Has anyone built a butt while breastfeeding?


New member
I know breastmilk is Made from the fat and protien of your bum but I've been eating more protien than ever and training glutes 3 days a week for 3 months with no success. It will usually randomly look great for a day or 2 and then deflate over the next few days and repeat cycle. My 4.5 month old is massive (but tbf he was born 10.2 lbs) so is he stealing all my gains??

I'm not trying to get a dump truck but it would be nice to fill out my jeans again.

Thanks friends
@morninglory33 I think the wording just really threw me for a loop. I was like… why are we building things with breast milk? 😅

But I def had a butt while nursing, also a belly and thick thighs. I couldn’t lose any weight until I weaned!
@virginiaann We don’t have enough information to make a good judgment on whether your workouts & diet are sufficient enough, but the looking good one day and deflating the next sounds closer to body dysmorphia. Could it be your tummy fluctuating day to day which makes you think your butt is smaller some days? You can always measure your butt with measuring tape to see progress that way
@virginiaann I had a huge booty and it shrank so much breastfeeding 😂
To build muscle you must actually be in a calorie surplus. Which for me…. Is hard while breastfeeding
@lachelle You can be in a calorie deficit and build muscle as long as you have enough protein. Get your carbs in right before a workout to boost energy but stay away otherwise.
@xelalex I'm in do as I say, not as I do mode... plotting my comeback.
Gonna start my most challenging cut in a few weeks, after I stop pumping/breastfeeding. I haven't committed to exercising or lifting for 5.5 years. I plan to post my start and progress photos/updates
@needadviceplease I’m inclined to think the mothers in those studies were taking a very large dose. I would never feel comfortable taking more than 5G in general, which in someone with healthy kidneys should never cause an issue. That much is easily sourced naturally through a meat heavy diet.