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    Give your best line for “no”

    @anoncoholic 🤷‍♀️ I’m gonna respect my kids’ no when they’re adults and accept that they may prefer to spend time together that doesn’t involve a family vacation with people they don’t get on with.
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    I almost lost my 4 y.o. Today

    @theawesomecave I fucking hate how much social media has taken a good concept and absolutely ruined it. It’s wild to see how a basic idea becomes a game of telephone.
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @kimrossie For me that would be a pretty significant thing to consider as it would seriously hinder how safe it would be for your kids to do stuff independently. Option A sounds like it would be a lot safer and more flexible for kids.
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    Give your best line for “no”

    @kimmjohns Ah, so he's taught her that relentless pestering is an effective strategy. She will never stop until she learns that it will no longer work.
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    Anyone on here who’s partner isn’t an abusive a-hole?

    @vigilantrogue It can be really overwhelming and depressing to see those posts, I totally get it. I recognize that those parents also need a space to talk about what's going on, so I don't begrudge them making those posts here at all, but it can be a lot. I think it's also hard for parents in...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @kimrossie Does house B have sidewalks, or is it completely car dependent? I can see that being a consideration, especially with little kids. But if you can stroll through the neighborhood without issue, house B seems like a very solid option. Again, I don’t think you’re going to regret either...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @kimrossie Flip a coin. If you’re disappointed, you’ll have your answer. I will say that if money isn’t an issue and the location is THAT good, 15 years is no time at all with three kiddos. If it’s walkable to parks, make that their outdoor play space and dedicate your yard to a kitchen garden...
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    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 You can’t. Best of luck in your endeavors.
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    @josho You need to have a conversation with your husband about finances. In an ideal world, you would have had this conversation before you had kids and left your career. But that didn’t happen, so it urgently needs to take place now. Conservatively, you have 40k of debt between you, and it is...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @kimrossie You can’t create more land, even if you can build more house.
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    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 Bless your heart.
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    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 Annnnd there it is.
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    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 But you are saying that by virtue of having a certain set of genitalia, you are biologically more suited to military service or childrearing. How big of you to acknowledge that any sex can be in the military or raise children. You simply caveat that they won’t be very good at the...
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    3 weeks of no diapers and STILL haven’t made it to the bathroom for poop

    @lawer We’re in potty training limbo right now and i’m planning to use the two week school break in june to do exactly this 🤞
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    F.D.A. sets aside June for potential decisions on vaccines for the youngest Americans

    @sergepb Antivaxx trolls. They hit these threads hard every time they come up, it's gross.
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    my worst nightmare.. my toddler is in the hospital via ambulance

    @alwayscurious Unresponsiveness like that can be a lot of different things, not just sepsis. But your instincts were correct—clearly, something was amiss, and now he is being treated/evaluated. Sometimes knowing symptoms can be a double-edged sword when it comes to being hypervigilant about...
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    my worst nightmare.. my toddler is in the hospital via ambulance

    @alwayscurious That’s very scary but it sounds like you did everything right! Does your toddler have a pre-existing condition that you are monitoring? Is there a reason you are so concerned about sepsis?
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    Anyone ever experience an off interaction w/ one of your kid’s providers?

    @roxchristian There are valid reasons for them saying that stuff but vibes are a thing. Listen to your instincts. Maybe give it another try, address what isn’t working for you “can you provide written instructions for us to work on between sessions with actionable items?” is a great way to...
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    How do you accomplish the mindset change to be comfortable/confident in your decision to be a SAHP?

    @oddduck123 Hi! I have degrees and had a decade+ long career making very good money and left to be a SAHP. It is. There’s no sugarcoating it, and I don’t think it’s odd to feel that way. Going from being self-sufficient financially to dependent on someone, even a spouse, is scary. You...
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    Anyone on here who’s partner isn’t an abusive a-hole?

    @fostera I've started making the distinction between working and employed. I work, but I am not employed. My husband is employed. Just wanted to offer that to you if you like it, because it's been a mental shift that's helped me feel more secure in being a SAHP.