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  1. K

    Recommendations for places that sell affordable baby clothes with natural fibers/somewhat sustainable?

    @stay_with_jesus Thanks for the insight! I will definitely shop secondhand but know other people who want to buy us clothes will not (they have different values). And they won't want to pay high prices either. Hoping to find some middle ground between fast fashion synthetics that are super...
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    Recommendations for places that sell affordable baby clothes with natural fibers/somewhat sustainable?

    @cafethu Ooh, I have some pact clothing and love it! Didn't realize they had baby clothes. Thanks!
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    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    Favorite Diaper: Kinder Cloth Co pocket! It was the first diaper to fit at 2.5 months old, exterior material very flexible, smooth, and soft, AWJ inner is great. Wish they also offered a hook and loop for my husband/mom to use. Thoughts on other diapers I've tried: Lighthouse Kids Supreme...
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    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    @steviedj Congratulations on your little one coming soon!!! That's so exciting! And fun to get your little newborn diapers out again 🥹 That's great to hear you liked newborn pockets. Did you find them hard to stuff? That's the main complaint I've heard about NB pockets and it steered me away...
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    Best workout for labor prep

    @arleen213 Very interesting, thanks!
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    Recommendations for places that sell affordable baby clothes with natural fibers/somewhat sustainable?

    @carolny Thanks for the insight, that's great to know! Hannah Andersson I've repeatedly seen recommended, but they are one of the ones that are like $48 for one item so while I could wait for them to go on sale, it's not as registry friendly. I'll check the other places out though, thank you!!
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    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    @hulk1234 It's awesome! We have the one linked in the post in our small bathroom that also serves as a laundry room. And we got the longer version for our bedroom for clothes. I was hesitant because of the price but they have been worth it!
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    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    @curiousaboutthis Yes I did! I re-read my post and comment and realized I called it trifolding instead of padfolding, whoops! Sorry for the confusion. I was mostly planning to do GMD muslin flats padfolded inside of pockets because I read a lot of people liking that here and several youtubers...
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    Best workout for labor prep

    @arleen213 What is that?
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    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    Favorite Inserts (see links in post) Kinder Cloth 6 layer Bamboo/Cotton/Hemp: the most absorbant while remaining trim option I found. Only con is that it is quite long and I hate folding inserts because of the bulk. So not great until baby is at some of the larger rise settings on the diaper...
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    Recommendations for places that sell affordable baby clothes with natural fibers/somewhat sustainable?

    I'm currently pregnant and looking for some clothing to put on my registry because I know people will want to buy clothes regardless. Might as well put some clothing on there I'd actually want my baby in. I plan to get a lot secondhand myself since that is the most sustainable, but I know many...
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    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    @servanna I'm glad my notes can be of some use! I had so many questions before baby was born and I was able to actually experience it and reading reasoning why people liked/didn't like products in this sub was helpful back then! What inserts are you using? And does there appear to be any gaps...
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    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    @francis777 During the newborn stage I did newborn size flats (1 month old) and later regular one size flats (2-3 months old) with diaper covers. I did both the origami fold and pad folded (into thirds so resembles an insert). I had read a lot of people recommending covers for the exact reason...
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    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    @christianmusthaves No broblem! Reading other people's experiences on here helped give me the confidence to try cloth diapering so I wanted to make a post of my own too!
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    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    I want to make notes for myself about what I've discovered along the way. I did hours of research beforehand and despite that have still been surprised by how my opinions have differed from others. Favorites GMD birdseye unbleached cotton wipes GMD cotton muslin (dry baby's butt after...