I’m boring

@rubacrown I was going to comment the same. So many people talk mainly about their jobs. And yes sometimes people have pretty exiting jobs and thus nice stories, but let’s be honest, most people don’t. I agree with most adults being a bit boring, when you have a fulltime job then that takes up most of your time and that’s what you think about most. And it leaves only limited time for other things. It’s just what it is, it’s not necessary a bad thing.
@antnf8900 It sounds like you have some friend that you could spend time with correct? What about focusing on them and what they have to say? Ask about their life and be a good listener. Hopefully somewhere in those conversations you’ll have something to add about your similar experience or advice.
@antnf8900 Find a yarn group or start one for anyone doing fiber crafts! Lots of people are coming out of COVID lonely and ready to make friends they just don’t know how.
@antnf8900 Hey, I’ll talk to you about yarn! I am an avid knitter and sometimes crocheter. I don’t get anything done while my son is home and awake. I do make a point to try to go to my local yarn store for a knitting circle on Saturdays during naptime. My husband will putter around the house or take a nap while I’m gone and we both feel better for it.

I’m also very active on a discord server that is mostly knitting, but crochet and sewing are close behind in terms of interest. There are several of us who are moms and a few stay at home moms with young kids. I can pop in there on my iPad in the kitchen while I’m cooking or when little man is busy for a few minutes. It’s been really valuable as a way to keep up with my personal interests without having to block out time or go anywhere.
@antnf8900 I love yarn!

I have nothing to talk about either though. Nobody cares about my crafts and I have no friends anymore because of drama. I do chat with my sister about crafts and plants but nobody else cares about how fast my variegated banana tree is growing.
@antnf8900 Oh I am the same. All I have to talk about is my son and it has to be boring for people honestly. It's boring for me. But ya know. Its my life now I guess.
@antnf8900 Maybe try finding a book club even if you're not super into reading. It can be a great way to expand what you'd normally read and you always have a built in thing to talk about when the club meets up. I've also tried to bring my kids to museums that also have interesting things for me since they were little. Keep the visits shorter and expectations realistic, but it's nice to be able to occasionally see an art exhibit or do a wing of the science or natural history museum. I really hate going to the children's museum or indoor playground, but the other places have something for all of us.
@antnf8900 I put on CBC Radio at lunch when I feed him (like Canada’s NPR or BBC). And as much as I love physical books, my phone is always on me so I’ve started using Libby to borrow books from the library, reading bits here and there adds up.
@antnf8900 I just wanted to say I think all knitters are awesome and I am jealous of their skills. I've tried a few times to learn to knit but never quite got the hang of it. I spend my limited free time mostly reading books that interest me and I listen to podcasts while I clean. You could listen to or watch something while you knit and then you'd have something to talk about.
@jessd77 I rewatch Law and Order endlessly 🥸 it might be time to branch out! But thank you for the compliment. It took me probably around 10 tries to get it, with many years in between. Crochet was a much easier thing to understand but the knitting has taken over as the main yarn craft.
@antnf8900 Babe, you aren’t boring. You’re exhausted and burnt out. You need to recharge those batteries before you can have interesting bullshit to chat about.

You’re in the thick of it right now. That’s not a you problem, it’s just the reality. It will get better. This isn’t forever. You will have time and space to consider things beyond the needs of your toddler soon. It’s just hard right now.
@antnf8900 I'm coming out now. I joined an MMA gym. I'm finally decorating the house and I'm over 200 days into learning Spanish. I don't feel like I'm as interesting as I used to be. I'm definitely not as cool, but I can feel me coming back.
@antnf8900 I don’t have any real advice, and I completely relate and understand, OP! I’m dealing with surgical menopause at 37, a 2.5 year old, and no real support. I know how to knit scarves, but haven’t in years. I manage to read a few pages of a book here and there, sometimes play a video game…but that’s about it. Solidarity and sending you a virtual hug! ❤️
@antnf8900 If you have nothing to talk about other than your kid, ask questions. Most people like to talk about themselves. Asking questions makes you seem interested, which is better than having interesting things to say. You will also learn more about some one which builds more bonds which is what I think lots of SAHPs need more of.

I also think it's OK to say that 'I'm pretty overwhelmed with baby and health issues, and I'd love to talk about something else. What do you have going on?' Or something similar.
@antnf8900 Yes!!! I know exactly how that feels!

I joineda gym that allows 2.5 hours of childcare per day. Some days he doesn’t make it the full amount of time, but im able to get myself a workout/ haircut and swim in every single day if I choose to. This approach has worked through all three of my kids at this point!
@antnf8900 As people has mentioned, podcast is an awesome way to be able to multitask and make you feel better.

I joined some Facebook groups from things I like. I started talking with people from those groups, which had filled my lack of socialization I didn’t know I need it. Even responding this type of post give some kind of connection. There are also mom’s group in the area.

Also, in my attempt to spend time with my son and pick up hobbies I started to do crafts, buy toys and take him to different places. For example, I bought some Harry Potter LEGO sets, while I build them he was playing with the pieces and characters, we wills spend hours because he was playing but I got some nice time with him and made me a little less stress.

Hope you find something to make you happy.
@antnf8900 Lol. I had Reddit open and before I looked at the posts (this one displayed), I told my wife how boring I feel and how my conversation skills feel like they’ve tanked. Gave me a good laugh when I read your subject line. You’re not alone.

I’ve started a book club with a group of four other moms from my preschooler’s class. Very fun excuse to get dinner once a month and have a pre-set topic of conversation.