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    Mind f@&k

    @ellenaus 24+1 and I giggle every time I feel her kick. Can't believe she has good odds of surviving if she came out now, mind blowing. Hope she cooks for longer obviously but its a weight off my mind
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    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @rengb121 So people who prioritise their kids sleeping separately will say no, because obviously the child may want to do it more often. But whether or not this is an issue is completely down to your family and priorities. From a science based perspective there isn't as much to say here as they...
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    Spam me with your *aspirational* parenting habits for your 3-5 year old

    @katrina2017 Yeah there's a whole 7 series of "the dinosaur that pooped.. "
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    Spam me with your *aspirational* parenting habits for your 3-5 year old

    @edward Love this idea and in general love any idea that encourages parents to read to their kids more because its truly amazingly beneficial. Given that toddlers learn so well from repetition, I'd love to see a study done on like.. 1000 unique books versus 250 books each read 4 times. We have a...
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    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    @c4ccheyenne Oh thank you I try but sure the reality is juggling two and work is tiring and stressful so while I aim for what I say, I don't do it 100% of the time either. I definitely lose it and shout but I try to apologise & explain always
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    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    @glowfood Broadcast to the new baby what you are doing "hold on x, I have to get your sister crackers then I'll change your diaper". So that you're not just telling the older child to wait and they can hear and see you are doing it on both. They may toilet regress. It's best to meet it with...
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    Are obnoxious colourful plastic toys really that bad?

    @listenordont I have been practicing montessori from day 1, 16 months now, have quite a few of the books and I used to be a lot "stricter" montessori. I have to say - it depends. Plastics were not readily available in Maria's time, we have no accurate way of knowing what she thought of them...
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    I feel like I'm exhausted and out of my depth here

    @jal11180 You're doing amazing. Seriously, you really are. The first few weeks is just panic mode putting out fires, getting baby and yourself fed is an achievement in these early days. I had emergency section as well and it really messes up your mind and throws your plans out the window, you...
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    Those who do Santa Lite... tell me your ways

    @traceyn I plan on reading her the story of saint Nicholas and explaining that everyone can be Santa, and people play pretend. If she wants, we can play pretend in our house too