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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @mikailao20 I think she just prejudged you without hearing your story. I’m sorry that happened to you. And any amount of milk you make for your baby is beneficial. Your worth as a mom isn’t defined by the # of ounces your produce ❤️❤️❤️
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    TW: D&C

    @searchingforsomething Because the tissue implanted somewhere. What are they going to do for your tubes? I just lost an ectopic and they just left me to the wolves 🙄🙄
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    Will it ever happen?

    @ennafer I hope that you can get answers and more root cause. Have they checked DHEA?
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    Will it ever happen?

    @ennafer Have you read it starts with the egg?
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    TW: D&C

    @searchingforsomething Sorry I guess I’m more confused why they’re even telling you about surgery, or maybe you have better doctors that me 😅😅 mine were like 🤷🏻‍♀️ hope it works out. I don’t wanna go to jail 🙃 seriously a male doctor said he didn’t want to go to jail so he wouldn’t treat me...
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    TW: D&C

    @searchingforsomething 😳😳😳😳 oh my god. I would never! Pretty sure they came me fentanyl because it would be so painful. I’m so confused why do you think you need surgery? 🥺 your HCG didn’t get over 1000 so the pregnancy is so small and you’re not at any risk of your tubes rupturing or...
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    TW: D&C

    @searchingforsomething I’m sorry i meant surgery and everything. My ectopic was almost like yours except they never found the location. I just had my last HCG done today. They didn’t put you to sleep for a D&C???????? For my anembryonic I needed an D&C and they gave me drugs to put me to sleep...
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    TW: D&C

    @searchingforsomething I just had an ectopic and went through none of those things. Always request HCG labs and an early placement scan to rule it out.
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    I know it's nothing compared to some people here but I've officially made it 2 months breastfeeding!

    @clemdawg CELEBRATEEEE WOOOOOOOOO 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @rlb It just means there would be less gifted/geniuses level intelligence. Who knows. I was formula fed and have two bachelors degrees working on a Masters/PhD 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @rlb I’m saying that was one of the criteria. And the sibling studies are garbage. Technically a lot of research is garbage but it’s what we have. Research shows the infants that are formula fed also have less white matter in their brains. You don’t need control factors for that. Their brains...
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @esdras It specifically looked at breastfed and formula fed people
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @esdras There is research across the entire population and it shows a decrease of about 12.5 IQ points across the population.
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @rlb Agree!
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @rlb I’ve shopped my breastmilk to women in other states before. I literally do not believe in obstacles, if you want something done it can be done.
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @rlb Is she not comfortable with peer to peer?
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @anonyme This 🤌🏻