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  1. J

    I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m never going to get to where I want to be

    @kisseslivingforjesus Hiya, I am dying to get back to carnivore. It was the absolute best thing for leveling out my hormones and making me feel awesome, but I am worried about supply. Are you breastfeeding at all? If yes, did it affect your supply at all?
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    Testing Ovulation While Staying Fit/Hydrated

    @jeremypar TW: Miscarriage (me too) Firstly, I am so sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks in January 2023, and am now 37 weeks pregnant and waiting for my wee human to arrive. My CM was also all over the place initially, and the temping was helpful in giving me some control...
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    Testing Ovulation While Staying Fit/Hydrated

    @jeremypar Can I ask if you are temping as well? Temping tells you that you have actually ovulated, while the strips tell you that you are going to ovulate. They work really well together, and can be helpful if you have a short surge (like me) that is easy to miss, or in your case, are super...
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    Please convince me that it’s okay to quit pumping

    @pulickalbrothers I am 8 weeks into EBF with my newborn. I wasn't able to breastfeed my older two, and did EFF for the first and Pumping for the second. I thought EBF would be super healing after my 'failed' first two attempts , and, like you. I feel lied to, because it hasn't been. I am not...
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    5 year old gives different accounts to me and coparent of how he feels spending time with my new partner’s family

    @happy2bmarried The other thing I would add is that kids can be very sensitive to the emotional response of the other parent when describing what's going on at their other home. They don't want to hurt the other parent's feelings and can really play down their own feelings to keep the peace...