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    @vincent Your child knows how much they mean to you at this point! A small time in the nicu doesn’t define you, or your care. It’s a hard place to be, I 100% stand by that. I hope you’ll see that and forget about it as well, as you watch him grow😊
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    @siege777 That’s what we’re doing too. We figured we might as well use the multimillion dollar daycare, rather than put her right into a daycare where she gets less attention, right when she comes home🙄
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    @bifford Yeah we’re both at work during rounds. That may be it
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    @esthy09 Wow. Thats horrendous. I would have probably tried to start a lawsuit if my experience was that awful. I’m sorry you had to go through that
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    @kitfisto I’m not sure. She takes full feeds on breast, and her feeds yesterday were at 70% orally. The only dip she’s had was when she got her vaccines, which gave her a slight fever, making her more tired.
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    @kitfisto We have to hit 80% feeds, we’re at about 60% so far. That’s our last “hill”.
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    @crosstcause Yeah, we have Medicaid for her, we’re on day 63 currently. Was more a sarcastic way of stating it, but my wife was emergency C-sectioned for her(baby was out in less than 4 minutes it was wild) and has had some post complications that we’ve had to go to the hospital for as well...
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    @ambernc I’ll have to ask! I’m sure they could afford it lol. Or hey, maybe they should consider purely pro bono work, so all parents can spend 100% of the time with their kids.
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    @raiders47 We’re going to. We’re lucky enough to have the family support to not do daycare, but without it we’d be in the same boat. We can’t all be doctors, that’s why they get paid so much🙄😂 she feels better after talking with our nurse, pretty much said she had no idea why that was put in the...
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    @legrandvn Ours is very close. We’re hoping by the weekend if her feeds keep going up like they have been
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    @khan96 The nurses so far have been pretty great. 1 ok one, but other than that good. This is the first incident we’ve had in 2 months, was just kind of a shock.
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    @jasperdog Funny enough, a couple of her nurses have told us she’s one of the best condition babies they’ve had through. Has had 0 setbacks and is just working on feeding now. She’s up to about 70% at week 37, and just needs to hit 80 to go home. We’re going to, I guess it was an NP who isn’t...
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    @dannymudd That’s rediculous. Breathing in the 80’s absolutely needs support. That scares me too that they’re missing things that should be addressed.
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    @dannymudd THIS COMMENT CAME FROM AN NP TOO!! (I just found that out) my wife gets 12 weeks off(unpaid btw) and my work is semi flexible with my hours if I need them, but we’re trying to save the time we initially “budgeted” for when baby comes home.
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    @daddydubya The NP is more than welcome to pay our bills and I’ll sleep there😂 I agree it sucked to hear
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    @onegirlinchrist That and I can’t imagine working around that all the time doesn’t desensitize you a bit. The nurses so far have been pretty great, it was an NP that said it. It wasn’t even rude how she said it, it was just jarring and made my already very overwhelmed wife feel terrible. We’ve...
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    @pawnnolonger I feel you should do as much time as you can without being overwhelmed. I still have a house and other things to manage outside of it. If I could have the family members who are going to help out when she comes home up there without us, she’d have 24/7 care.
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    @adam247 Like I said, if they’d like to pay for it and blanket us under their insurance, I’ll happily let her quit. I’m not even worried about the baby as she falls under Medicaid in our state at this point, but my wife had a less than stellar C-section, and has had some complications with that...
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    @dori777 I couldn’t imagine that situation. I don’t even know how I’d manage that. This is our first and we’re overwhelmed as is😅 you’re a super mom, and I’m sorry you had to go through this too. It’s not fun at all.
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    @jonbradford I agree, and up until now our stay has been great. All the nurses have been great. That’s why we were so thrown off today. Hopefully we can talk with the NP who said it