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    I’m boring

    @jessd77 I rewatch Law and Order endlessly 🥸 it might be time to branch out! But thank you for the compliment. It took me probably around 10 tries to get it, with many years in between. Crochet was a much easier thing to understand but the knitting has taken over as the main yarn craft.
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    I’m boring

    @katrina2017 That sounds lovely. And the frogging is my least favorite. It’s not even the lost progress, I just never pick the stitches back up correctly and the first row back in takes SOOOO long. I got some super wash white merino at an estate sale and I’m making myself a big oversized...
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    My baby is obsessed with watching me eat

    Anyone else? LO will be 5 months next week. I’m not planning g on starting solids until 6 months. But she stops everything and just stares at me! I tried to eat an apple while nursing and every bite she’d stare and when I finished chewing she’d nurse. Then I take another bite she pulls off and...
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    I’m boring

    @jeraxel I’m glad I’m not the only one. One lady there was saying how much she knit staying at home with her 16 month old and I was aghast. One of todays meltdowns was because I wouldn’t let my daughter tear apart a brand new hank and tangle it into all my scraps I keep in a jar. Nothing is sacred!
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    I’m boring

    @truthinlight I bake, knit, crochet, Cricut, cook, and swim, and used to distance run before health issues. But…most people don’t want to talk about the awesome yarn I found or choosing the perfect pattern. They’re solo hobbies…and unless others do them there’s not a lot to say!
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    I’m boring

    @kansas22 A hat, a shawl, and swatching for a sweater. And yes - so much knitting during naps. I’m a bit stuck right now for “easy” knitting on hard days. I’m getting sick of hats!
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    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 I have a lot of baskets. A lot. Child has laundry basket that is one compartment. Parents have a 3 compartment basket - lights, darks, and “special” (usually towels, sheets, or something that has specific cleaning needs) kitchen basket for dishcloths, cleaning cloths, dish and hand...
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    I’m boring

    Did anyone else go through this and come out less boring? I have nothing to contribute to conversations anymore. My daughter is 20 months and I think she’s hitting the terrible 2’s early. She knows all her body parts, colors, and shapes and uses mostly sign language and a few words to...
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    How do I tell my husband to have a little more empathy for me as a sahm?

    @cliffco This kind of attitude really, really upsets me. Like I’m angry on your behalf right now. Does this man do anything besides show up to work? My god. Does he have any idea how grueling it is to be a parent? Any experience? Because from the sounds of this post, he’s sleeping, waking up...
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    How to avoid jealousy?

    @chux7 God the pumping. Honestly - good riddance!! I know it’s ALL a lot right now. I appreciate your vent and how hard it is. I often envied my husband at that stage for being allowed to eat his own food. My daughter ALWAYS is trying to eat my food, be on top of me while I’m eating, or...