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    Seeking advice: Dating as a coparenting single mom, in a complicated relationship

    @habakk Agreed. One of my parenting goals is to prevent as much trauma as possible. She's already been through enough because of my relationship with her dad.
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    Seeking advice: Dating as a coparenting single mom, in a complicated relationship

    @dudleymark45 Thanks. It pisses me off when people put their kids in the situation that OP's kids are in.
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @annythinkstoomucj I would meet at the park you said you go to a lot in another comment. The zoo or a restaurant might be over stimulating, especially with the added stress of meeting a new person. I would also ask your son what he thinks. My daughter has some autistic traits and likes meeting...
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    Seeking advice: Dating as a coparenting single mom, in a complicated relationship

    @aranyi_zsolt I don't think single parents shouldn't date, but I do think that they need to be much more intentional about it than if they didn't have kids. I've been single since I left my daughter's dad five years ago. I probably won't date until she's not only old enough to be home alone for...
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    Seeking advice: Dating as a coparenting single mom, in a complicated relationship

    @binh04101988 I don't see where she says that, though I agree in general. The whole situation is not ok for the kids at all.
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    Recently I Became A Single Mom

    @ged I am so so sorry.
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    Seeking advice: Dating as a coparenting single mom, in a complicated relationship

    @lightspeed2slow Let me get this straight. You waited only 4 months before getting involved with someone new. New guy's toxic traits include: alcoholism, emotional manipulation, and irrational jealousy. If I'm reading this correctly, this guy is also living with you. Your kids are 5 and...
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    Opinions on nudity in the household

    @nonaffiliated It doesn't matter as long as you are both comfortable with it. I'm a single mom to an 8yo girl. We change clothes in front of each other, she's seen me shower (usually because she wants me to hurry up so I can help her with something), etc. I don't hang out naked but if it's hot...
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    My 8 year old is a totally different kid when I'm not around and I'm worried

    @childofthecross Damn. I think counseling is in order for your little guy.
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    My Son's Grandmother want to be apart of his life after her son Physically abused me

    @papabigpaws She's getting old and has regrets OR she wants something. Either way, not your problem. She raised your POS ex and would not be a good influence on your son. So please don't let her see him.
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    My 8 year old is a totally different kid when I'm not around and I'm worried

    @childofthecross How does your mom know what happened?