FTM, with nine-day old son. It was an emergency C-section, as my bp shot up to 200/100. I was exactly 37 weeks along. My husband travelled 18 hours to where we were, and managed to arrive within the first 24 hours of life.
I had to stay longer in the maternity ward due to my bp. Hubby and I are total newbies with this parenting thing, with neither of us holding an infant before in our lives. While I was there in the ward, my milk supply was low and we had to supplement with milk from the milk bank. Pedia comes along, and tells me, your job is to breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed. Somehow, maybe she didn't mean it, but I felt totally inadequate providing sustenance for my child. Hubby bought a breast pump, and we promised to use it at home.
My supply increased when we got home. But the cycle of feeding, diaper changing and trying to live put a toll on the both of us. We were both very exhausted. I ended up lying in bed and feeding him there, with him beside me, as I couldn't keep myself awake feeding him. My back and arms ached so much.
A couple of days after getting home, my blood pressure went up again. We had no choice but to bring the baby along to the hospital. While I was hooked to an ECG machine, my husband had to comfort our crying baby. Kindly people in the waiting area went round and offered help and tips.
I was admitted and couldn't get to the maternity ward, as the issue was my bp.
The first night we didn't even have a bassinet. I kept asking the night nurse and he said that all the bassinets were taken. The next day a kindly nurse assistant went by to change the sheets. She saw the baby and we got to talking. She had herself just came out of maternity leave and had a four-month old. She saw me nursing the baby sideways, and she asked, concerned, if my pedia was okay with it because it might cause aspiration. I took it to mind. She was kind enough to help make sure we get that bassinet.
During the morning, I noticed that my baby was a little hoarse and sometimes had this whistling sound when he breathed. I texted the pedia and asked if we could take him to see her. She said she had no clinic as it was a holiday, and advised to take the baby to the ER.
My husband did so, and he talked with the residents and nurses there. The doctor said that it could be from milk getting to where it shouldn't. Aha, those times I fed him lying down. Also those times that we didn't burp him! Yes, we can't bring decent burps out of our baby. We keep trying but that satisfying belch of gas was not really heard. The doctor was suggesting that they take an x-ray, and my husband declined. The baby actually felt better when exposed to the heating lamp. It could might as well be that my room in the hospital was too for him. Besides, we could see his pedia the next day.
My husband bought more clothes and swaddles for warming him up. I still couldn't sleep, watching my baby obsessively, my heart breaking every time I would hear that dry raspy sound from his breathing. It wasn't all the time, but enough to keep me on edge.
My husband has been my rock in all this. I'm growing weaker, failing to comfort my baby when he cried today. I'm asking myself why, all of a sudden, I couldn't make him stop crying. It was so frustrating. All I want to do is hold my husband and just let it out.
I want to burp him but I still couldn't. Nothing but weak hissing sounds.
I feel like I'm a very bad mom. I feel like I'm making my "very, very, very healthy boy" at birth (pedia's words) weak and sick. It's 3 am. I'm too scared to face the day.
TL;DR I feel like I'm failing this role I'm in. I'm tired and frustrated. I think I am making my baby get sick.
Just wanted to let it out of my chest. Please tell me I'm not alone.
I had to stay longer in the maternity ward due to my bp. Hubby and I are total newbies with this parenting thing, with neither of us holding an infant before in our lives. While I was there in the ward, my milk supply was low and we had to supplement with milk from the milk bank. Pedia comes along, and tells me, your job is to breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed. Somehow, maybe she didn't mean it, but I felt totally inadequate providing sustenance for my child. Hubby bought a breast pump, and we promised to use it at home.
My supply increased when we got home. But the cycle of feeding, diaper changing and trying to live put a toll on the both of us. We were both very exhausted. I ended up lying in bed and feeding him there, with him beside me, as I couldn't keep myself awake feeding him. My back and arms ached so much.
A couple of days after getting home, my blood pressure went up again. We had no choice but to bring the baby along to the hospital. While I was hooked to an ECG machine, my husband had to comfort our crying baby. Kindly people in the waiting area went round and offered help and tips.
I was admitted and couldn't get to the maternity ward, as the issue was my bp.
The first night we didn't even have a bassinet. I kept asking the night nurse and he said that all the bassinets were taken. The next day a kindly nurse assistant went by to change the sheets. She saw the baby and we got to talking. She had herself just came out of maternity leave and had a four-month old. She saw me nursing the baby sideways, and she asked, concerned, if my pedia was okay with it because it might cause aspiration. I took it to mind. She was kind enough to help make sure we get that bassinet.
During the morning, I noticed that my baby was a little hoarse and sometimes had this whistling sound when he breathed. I texted the pedia and asked if we could take him to see her. She said she had no clinic as it was a holiday, and advised to take the baby to the ER.
My husband did so, and he talked with the residents and nurses there. The doctor said that it could be from milk getting to where it shouldn't. Aha, those times I fed him lying down. Also those times that we didn't burp him! Yes, we can't bring decent burps out of our baby. We keep trying but that satisfying belch of gas was not really heard. The doctor was suggesting that they take an x-ray, and my husband declined. The baby actually felt better when exposed to the heating lamp. It could might as well be that my room in the hospital was too for him. Besides, we could see his pedia the next day.
My husband bought more clothes and swaddles for warming him up. I still couldn't sleep, watching my baby obsessively, my heart breaking every time I would hear that dry raspy sound from his breathing. It wasn't all the time, but enough to keep me on edge.
My husband has been my rock in all this. I'm growing weaker, failing to comfort my baby when he cried today. I'm asking myself why, all of a sudden, I couldn't make him stop crying. It was so frustrating. All I want to do is hold my husband and just let it out.
I want to burp him but I still couldn't. Nothing but weak hissing sounds.
I feel like I'm a very bad mom. I feel like I'm making my "very, very, very healthy boy" at birth (pedia's words) weak and sick. It's 3 am. I'm too scared to face the day.
TL;DR I feel like I'm failing this role I'm in. I'm tired and frustrated. I think I am making my baby get sick.
Just wanted to let it out of my chest. Please tell me I'm not alone.