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    I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

    @jbarl12 Oof. This snowballs for me, too. House is a mess, get depressed, less energy/motivation to clean. But with little kids it definitely is a struggle to find the right balance
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    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 When I have mixed loads, sometimes I will just take the clean basket around to each room and basically dig out that person's clothes, put them away, and then do the next room. Sometimes I will just throw my and my husband's clean laundry on our bed to deal with at bedtime lol.
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    I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

    @johnmatthewnewman I have no issue with people choosing to be child-free, but as a mom I have kind of realized that you learn a lot by having kids. Like this whole thread is saying, childless people just don't get it a lot of the time. Having children really shows you how different the...
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    So tired of being gaslighted when I say I had a traumatic birthing experience *TRIGGER WARNING*

    @hyacynthia I'm sorry you had such an awful experience and that people are not supporting you now. It's just a weird stance for people to think they should have input into how many kids you have (regardless of why you don't want more). Nothing wrong with being one and done. I know it probably...
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    I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

    @lovethemitten Tbh all the hate on child harnesses/"leashes" is really dumb. They're a safety device, just like car seats and seat belts. But you don't see anyone saying that car seats are inhumanely restricting your child. People just get this notion that leash = dog, and thus you are...
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    So tired of being gaslighted when I say I had a traumatic birthing experience *TRIGGER WARNING*

    @jdprice Yeah I really don't get why people have to act like this about birth, of all things. Even the best childbirth is still a rough experience. Everyone's story is different, everyone has a different pain tolerance, etc. I'm never going to assume that someone is just lying or...
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @wh2 How do people find "mom groups"? Like I feel like this sort of thing is mentioned a lot, but I don't actually know what that is or how to join one in the real world.
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    How to navigate cheating husband as a SAHP?

    @thetwister No experience with this, not an expert or lawyer or anything. I'd start by documenting any evidence of the affair that you can, with dates and times and everything. I'd imagine that during a divorce/custody/alimony process, this sort of documentation will be really helpful to your...
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    So tired of being gaslighted when I say I had a traumatic birthing experience *TRIGGER WARNING*

    @katrina2017 That sounds really scary tbh. I had c-sections both times, but even I can imagine that faster is not always better when it comes to childbirth. Like...there's a reason your body gradually dilates from 0-10cm and that the whole process takes time. I dont think our bodies are really...
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    So tired of being gaslighted when I say I had a traumatic birthing experience *TRIGGER WARNING*

    @shiningbrightly318 I got induced with my first, and the induction meds made contractions start coming on really fast and strong, so the doctors actually gave me medicine to stop it for a while lol.
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    Future FT SAHM and looking for things to get me & baby out of the house at little to no cost

    @summer63 A lot of malls have indoor play spaces for little kids, and those are usually free. Can be a good option especially on rainy days and such. Parks, playgrounds, nature centers. We live near a park so go there a lot...but I also really like driving around to check out different...
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    Future FT SAHM and looking for things to get me & baby out of the house at little to no cost

    @gladysrivera MIL gets us a zoo membership for Christmas every year and it's great. She'd spending the money either way (and would otherwise be buying 100 toys we don't need), and we get unlimited zoo trips throughout the year! And one of the best things about a membership is that there is no...