I’m boring

@antnf8900 What helped me was I found a lys that has a weekly knitting circle. We talk about yarn, projects, and patterns. But we also bitch about our husband's and kids. It's been a great way to figure out who I am again
@tp243 Yeah this is what I was going to suggest. I try to get to my LYS on Saturdays while my 2 year old naps and my husband putters around the house or naps as well. I’m also active in some discord crafting servers and that is real good for my overall mental health.
@antnf8900 Find a hobby? In the summer mine is landscaping my yard and gardening. So that provides me things to talk about. Winter is a bit more tricky, since I need to find indoor hobbies. Maybe baking when my kid is a bit older.
@truthinlight I bake, knit, crochet, Cricut, cook, and swim, and used to distance run before health issues. But…most people don’t want to talk about the awesome yarn I found or choosing the perfect pattern. They’re solo hobbies…and unless others do them there’s not a lot to say!
@antnf8900 Same as you! Especially when I make about 27 minutes of progress a week so there’s not much of an update to report.

I’ve gone to knitting groups and felt bad I barely got in a couple hours of effort since I saw them 2 months ago.

You’ve got the drive! The time will come, I hope. :)
@jeraxel I’m glad I’m not the only one. One lady there was saying how much she knit staying at home with her 16 month old and I was aghast. One of todays meltdowns was because I wouldn’t let my daughter tear apart a brand new hank and tangle it into all my scraps I keep in a jar. Nothing is sacred!
@antnf8900 The toddler lust for yarn knows no bounds! I've sacrificed a few balls during my now 3yo's phase of being a kitty cat for a month straight. Now my 1yo is always pulling yarn out of my basket and stabbing it with a large crochet hook completely tangling any yarn she can get her hands on. It can be so rough and I've found the only safe times are when my kids are asleep so I get maybe an hour a day to divide between knitting, crochet, and spinning.
@antnf8900 My two year old likes to "knit" by pouring my notions out on the ground, sorting them by color or type, wrapping a piece of scrap yarn around and around a cable needle, threading stitch holders onto a needle, etc. Thankfully she's never wanted the working yarn lol. So I guess moral of the story, maybe try giving her some notions while you knit?

For the broader picture though... I don't really know, let me know if you figure it out lol. Really the best I've done is Fit4Moms Stroller Strides, working out with other moms at the park and letting the kids play after. It is conversation mostly about the kids, but at least you know you have that in common... I imagine other mom/parent groups may achieve a similar social goal.
@antnf8900 We play "spiderweb" around here with a (small) ball of chunky yarn from the dollar store. He runs around and ties the whole house together in one big knot.

Inexplicably, any place where two threads cross is stinky and must be exclaimed as such at full volume.

I can't say it's my favorite game, but as a first foray into toddler fiber arts it's not bad.
@antnf8900 Please tell me about your awesome yarn. I'm currently knitting a boyfriend style cardigan for myself in a dark teal possum, cashmere, & merino blend. But I found I made a mistake several rows back and haven't got around to undoing it yet.
@katrina2017 That sounds lovely. And the frogging is my least favorite. It’s not even the lost progress, I just never pick the stitches back up correctly and the first row back in takes SOOOO long.

I got some super wash white merino at an estate sale and I’m making myself a big oversized pullover with mossy-green stripes. I’ve made two swatches, I just need to wash them and make sure the dye doesn’t run. It’s the getting up to wash them part where I’m stuck!
@antnf8900 My daughter is also 20 months and she’s… time-consuming, for lack of a better word. Basically she demands all of my attention so I have no time for anything else. I don’t even watch TV anymore. When we get together with family or friends and everyone’s talking about the latest show they’re all streaming I’m just like “oh yeah, I heard about that show” but of course I have no time to watch it so I can’t join the conversation.

And I’m sorry you’re dealing with so much medical stuff. I went through that a few months ago, having to see various specialists for digestive issues I was having and it’s exhausting mentally and emotionally but it’s important so don’t put your health on the back burner, no matter how tempted you might be to.
@antnf8900 I love watching TV shows and indie movies and I might not be able to talk to my mom friends but I have friends that are still around before I became a mom. Find your interests and discuss them and don’t be afraid to bring them up!
@antnf8900 I felt like this too until I realised that all of my friends only talk about their work, which honestly is also not that interesting. I think adulthood is just busy and we’re all a little bit boring.