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  1. C

    STM’s, did you actually “bounce back”?

    @cuteness20 I worked out all my second pregnancy with strength and cardio. I have had such a hard time coming back in the 18mo since I’ve had baby. Now pregnancy with #3, and feeling a little deflated about not seeing the results I’ve been working for since then. But that’s my own issue with...
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    Karens at the gym told me I shouldn’t be working out because I’m pregnant

    @quilly You don’t have to justify your reasonings here. Buy a shirt with some sassy words about working out and pregnancy. Or just look them dead in the eye and say “I’m not pregnant”
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    STM’s, did you actually “bounce back”?

    @boyofthefuture This seems 50/50 on the breastfeeding. I EBF and I had so much trouble losing weight because anytime I did it too fast my supply tanker. That and having PPD with my first was super difficult
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    What the f?! (A vent)

    @kira_b24 PORQUE
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    What the f?! (A vent)

    @kira_b24 That is an incredible name and I hope you made a placard
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    What the f?! (A vent)

    @cuteness20 Relaxin can be a B. Plus, you have vastly more blood pumping through your body, sustaining a life inside of you; that takes energy from you every second of the day even if you cannot actively feel it.
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    Calories burned while working out

    @erinbeery Sounds about right, your body is working overtime to finish up cookin the baby. I won’t give my calorie burn bc it varies so much between person to person, type of workout, etc. I notice exhaustion creeps in sooner at the end of pregnancy of course
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    Doc Says Don’t Go Over 140?

    @ruella Anecdotal but I’ve done races for my first and third pregnancies, did HIIT workouts etc and every one my babies has been born with perfect oxygen. This is outdated advice I think some docs just default to because it’s easier to make broad generalizations as opposed to truly getting to...
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    Did my shoe size really just go up :'(

    @afolkytouch I like gal Higdon’s too! I usually grab an intermediate plan and modify it to include the speed workouts from the higher plans. I can’t quite do the high mileage of the advanced so that seems like a good compromise. Good luck with your races!!!
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    Did my shoe size really just go up :'(

    @afolkytouch Hey! Just had my third kiddo three weeks ago, so it’s def still fresh in my mind. I did! I trained for a half this pregnancy bc it lined up to being 30wks preggo, and I can usually run until about then. I really did, I only did 18-25mpw during pregnancy, and my pace was like...
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    Did my shoe size really just go up :'(

    @afolkytouch My feet grew, but unevenly! The right is slightly larger than the left, but thankfully I size up for running shoes in general, and I must have been on the “shorter” end of a size, because even post preggo I’m still in the same size. That being said, I think mine are permanently like...
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    C Section Recovery SUCCESS

    @elizar123 Just do your best, everyone’s recovery is different!