ahead and forward face him
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    Car seat configuration 3-wide

    @pedroecamachoch Do those two fight if they’re next to each other? I originally had mine next to each other (so the single fold down was accessible) but they CONSTANTLY bothered each other so I separated them. I’m scared to put them next to each other again lol. They love each other but it’s...
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    Car seat configuration 3-wide

    @pedroecamachoch Are your older kids forward or rear facing?
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    Car seat configuration 3-wide

    @padres1969 The third slim is the ultimate result, so if infant seat becomes too much that’s the next step! It will definitely fit - the Chico is wider and it fits in the middle (and the truck is huge). I LOVE my suburban. And I mean, LOVE it. We waited on the wait list for 1.5 years to get a...
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    Car seat configuration 3-wide

    How would you order your kids in the middle row? 3.5, almost 2, and (expecting) newborn. We have 2 Graco Slims and a Chico infant seat. Both toddlers are still rear facing, and oldest weighs 36-38lbs (so has 2-4 pounds before he HAS to face forward). Right now they each have a window seat...
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    Age gap between #2 and #3?

    @jojoz They should be right under 2 years apart (had to intentionally avoid #2s birthday when scheduling my csection for #3 lol) If it matters, #1 and #2 are 21 months apart. We went for the same age gap because while hectic, it’s super fun. ESPECIALLY now that they’re almost 4 and almost 2...
  14. C

    Quad stroller anyone?

    @daniel1986 Did you ever figure out how to run with all 3? Currently 3 under 4 and have to run either when dad is off or when the older two are at preschool. Wish I could take all three on days they’re all home
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    A matter of when not if…

    @leah_talbot Mine are 3 years (37 months) and 16 months, so a 20.5 month gap. There were/are hard moments, but honestly it’s so much fun. They’re now at an age where they play together and they ADORE each other. We actually just found out our recent transfer worked (all IVF babies too) so we...