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    For those who have weaned before.

    @vl32 I let mine self wean so it was a gradual process over a long period of time and when we were done there was mutual peace and acceptance of the situation, no depression even though I have a history of PPD.
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    Got an 'answer' for my "next level" velcro baby. I was too stressed while pregnant.

    @nazpastor Thats rediculous. All babies are born with their own temperament and personalities, my kids literally were born with their same personalities they have now at 7 and 10 years old.
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    3-6 months - What’s next?

    @benvi85 3-6 is really fun! They start to come into their little personalities! Lots of laughter, maybe a first word (closer to 6), they reach for people and find their toes and begin to engage with the world. It’s magical seeing it all through their eyes.
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    How long until the belly goes back to normal?

    @cernunnos I do it at home, I use the peloton app, they usually give 30 or 60 days free trial to the app if you wanted to try it out
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    How long until the belly goes back to normal?

    @cernunnos I would give it a solid year for the skin to do it’s thing, Pilates also helped me alot with firming up my mid section
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    Breastfeeding sports bras

    @robo23 I just buy size appropriate sports bras, not nursing specific ones. If I need to nurse during a workout I roll it up.
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    When did your belly snap back?

    @cernunnos Do you have DR? Mine was pretty flat by 6 months but the skin did continue to tighten for a couple of years
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    “Cosleeping/bed-sharing creates dependent children”

    @jess75 We co slept and extended breastfed. Around 8-9 years old my oldest just began to prefer to sleep on his own, it was a very easy and natural transition. If there is a storm or he has a bad dream he will still occasionally crawl into my bed and I welcome that as long as he needs it. My 7...
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    “Cosleeping/bed-sharing creates dependent children”

    @jess75 What’s wrong with a child being dependent on the parent? That’s a sign of trust and attachment. Trust me they will reach a certain age where they crave their independence but having that foundational bond will help you weather the teen years and beyond.
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    Pregnancy fitness app that isn’t a pdf?

    @acurisur Those workouts contain alot of education about modifications, so I take that information into my other strength classes. I also try to do classes with other pregnant instructors, they tend to choose exercises that work well. I do repeat the prenatal core classes alot, there’s too much...
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    Pregnancy fitness app that isn’t a pdf?

    @acurisur Peloton has a lot of great prenatal and postpartum content now
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    Needing to stop breastfeeding for medical reason

    @jhonkim Have you done pelvic floor PT? Of course do whatever you feel is best, but I would hate for you to wean and regret it without exhausting other potentially very beneficial options.
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    Has anyone built a butt while breastfeeding?

    @needadviceplease I’m inclined to think the mothers in those studies were taking a very large dose. I would never feel comfortable taking more than 5G in general, which in someone with healthy kidneys should never cause an issue. That much is easily sourced naturally through a meat heavy diet.
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    Has anyone built a butt while breastfeeding?

    @needadviceplease I haven’t seen any of that research, please share what you have seen
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    Has anyone built a butt while breastfeeding?

    @brandonap09 I haven’t but I intend to once baby is born
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    Has anyone built a butt while breastfeeding?

    @ben_simon21438 Yea not sure why people are downvoting but whatever
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    Has anyone built a butt while breastfeeding?

    @virginiaann It’s def more challenging but keeping doing what you are doing and potentially adding 5G of creatine a day (if you are comfortable with it) could be helpful!
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    Postpartum workouts

    @jaychristian It took me 5 years to get back my “ideal body” after 2 pregnancies. I’m pregnant again now, but hoping to get back in shape a little quicker this time. I found nutrition to be the most important aspect, eating balanced and nutritious meals allowed me to fuel proper workouts while...
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    C-Section Tenderness

    @linley The nerves take up to a year to heal, there’s weird sensations as they do. I had phantom burning and shooting pains in a numb area on my abdomen around the incision for many months. Eventually the weirdness subsided but some of the numbness did remain permanently. It doesn’t bother me...